you pay the computer geek for his time yet?

To fulfill the Great
Commission: Matthew 28:18-20,
Mark 16:15-16, Luke 24:47. To build one another up in love.
To give people who do not know God,
a non-denominational source for Bible facts and truths.
To place a Library for Christians
on line.
To place a Biblical answer to all
Bible questions.
To make various translations of
the Holy Bible of Jesus Christ available for viewing and comparison.
Literal translations are first on the list. We would appreciate any
help in scanning of translations we do not have.
To reference the translations to:
Greek & Hebrew Dictionaries; other Bible translations; topical studies;
sermon outlines; Bible outlines; commentaries; Bible dictionaries; magazine
We currently have a database of
7000+ subjects coded by word(s): How to be Saved; Jesus; born again; 2nd
coming; baptism; Christian living; etc.
To provide space for scriptural
articles and magazines. (Email of such later.)
To provide everything to everyone
in the world to view for free.
keep this missionary effort in your prayers. You may link to anything on
this web site without permission.
may print anything on this web site provided you follow the restrictions
under the Copyright Section.
by ISCnetwork.com