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Class Notes on Sacred History
Volume III: The Four Gospels
J. W. McGarvey (1893)
Table of Contents
- What is the subject and the extent of this Part?
- Give the topics of the sections, and the author's purpose in each?
§ I.
- How is the argument of the genealogy made out?
- Show that the omissions do not impair the evidence.
- Show that the word "begat" is properly used before these omissions.
- What made the stories of Mary and Joseph credible?
- Show that the prediction, i. 23, was not fulfilled in the child of Isaiah.
§ II.
- How does Matthew date the birth of Jesus?
- Show how Herod's attention was directed to him.
- What kind of star directed the wise men?
- Why so glad to see it the second time?
- Why did the movements at Bethlehem occur in the night?
- What good resulted from the slaughter of the infants?
- Suitability of Nazareth as a home for Jesus?
- What prophecies were fulfilled in the events of this section? and how? [39]
§ III.
- Why did John make repentance his chief theme?
- What propriety was there in his peculiar habits?
- Who were the Pharisees and the Sadducees?
- How did they treat John? and how did he speak to them? Cf. xxi. 25, 32.
- What work of the Christ proclaimed in this section?
- Why was Jesus baptized?
- What was Matthew's purpose in describing the baptism?
- Why was he led up to be tempted?
- Show the force of the several temptations.
- Subject and extent of this Part?
- How does it compare with the whole of Matthew?
- State the subjects of the sections.
§ I.
- What the time and place of beginning this ministry?
- What prediction fulfilled in this?
- How did the first preaching of Jesus compare with John's?
- Describe the call of his first followers.
- Into what three divisions does Matthew distribute the labors of Jesus?
§ II.
- Is the Sermon on the mount a specimen of teaching? or of preaching?
- State its general divisions.
- In what consist the blessedness of disciples? and on what traits of character does it depend?
- How does Jesus show their worth to the world?
- What was the purpose of Jesus concerning the law and the prophets?
- What in regard to the righteousness of men? [40]
- What difference between his teaching and that of Moses concerning murder, adultery, divorce, oaths, retaliation and enemies?
- Is it more exacting? or less so?
- What divorced persons are permitted to marry again?
- Are judicial oaths forbidden?
- What reasons are given for loving enemies?
- Who were the publicans? and why so bad?
- Why say, Ye therefore shall be perfect? 48.
- What fault does Jesus rebuke in almsgiving, prayer and fasting?
- What rules does he give for the correction of this fault?
- Give the analysis of the Lord's prayer.
- How are we to pray, "after this manner"?
- Against what cares are we warned in this division?
- What reasons are given for not laying up treasures on earth?
- What reason for not being anxious for food and raiment?
- What rule is given for obtaining these?
- What judging is condemned?
- Explain the proverbs of the dog and the swine.
- On what conditions will prayer be answered?
- Repeat the golden rule.
- What is its connection in the sermon?
- Give the characteristics of the way of life.
- Against what misguidance and mistakes are we warned?
- What was the first effect of the sermon?
- What must be inferred from the authority which Jesus assumed?
§ III.
- Name all the disease mentioned in this section which Jesus healed.
- What other miracles are mentioned?
- Why require the cleansed leper to show himself to the priest?
- How [41] did the centurion show great faith?
- What intimation in this connection concerning the call of the Gentiles?
- Why did Jesus refuse to let one of the disciples bury his father?
- What were demons? and how did they know Jesus?
- What torment were they expecting?
- What was specially proved, and how, by healing the paralytic?
- What was the general design of all miracles?
- In what way do miracles prove a moral truth?
- What caused the blind men to believe?
- What miracles were ascribed to Satan? and why?
§ IV.
- State the occasion of the first mission of the apostles.
- Why pray for laborers?
- Repeat the commission given the twelve.
- Why not preach Jesus as the Christ?
- Why sent to Israel alone?
- What persecutions predicted?
- What promise of divine help was given?
- What motives to endurance presented?
- In what sense did Jesus send a sword and not peace?
- What was promised for those who dealt kindly with the apostles?
- Did these persecutions occur under the first mission?
§ V.
- What occasioned the discourse in this section?
- What the force of the answer sent to John?
- In what was John greater than previous prophets? and a little one in the kingdom greater than he?
- Explain the figure of the kingdom suffering violence.
- Show the point in the comparison of the unbelievers to children.
- What did Jesus say of certain cities of Galilee?
- Repeat the [42] invitation which ended this speech.
- What was the preface to it? and why?
- What its connection with the whole speech?
§ VI.
- What two acts of sabbath-breaking charged against Jesus?
- Give the arguments in his reply, and show the force of each.
- State and explain his answer to the charge of casting out demons by Satan.
- What the sin not pardonable? and what is said of it?
- To what source does Jesus trace it?
- What was implied in the demand for a sign?
- Explain the, "sign of Jonah."
- Explain the parable of the unclean spirit.
- What the answer of Jesus to his mother and brothers?
§ VII.
- Explain the parable of the sower.
- What caused the failure of the first three?
- Explain the parable of the tares.
- Does it have any allusion to church discipline?
- State and explain the other parables of the series.
- What predictions are found in them?
- Why did Jesus speak in parables?
- What objections did the Nazarenes urge against Jesus?
- Why none more serious?
- What was the secret of Herod's opinion of Jesus?
- What Herod?
- Who was Herodias?
- Describe the death of John.
- What occasioned the assembling of the five thousand?
- What was their opinion of Jesus?
- What led to the walking on the water?
- Why did Peter's doubt cause him to sink?
- What was the land of Gennesaret, and what did its people think of Jesus?
- Repeat the discussion between Jesus and Pharisees from Jerusalem.
- Why should worship according [43] to the precepts of men be vain?
- Why were the disciples slow to understand this teaching?
§ IX.
- How did the woman of Canaan show great faith?
- What change in the people south-east of the lake between his first and second visits?
- Who demanded a sign from heaven? and what was their meaning?
- What did Jesus mean by, "the signs of the times"?
- Did he rebuke a desire for miracles?
- What warning did Jesus give against the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees? and why?
- Name the incidents on the tour to Cæsarea Philippi.
- Describe Cæsarea Philippi.
- Give the full meaning of Peter's confession.
- State in full the imagery in the response to this confession.
- In what sense shall, "the gates of Hades" not prevail?
- What was symbolized by the keys given Peter?
- Why forbidden to tell that he was the Christ?
- When did Jesus begin to predict his own death? and why not sooner?
- Explain the remark about gaining and losing life.
- What was the purpose of the transfiguration? and how accomplished?
- Why the three witnesses forbidden to mention it?
- Explain the failure of nine disciples to cast out a certain demon.
§ X.
- Show that the tribute Jesus paid was the temple tribute.
- What standard of greatness did Jesus lay down?
- Give his precept and illustrations against despising a disciple.
- Give his [44] rule for dealing with an offending brother.
- Explain the parable which followed.
- Give the subject and extent of this Part?
- State the subjects of the sections.
§ I.
- What are the subjects of conversation in this section?
- What did Jesus here teach about divorce and remarriage?
- How had hardness of heart modified the law on this subject?
- Explain the remark about eunuchs.
- Repeat the conversation with the rich man.
- Why was he required to sell all?
- What is the difficulty in saving a rich man?
- What reward was promised the apostles for forsaking all and following Jesus?
- Explain the parable of the laborers in the vineyard.
- Show that it does not encourage delay of obedience.
§ II.
- State and explain the ambitious request of James and John.
- What prediction was fulfilled by the ride into Jerusalem?
- What moved the people to these demonstrations?
§ III.
- What authority did Jesus assume when he entered the temple?
- Why were the priests displeased?
- What was his purpose in withering the fig tree?
- Who demanded the source of his authority? and what was his answer?
- How did the parable of the two sons apply to the case?
- Explain the parable of the vine-dressers.
- That of the rejected stone.
- Explain the parable [45] of the royal wedding.
- What was the plot connected with the question about tribute?
- What was the argument involved in the question about the resurrection?
- Explain the answer of Jesus.
- Why could not the Pharisees answer the question he put to them?
- Why, after this, did they cease to question Jesus?
§ IV.
- Name the sins for which Jesus denounced the Pharisees.
- What rules as to dress do his remarks furnish?
- What rule as to titles?
- Why so particular about tithes and so neglectful of morals?
- In what sense did they fill the measure of their fathers?
- How did all the blood come on that generation?
- Had Jesus often visited Jerusalem?
§ V.
- What led to the prophetic discourse in this section?
- What three groups of signs did Jesus mention?
- What was to be done when the last sign appeared?
§ VI.
- How is the second coming of Christ here described?
- When was it to take place?
- Meaning of this?
- Within what period were the signs of his approach to be seen?
- How did he illustrate the uncertainty of it?
- How, the way to be ready for it?
- Give his description of the judgment.
- What is indicated as to the purpose of it?
- What is here taught in regard to good works?
- What is indicated as to the relative duration of life and punishment? [46]
§ VII.
- What plots were laid to bring about the death of Jesus?
- What preparations were made for it?
- In what sense was the anointing for his "burial"?
- Name the incidents at the paschal supper and in Gethsemane.
- What the connection of his blood with the remission of sins?
- Where was the prediction of desertion uttered?
- Why was Jesus so anxious for the disciples to watch with him?
- Why not possible for the cup to pass?
- Why did the arresting officers need the sign given by Judas?
- How is it true that they who take the sword shall perish with it?
§ IX.
- Who constituted the court that tried Jesus?
- Why did they not condemn him on the testimony of the witnesses?
- Why did Jesus not reply to the witnesses?
- What led to Peter's denial?
- Why did the priests and elders have a consultation before going to Pilate?
- Where did Judas return the money?
- After which condemnation of Jesus was this?
- What charges were brought against Jesus before Pilate?
- Quote Pilate's utterance in the case.
- Why did Jesus make no defense?
- Why did Pilate yield at last?
- Why the inscription on the cross?
- Force of the taunts hurled at Jesus on the cross?
- What convinced the centurion that he was the Son of God?
- What considerations led Joseph to bury Jesus?
- Why was the sepulchre put under guard? and when?
- Why was a seal placed on the stone? [47]
§ X.
- Explain Matthew's statement of the time when the women went to the tomb?
- Why did not the women see Jesus rise?
- Show the absurdity of the report spread abroad by the priests.
- Why do infidels deny that the tomb was guarded?
- Define the commission.
- Meaning of, "I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world"?
- How many appearances of Jesus are mentioned by Matthew? and why so few?
[CNSH3 1-48]
- Give the subject and extent of the three Parts of Matthew.
- What is their relative length?
- What is the longest as compared with the time included in it?
- What, then, is the general plan of his work?
- How many formal speeches of the Lord does he record? and what per cent of his space is occupied by them?
- What, then, is his principal aim as regards his subject matter?
- How many separate days are occupied by the events which he records?
- Why so few?
- What are the principal evidences which he furnishes of the Messiahship and the divinity of Jesus? [48]