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Class Notes on Sacred History
Volume III: The Four Gospels
J. W. McGarvey (1893)
Table of Contents
- Part Second. The Ministry of Jesus in Galilee. Matt. 4:12-18:35.
iv. 12-xviii. 35.
1. Time and Place. iv. 12-17.
- What change of residence? 13.
- Give the general divisions of Palestine at that time.
- Site and present condition of Capernaum? 13. L. of B., 323.
- Is the scripture cited a direct prediction? 15, 16, cf. Is. ix. 1-7.
- How does the first preaching of Jesus compare with John's? 17, cf. iii. 2.
2. Jesus Calls Four Fishermen. 18-22.
- Meaning of, "fishers of men"? 19.
- Why were they so prompt to obey?
3. A General Statement of the Ministry in Galilee. 23-25.
- Distinguish the three kinds of work mentioned. 23.
- What were synagogues? 23.
- What are devils?
- Where are Syria and Decapolis? 24, 25.
- Does this paragraph refer to a single tour of Galilee, or to all that Jesus made?
- What proved for Jesus in this section? 15, 16, 24.
§ II. THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT. v. 1-vii. 29. 1. Blessedness and Worth of the Disciples. v. 1-16.
- Define each of the beatitudes.
- Are the first seven, traits [6] of a single character, or of different characters?
- What would be the traits and condition of the opposite character?
- In what sense are the blessed, "the salt of the earth," and, "the light of the world"? 13, 14.
- How are they like, "a city set on a hill," and "a lamp" "on the stand"? 15, 16.
2. Some Modifications of the Moral Law. 17-48. (1.) Purpose of Jesus concerning the law. 17-20.
- What the distinction between destroy and fulfill? 17.
- What the jot and tittle?
- Till all what things be accomplished? 18.
- Why this denial?
- Why the rule of greatness in 19.
- Why the allusion to scribes and Pharisees? 20.
(2.) The law against killing. 21-26.
- What the judgment? 21, cf. Deut. xvi. 18.
- Meaning of Raca? 22.
- What the council? 22.
- What is hell fire? 22.
- What the difference taught?
- How be reconciled with the brother? 24.
- How does this apply to us?
- Explain the illustration from the adversary. 25, 26.
(3.) The law against adultery. 27-30.
- What the difference taught?
- Application of the remarks about the hand and the foot? 29, 39.
(4.) The law of divorce. 31, 32.
- Difference?
- How cause her to commit adultery?
- What, if put away for fornication?
- Can civil statutes set this law aside? [7]
(5.) The law concerning oaths. 33-37.
- What the difference taught? 33, 34.
- Explain the reason for the prohibition. 37, cf. Jas. v. 12.
- Are judicial oaths included in the prohibition? Cf. Numbers v. 19, 21; Exodus xxii. 11.
(6.) The law of retaliation. 38-42.
- How was the old law executed? 38. See Deut. xix. 18, 21; Ex. xxi. 22-25; Lev. xxiv. 19, 20.
- What the exact meaning of the new precepts? Cf. John xviii. 22, 23.
(7.) How to deal with enemies. 43-48.
- Where had it been said, Love thy neighbor? Lev. xix. 18.
- What kind of love enjoined? 44.
- Where was it said, Hate thine enemy? Ps. cxxxix. 21, 22..
- Show the force of the two reasons. 45, 47.
- Who were the publicans? 47.
- Why say, "Ye therefore shall be perfect" as God is? 48.
- Name the sins rebuked and the virtues commended in this division of the sermon.
- What bearing has this division on precepts of the law not mentioned in it?
3. Against Hypocrisy and Worldly Care. vi. 1-34. (1.) Hypocrisy in almsgiving. vi. 1-4.
- Why no reward? 1, cf. 2.
- How did the hypocrites sound a trumpet before them? 2.
- Explain the remark about the hands. 3.
(2.) Hypocrisy in prayer. 5-15.
- Point out the wrong in the practice of the hypocrites. 5.
- How, if they had prayed without assuming an attitude of [8] prayer?
- Should a preacher kneel before an audience to offer his private prayers?
- Should anybody?
- Why seek privacy for these prayers. 6.
- What are vain repetitions? 7.
- If our Father knows what we need, why ask him? 8, cf. 7.
- What the invocation in the prayer here taught? 9.
- Was this new?
- What the first three petitions, and the meaning of each? 10, 11.
- What, and for whom the next three? 12, 13.
- What comprehended in these?
- How is "debts" here used? and why? 12, cf. 14.
- Why ask, "bring us not into temptation"? 13, cf. Jas. i. 13.
- How shall we pray, "after the manner"? 9.
- What changes in this prayer for present use? 10; Jno. xvi. 24; Colossians iii. 17.
- Why is it called The Lord's Prayer?
(3.) Hypocrisy in fasting. 16-18.
- What is the professed design of fasting?
- What the hypocrisy condemned?
- How are the fasts of Lent and Ramadan conducted?
(4.) Against care about riches. 19-24.
- What laying up is meant? 19.
- What is it to lay up treasures in heaven?
- What the reasons given? 19, 20.
- Show how the illustration applies? 22, 23.
- What is mammon? 24.
- Why can we not serve two masters?
(5.) Against care about the necessaries of life. 25-34.
- About what things are we not to be anxious? 25, 31, 32, 34.
- Show the force of the reasons given.
- What the true way? 33. [9]
- Why was grass cast into the oven? 30.
- What are the chief subjects of anxiety with us?
- Why wish us to be free from anxiety?
4. Miscellaneous Precepts. vii. 1-12. (1.) Against judging. vii. 1-5.
- What limitation to the precept, "judge not"? 1, cf. 16-20.
- What judging then is forbidden?
- By whom shall we be judged as we judge?
- Show the bearing of the illustration. 4, 5.
- Why say, "Thou hypocrite"? 5.
- Must we be free from all faults before correcting other persons?
(2.) A caution in regard to holy things. 6.
- Explain these two precepts.
- Give examples of their application. xvi. 4; Acts xiii. 46.
(3.) Prayer encouraged. 7-11.
- What, if we ask for the wrong thing, or in the wrong way, or for a wrong motive? See vi. 14, 15; Jas. i. 6, 7; iv. 3; First John v. 14.
- Nature and force of the argument? 11.
(4.) A summary of the moral law. 12.
- How is this the law and the prophets?
- By what name is this rule known? and why?
- What is its connection with the other parts of this sermon?
5. The Way of Life. 13-29. (1.) The way a narrow one. 13, 14.
- Explain the imagery here employed.
- Why is the one way [10] narrow and the other broad?
- May the relative numbers on the roads be changed?
(2.) How to avoid misguidance. 15-20.
- Who meant by, "false prophets"? 15.
- Into which way would they lead us?
- What are their fruits? 16.
(3.) The way not by prayer and miracles alone. 21-23.
- What erroneous opinions here corrected?
- What the value of prayer without obedience?
- What do miracles prove?
(4.) The way pointed out. 24-27.
- What is the way?
- Why a narrow one?
- By, "these words" does Jesus mean the words of the sermon alone?
- Give the plan of the whole sermon.
(5.) Effect of the sermon. 28, 29.
- What the chief effect?
- What kind of authority was it?
- What to be inferred from his assuming such authority?
- What is most striking in the sermon to us?
§ III. A SERIES OF MIRACLES.viii. 1-ix. 34.
1. A Leper Cleansed. viii. 1-4.
- Why did the multitude follow him? 1, cf. vii. 28, 29.
- Meaning of, "worshipped him"? 2.
- Why think Jesus could make him clean? 2.
- Why did Jesus touch him? 3.
- Why the term cleansed? 3.
- Why show himself to the priest? and what the gift? 4; Lev. xiv. 1-10.
- How was the gift, "for a testimony unto them"?
- Did Jesus believe that Moses wrote Leviticus? 4. [11]
2. Healing a Servant of a Centurion. 5-13.
- What was a centurion? 5.
- Why was one in Capernaum?
- How did he show so great faith? 8-10.
- Whence had he obtained it?
- How could Jesus marvel? 10.
- Who from the east and the west? and what kingdom? 11.
- Who the sons of the kingdom? and what the outer darkness? 12.
3. Cares at Peter's Houses. 14-17.
- Why say, "the spirits"? 16.
- How did he take, "our infirmities, and bear our diseases"? 17.
4. A Conversation about Following Jesus. 18-22.
- The other side of what? 18, cf.viii. 5, 23, 24.
- Why the answer to the scribe? 20.
- Why that to the disciple? 22.
- Use of the word dead? 22.
- Who could this disciple have been? iv. 21, cf. xx. 20; xxvii. 56.
5. Jesus Stills a Great Tempest. 23-27.
- If the boat was covered with waves, how could he be asleep? 24, cf. Mark iv. 38.
- What caused him to sleep? Cf. 16.
- How did their fear prove their faith little? 26.
- Why did they marvel? 27.
6. Two Fierce Demoniacs Healed. 28-34.
- Meaning of Gadarenes? L. of B., 357.
- Why in the tombs? 28.
- How did they know Jesus? 29.
- Meaning of, "torment us before the time"? 29.
- Why wish to go into the swine? 31.
- Why did the swine rush into the sea? and what the effect on the [12] demons? 32.
- Why the flight of the swine-herds? 33.
- Why the request of the people? 34.
- Why allow the destruction of the swine?
7. Healing a Paralytic. ix. 1-8.
- Which was, "his own city"? 1, cf. iv. 13.
- How was their faith seen? 2.
- On what ground the sins forgiven? 2.
- Why the charge of blasphemy? 3.
- Show the force of his reply. 5-7.
- Why did not miracles wrought by others prove that they also could forgive sins?
- Why this man forgiven, and not others who were healed?
8. The Call of Matthew and a Feast in His House. 9-13.
- What was, "the place of toll"? 9.
- Why say, "in the house," rather than in his house? 10.
- Ground of the objection? 11.
- Why were the guests publicans and sinners? 10.
- State and explain the points of defense. 12, 13.
9. A Question about Fasting. 14-17.
- Were the disciples of John now disciples of Jesus? 14.
- How often did they fast? See Luke xviii. 12.
- Explain the three reasons given. 15-17.
- How were wine-skins prepared? and how used?
10. Raising a Ruler's Daughter and Healing an Issue
of Blood. 18-26.
- Ruler of what? 18.
- What faith in Jesus had he and the woman? 18, 21.
- What had brought them to this faith?
- How [13] did the woman's faith make her whole? 22.
- Why the flute-players and the tumult? 23, cf. Jer. ix. 17, 18; Amos v. 16.
- Why say, "the damsel is not dead"? 24.
11. Giving Sight to Two Blind Men. 27-31.
- Why say, "thou son of David"? 27.
- Why ask if they believed he was able? 28.
- Why forbid them to tell of the cure? and why their disobedience? 30, 31.
12. A Dumb Demoniac Healed. 32-34.
- What had made the man dumb?
- Why the charge of the Pharisees?
- Why not credit other miracles to the same power?
- What opposition from them has been mentioned thus far? See 3, 11, 14.
- What diseases cured, and what other powers exhibited in this section?
- What does the exercise of such power prove for Jesus?
- Which of the paragraphs are consecutive?
§ IV. THE FIRST MISSION OF THE APOSTLES. ix. 35-x. 42. 1. The Occasion of This Commission. ix. 35-x. 1.
- What the connection of ix. 35? Cf. iv. 23.
- Why the comparison to sheep? ix. 36.
- What had specially brought them into this condition? See iv. 12; xiv. 3-5.
- Explain the figure of the harvest? ix. 37.
- How long should the prayer for laborers be continued? ix. 38.
- What motive prompted this commission? ix. 36.
- Where had he obtained twelve disciples? x. 1, cf. iv. 18-22; ix. 9.
2. The Names of the Twelve. x. 2-4.
- Why give their names?
- Why say, "The first"? 2.
- Why [14] say, "the publican," when he had ceased to be one? 3.
- Meaning of, "Cananæan"? 4.
- Meaning of Iscariot? 4.
- Why name them in pairs?
3. Their Commission. 5-15.
- Why only to Israel? 5, cf. x. 23.
- Why say, "lost sheep"? 6.
- What were they to preach? and why? 7.
- Why the miracles?
- "Freely give", what? 8.
- Why get no money, food, or clothing? 10.
- What kind of staff?
- How would the peace return? 13.
- Why shake off the dust? 14.
- Why more tolerable? 15.
4. Persecutions Predicted. 16-23.
- What the points of comparison to sheep? 16.
- In what respect are serpents wise? 16.
- How, "for a testimony to them"? 18.
- How could they avoid anxiety? 19.
- Meaning of, "not ye that speak, but the Spirit"? 20.
- "To the end" of what? 22.
- Why, "flee into the next"? 23.
- What coming of the Son of man? 23.
5. Motives for Endurance Presented. 24-33.
- Force of that from disciple and teacher? 24, 25.
- Of that from revealing what is hidden? 26, 27.
- Of that from power to destroy? 28.
- Force of contrast with sparrows? 29-31.
- Bearing of remark about confessing and denying? 32, 33.
6. The Design of Persecutions. 34-39.
- Meaning of, "not to send peace, but a sword"? 34.
- In what sense did he send a sword?
- What was his design, as here indicated?
- Explain the remark about finding and losing. 39. [15]
7. Kindness to Disciples to be Rewarded. 40-42.
- In what sense, "receiveth me"? 40.
- Meaning of, "in the name"? 41, 42.
- What the reward?
- State the plan of the speech here brought to a close.
- Did the persecutions predicted occur under their first mission?
- What evidence for the claims of Jesus in this section?
§ V. DISCOURSE ON THE REJECTION OF JOHN AND OF JESUS.xi. 1-30. 1. Occasion of the Discourse. xi. 1-6.
- Where were the twelve at the time? 1, cf. x. 1, 5.
- What the exact point in John's question? and why propounded? 2, 3.
- What the bearing of the answer? 4-6.
2. Comments on the Career of John. 7-15.
- What traits of character pointed out? 7, 8.
- In what was he greater than other prophets? 11, cf. 10.
- In what is one, "little in the kingdom" greater than he? 11.
- What the meaning and reference of verse 12?
- In what sense was John, the Elijah who was to come? 14, cf. Malachi iv. 5, 6.
3. Childishness of the Unbelievers. 16-19.
- What plays of children are referred to? and what the point of comparison?
- How is wisdom justified by her works? 19.
- What the bearing of this remark? [16]
4. The Cities Which Rejected Jesus Upbraided. 20-24.
- In what sense were most of his mighty works done in these cities?
- Had none of the people there repented? 20.
- Why more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon and for Sodom?
- Meaning of, "go down unto Hades"? 23.
- Locate all these cities.
5. A Thanksgiving and an Invitation. 25-30.
- Who the wise? and who the babes? 25.
- How these things hid from the former? Cf. xiii. 15; First Corinthians i. 21, 26, 28.
- Why thankful for this?
- When were all things given to Jesus? 27, cf. xxviii. 18.
- What knowledge is meant in 27?
- What connection between ix. 27 and the invitation?
- What labor and what rest? 28, 29.
- If Jesus was only a man, what should we think of this paragraph?
- Give the plan of the whole discourse.
§ VI. SOME DISPUTATIONS WITH PHARISEES. xii. 1-8. 1. About Sabbath-breaking. xii. 1-8.
- Why go through the fields of grain? 1.
- Why appeal to David's unlawful act? 3, 4, cf. First Samuel xxi. 1-6.
- How did the priests "profane" the sabbath? 5.
- What, "greater than the temple"? 6, cf. 8.
- Bearing of the quotation? 7.
- What was the error of the Pharisees?
2. About Sabbath-breaking Again. 9-21.
- What the force of his argument? 11.
- Why wish to destroy him? and what destruction?
- Why charge the people not to make him known? 15, 16.
- Show the meaning and fulfilment [17] of the prediction quoted. 17-20, cf. Is. xlii. 1-4.
- What sabbath work justified in these two paragraphs?
- What work, then, was prohibited in the fourth commandment?
3. About Casting Out Demons. 22-30.
- Why say, "Is this the son of David?" 23.
- What plausibility in the charge? 24.
- Show the force of the first argument. 25, 26.
- Who the "sons," and what the point in referring to them? 27.
- Explain the last argument. 28, 29.
- Connection of the remark about being with him and against him? 30.
4. About the Sin not Pardonable. 31-37.
- In what sense shall every sin be forgiven? 31.
- Why worse to speak against the Holy Spirit than against the Son? 32.
- What was their sin, and the source of it? 33, 34, cf. 24, 28.
- Can a man speak wickedly and have a good heart? 35.
- What are "idle" words? 36, 37.
5. About a Demand for a Sign. 38-45.
- What implied in asking to see a sign? 38.
- Why say no sign shall be given but the one mentioned? 39.
- How was he three days and nights in the earth? 40.
- How shall the Ninevites rise in the judgment with that generation? 41.
- In what sense shall they condemn it?
- Point of comparison in the case of the unclean spirit? 45.
- What is here learned about unclean spirits? [18]
6. About His Mother and His Brothers. 46-50.
- What the design of his answer?
- Can Mary, according to this, be an intercessor between Jesus and his disciples?
§ VII. A SERIES OF PARABLES.xiii. 1-52. 1. The Parable of the Sower. xiii. 1-9.
- On what day? 1.
- Why into a boat? 2.
- What is a parable? 3.
- In what does the interpretation of one consist?
- How can we ascertain the subject illustrated? and the points of analogy?
- When Jesus gives an interpretation, what are we told to do?
- Show the fidelity to nature in this parable.
2. Why He Spoke in Parables. 10-17.
- When was this question propounded? 10, cf. xiii. 2, 36.
- What suggested it?
- Explain the reason given. 12, 13.
- Had they opened their ears and eyes, how would it have been with them? 15.
- How was it with the disciples? 16, 17.
3. The Parable of the Sower Explained. 18-23.
- What cause of failure is common to the first three?
- Explain how the word was taken out of the heart of each.
- How did the fourth differ from the others?
- What, then, is the practical lesson of the parable.
4. Parable of the Tares. 24-30. 5. Parable of the Mustard Seed. 31, 32.
- How was the kingdom like this? [19]
6. Parable of the Leaven. 33.
- How like this?
- Why, "three measures of meal"? and why, "a woman"?
7. His Speaking in Parables a Matter of Prophecy.
34, 35; Ps. lxxviii. 2.
- How true that, "without a parable spake he nothing unto them"? 34, cf. 1, 2.
- Was the prediction fulfilled in Jesus only?
8. The Parable of the Tares Explained. 36-43.
- What the points of comparison? 40-43.
- In what sense is the word kingdom here used? 41, cf. 38.
- Why the prohibition against pulling tares not mentioned in the explanation?
9. Parable of the Hid Treasure. 44.
- What the points of comparison?
10. Parable of the Pearls. 45, 46.
- What difference in meaning between this and the last?
11. Parable of the Net. 47-50.
- What the analogy?
- Difference in meaning between this and the tares?
12. The Parables Understood. 51, 52.
- What enables them to understand those not explained?
- What the point in the comparison to a householder? 52.
- What predictions in these parables that have been fulfilled?
- What, yet not fulfilled?
- What is proved in this section for Jesus? [20]
1. The Opinion of the Nazarenes. xiii. 53-58.
- How many synagogues in Nazareth? 54.
- What did the people admit? 54.
- What was their unbelief? 57, 58.
- What the ground of it? 55, 56.
- Why is a prophet not without honor except at home? 57.
- Why did their unbelief prevent more miracles? 58, cf. vii. 6.
- As they said the worst they could of him, what must have been his early character?
2. The Opinion of Herod. xiv. 1-12.
- What Herod? and what his office? 1. See Luke iii. 1; Josephus, Antiquities, Book XVII. Chapter viii. 1.
- How did he reach the conclusion that Jesus was John?
- What fear of the multitude? 5.
- Who was Herodias? Josephus, Ant. B. XVII. C. v. 1.
- Why did John venture to rebuke Herod? 4.
- What the mode of dancing? 6.
- Did the oath bind him to grant the request?
- Why go and tell Jesus? 12.
3. Excitement among the People and Feeding the Five Thousand. 13-21.
- Why withdraw immediately into the desert? 13, cf. 12, 23.
- Why did so many follow? and without food? 13-15.
- How find grass in a, "desert place"? 19, cf. 13.
- The motive for this miracle? 14.
- Its process?
- What was thought of Jesus by this multitude? [21]
4. Walking on the Water and Faith of the Disciples.
- What followed the feeding? and why? 22, 23.
- How long did he pray? and why so long? 23, 25.
- Why did the disciples not turn back? 24.
- Why think it an apparition? and why cry out for fear? 26.
- Why Peter's request? 28.
- What doubt? and why cause him to sink? 30, 31.
- What now the opinion of the disciples? 33.
5. Cures in Gennesaret. 34-36.
- Describe the land of Gennesaret? L. of B., 321, 322.
- What was the opinion of these people?
6. An Attack by Pharisees from Jerusalem. xv. 1-20.
- What was their motive in coming?
- What was the tradition of the elders? 2.
- Show how the tradition made void the word of God. 3-6.
- Meaning and application of xv. 9?
- Why should worship according to precepts of men be vain?
- Do such things often make void the word?
- What was his answer to the question of the Pharisees? 3, 11.
- Why the question of the disciples? and what the point in his answer? 12, 13.
- Why both fall into a pit? 14.
- Why could not the disciples understand this teaching? 15, 16.
- What the real source of all wickedness? 18, 19.
- What opinion of Jesus had the Pharisees? [22]
xv. 21-xvii. 23.1. A Woman of Great Faith. xv. 21-28.
- Where were Tyre and Sidon, and what the ancestry of the people?
- Why say, "son of David"? 22.
- Why no answer? 23.
- Send her away how? 23.
- How did the woman show, "great faith"?
2. Cures at the Lake Shore and Feeding the Four Thousand.
- On which side of the lake? 29, 39.
- How did Jesus get there from Tyre?
- What change in these people since he was first there? 30, cf. viii. 34.
- How long without food? 32.
- What the site of Magadan? L. of B., 321.
3. A Sign from Heaven Demanded. xvi. 1-4.
- Why did the Sadducees join in? 1.
- In what sense tempting him? 1.
- What meant by, "a sign from heaven"?
- How was the sign of Jonah of this kind?
- Point in the reference to the signs of the weather? 2, 3.
- Signs of what times? 3.
- Does Jesus here rebuke the desire for the evidence of miracles? 4.
4. A Warning against Pharisees and Sadducees. 5-12.
- To which side of the lake? 5, cf. xvi. 13; xv. 39.
- What their habit in reference to bread? 5.
- How reconcile this with x. 9, 10?
- Why the reference to the miraculous feedings? 9, 10.
- Why was the teaching of these parties called leaven? 12. [23]
5. Peter's Confession. 13-20.
- Give the location and history of Cæsarea Philippi. 13; L. of B., 335.
- Why the two questions? 13, 15.
- Why these erroneous opinions? 14.
- Full meaning of Peter's answer? 16.
- Explain the remark about how it was revealed to him. 17.
- Meaning of Bar-Jonah? 17.
- To what is the church here compared? and what the positions assigned to Jesus and Peter? 18, 19.
- What then is the rock? 18, cf. 16.
- Explain the expression, "gates of Hades." 18.
- In what sense shall they not "prevail"?
- What is meant by the keys? and what binding and loosing referred to? 19.
- On what occasions did Peter use the keys? Acts ii. 1-47; x. 1-48.
- Why forbid them now to tell that he was the Christ? 20.
6. Jesus Predicts His Own Death and Resurrection. 21-28.
- Why, "from that time"? 21.
- Why did Peter rebuke him? 22.
- Why call Peter Satan? 23.
- What the things of God and the things of men? 23.
- Meaning of, "take up his cross"? 24.
- Explain the remark about saving and losing life. 25, 26.
- Distinguish the two comings of 27, 28.
7. The Transfiguration. xvii. 1-8.
- What mountain? 1, cf. xvi. 13.
- How did the disciples recognize Moses and Elijah? 3, 4.
- Why Peter's proposal? 4.
- Significance of, "hear ye him"? 5.
- What the purpose of the vision? [24]
8. Comments on the Vision. 9-13.
- Why tell no man? 9.
- Why their question? 10, cf. Mal. iv. 5.
- How could John be the Elijah of Malachi?
9. A Boy with Epilepsy Healed. 14-21.
- Cause of the epilepsy? 18.
- Why the exclamations of 17?
- Connection of faith with the working of miracles? 20.
10. Second Prediction of His Death and Resurrection. 22, 23.
- Why a different effect? 23, cf. xvi. 22.
- What is proved for Jesus in this section?
§ X. CLOSING EVENTS IN GALILEE. xvii. 24-xviii. 35. 1. Jesus Pays the Temple Tribute. xvii. 24-27.
- How do we know it was the temple tribute?
- Nature of the miracle?
- Its purpose?
- What the two coins mentioned? 2, 27, cf. margin.
2. About Who Shall be Greatest. xviii. 1-9.
- Turn from what? 3.
- In what respect like children? 3, 4.
- Why such the greatest?
- Meaning of, "cause" "to stumble"? 6.
- Point in the illustration from the hand and the eye? 8, 9.
3. About Despising a Disciple. 10-14.
- What kind of a disciple is meant? and what the connection with the preceding remarks?
- Meaning of, "despise"?
- Bearing of the remark about, "their angels"? 10.
- Of that about the shepherd and his sheep? 12-14. [25]
4. How to Deal with an Offending Brother. 15-20.
- Show the wisdom of this course.
- Why speak of the church before it existed? 17.
- How as a Gentile and a publican? 17.
- What binding and loosing? 18.
5. About Forgiving a Brother. 21-35. [CNSH3 6-25]
- What suggested Peter's question? 21, cf. 15.
- What the two sums of money? 24, 28.
- Why sell and imprison? 25, 30.
- Explain the parable.
- Meaning of, "forgive from your hearts"? 35.
- What proved for Jesus in this section.