That Suddenly Uncomfortable Cheerleading Uniform
by J. S. Smith
Parents in Southern California are understandably disturbed that videos of their teenage daughters cavorting about in
sexually tantalizing clothing have been showing up for sale on the Internet auction site e-Bay. That's not exactly how
the news media begin their reports on the story, but still it is
a pretting fair assessment of the situation.
Some lecherous entrepreneur carries his camcorder to
high school football games, blending in among the band
parents and middle-aged dads reliving their own gridiron glory vicariously
through their sons on the field. Lecherous
Entrepreneur, however, is not taping the trombonist or right
tackle; surreptitiously, his lens is zoomed in on the young
girls in miniskirts and belly-bearing tops as they perform gymnastic and dance routines which expose more and more of
their desirable flesh. Immoral? Yes. Unjustified? Of course.
Exploitative? Obviously. Criminal? Apparently not.
Prosecutors in Southern California would just love to go
after this guy, even more forcefully than the investigative
reporters who track him down through his Post Office box.
The trouble is that there is nothing illegal about videotaping
people in public places. He was not peeping through their
bathroom windows or hanging out around the locker room.
Every detail captured on his camcorder was performed in
public before thousands of people.
One family sat down with their cheerleader daughter, and
an intrepid reporter, with a copy of the $70 videotape. "You
can feel the discomfort in the room and see it on their faces
because for the first time they're seeing their child through
the eyes of someone else," reports Ana Garcia. Lecherous
Entrepreneur has trained his trusty lens "on their mouths,
breasts and crotches, freezing shots under their skirts, during kicks and
But there is a short-circuit in everybody's indignation.
Lecherous Entrepreneur did not manipulate the video to make
it appear these girls were doing things they were not. He did
not digitally place their pure heads upon the borrowed bodies
of Vegas Showgirls. These young girls performed every suggestive motion and exposed every inch of flesh caught on
tape. Mom says, "I don't want that out on the Internet. This
is really upsetting to me." Granted the video brings the viewer up close and more personal with her daughter than a spectator would ordinarily get at the football stadium, but, again,
the sights that sicken her are on display every Friday night
for any pervert with binoculars or a front row seat. And if
$70 a pop can be made, apparently legally, on this kind of
smut, rest assured that Lecherous Entrepreneur will have
company this a football field near you.
The moral issue with cheerleading is not the leading of
cheers, and in its infancy, cheerleading was a rather wholesome celebration of school spirit and youthful beauty. It has
evolved through the incorporation of gymnastics and racy
costumes to something that is the epitome of lewdness. The
uniform skirt has steadily crept up the leg to the point that it
affords little coverage to begin with and practically none when the
cheerleader moves even slightly, let alone when she
performs flips, splits and tosses. The uniform top has likewise shrunk to the point that it exposes the belly and accentuates the chest, much to the delight of Lecherous Entreprenuer and his satisfied customers. Cheerleading has become
something of a misnomer. Few spectators are actually willing
to be led in cheers by the young women who spend most of
their time performng dangerous gymnastics or often racy
dance routines.
In spite of its roots in school spirit and extracurricular
participation, modern cheerleading traffics in immodesty and
lewdness which cannot be sustained under the New Testament. The Holy Spirit's desire is that women "adorn themselves in modest apparel...which is proper for women professing godliness, with good works," having long ago warned that
a "lovely woman who lacks discretion" is like a swine with a
gold ring in its snout (I Timothy 2:8-10; Proverbs 11:22). She should
be defined instead by the hidden person of her heart, having
the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit (I Peter 3:4).
The indecent bodily movements of the modern cheerleader suggest sexual invitation to the young, weak or perverted
heart (Galatians 5:19-21). The private and more alluring parts of
her anatomy are exposed, emphasized and animated in an
enticing fashion which only a fool would deny.
After seeing herself on the e-Bay video, one cheerleader
complained, "I won't feel comfortable going out on the football field in my uniform again. You have no clue who is watching you and for what reason." True -- but that is the case with or without a
camcorder in the hands of Lecherous Entreprenuer. Is this what it takes to get through to the people --
many of them Christians -- who condone or encourage cheerleading today?