you pay the computer geek for his time yet?
& Copyrights

The problem with copyrights are variances in the
law, and variances in those same laws from country to country and from
year to year. After 1976 everything is copyrighted will "All rights Reserved"
unless stated otherwise, that would even include email. 1995 Laws made
this copyright even more restrictive. The moment I started typing this
web page it became copyrighted material. Another problem is that many religious
authors released their material without copyright and some publisher, to
make money, placed a copyright on it. (Thomas Nelson and Vines Dictionary
for an example.) We have also seen copyrights placed on Public Domain material
because someone changed the original punctuation or its format.
Copyright laws, also contain sections
concerning "FAIR USE RULES." We probably fall into the "Fair Use." This
is a non-profit web site that is funded by gifts from non-profit churches
and Christians, a library of religious material, displaying tracts and
material would promote the sale of the written or electronic material.
But still with the confusion we had to decide what needed to be done. If
we believe or have seen that the article, book, or tract is:
Public domain
Freely copy
Reproduce at no charge
Is pre 1976 and contains no copyright on the
printed material (many authors want to spread the word of God)
Copyright is expired.
The book is a reprint with no current copyright.
Person or company has been dead over 50 years
Given permission to reproduce
Given to us through upload by the author or
then we will use it within the context of this
site. If we saw any copyright without the "freely copy" then it is
not here.

But, if you
do own the copyright on any of the material within this site. If you do
not want it here. Please contact me and it will be removed immediately.
If you want money to let me continue to use your material, I can't afford

(inclusive of everything on this site with
possible further restrictions stated below)
© Copyright by G. Allen Walker 1998, 1999.
Main index pages, scripts and other such items-- all rights reserved.
You may freely use, reproduce or distribute any of the articles on this
web site provided that:
The URL: www.christianlibrary.org appears somewhere
on the article.
It is reproduced in full.
Content is not changed.
It is at no cost to others.
It is not used for any money making or commercial
THE BOOK: Seven Myths of Denominationalism
by David Brown
Freely copy for non-commercial purposes.
The "Executable Outlines" Series, Copyright ©
Mark A. Copeland, 1998
You may freely use, copy, or distribute this
material, provided it is done at no cost to others. "Freely you have
received, freely give." (Mt 10:8)
Other copyrights are on the bottom of each section or page
keep this missionary effort in your prayers. You may link to anything on
this web site without permission.
may print anything on this web site provided you follow the restrictions
under the Copyright Section.
by ISCnetwork.com