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Class Notes on Sacred History
Volume III: The Four Gospels
J. W. McGarvey (1893)
Table of Contents
- Part Third. Events from the Last Arrival of Jesus in Jerusalem to His Resurrection.
- John 12:1-21:25.
PASSOVER. xii. 1-50.1. He is Anointed at a Supper in Bethany. xii. 1-8.
- Why so soon? 1.
- Who made the supper? 2; Matt. xxvi. 6, 7.
- What is spikenard? 3.
- Value of the ointment? 5.
- What bag? 6.
- When did John learn that Judas was a thief?
2. Curiosity about Lazarus and Its Effect. 9-11.
- What became of Lazarus? [120]
3. His Public Welcome by the People. 12-19.
- What people were they? 1-7; xi. 55.
- Whence the palm branches? 12, 13.
- One cause of this welcome? 17, 18.
4. The Request of Certain Greeks. 20-26.
- Why no response to the request?
- Glorified how? 23.
5. The Hour of His Trouble. 27-30.
- Why the trouble? 27.
- Meaning of his soliloquy? 27. See margin.
- Why did some think it thundered? 29.
6. Jesus Predicts His Crucifixion. 31-36.
- What judgment? 31.
- How draw all men? 32.
- Did the people understand his allusion to the cross? 34.
7. Jesus Retires, and John Comments on the Unbelief of the
Jews. 37-43.
- Nature of their inability?
- Why the rulers afraid of the Pharisees? 42.
- Evil in the love of human praise? 43.
8. Other Words of Jesus about Belief. 44-50.
- When these remarks? 44, cf. 37. [Note: Probably quotations by John from former speeches? All are repetitions.]
SUPPER. xiii. 1-xiv. 31.1. He Washes the Disciples' Feet. xiii. 1-11.
- What was, "before the passover"? 1.
- In what sense did Peter not know what Jesus was doing? 7.
- What washing so necessary? 7-11.
- What bathing referred to? 10, cf. xi. 55. [121]
2. He Comments on the Washing. 12-20.
- How were they to wash one another's feet? 14, 15.
- Is this a precedent for us?
3. The Betrayal Announced. 21-30.
- What the sop? 26.
- In what sense did Satan then enter Judas? 27, cf. 2.
- Why not know what Jesus meant? 28.
- What could they need for the feast? 29.
- What habit in regard to the poor? 29.
4. Jesus Announces His Speedy Departure, and Simon's Denial.
- What glorifying meant? 31.
- Test of true discipleship? 35.
5. He Announces His Final Return. xiv. 1-6.
- What the "house," the "mansions," and the "place"? 2, 3.
- How he the way, the truth and the life? 6.
6. His Identity with the Father. 7-14.
- In what sense seeing him seeing the Father? 9.
- How was the believer to do greater works than his? 12.
- Extent of the promise to do what they ask? 14.
7. The Promise of the Holy Spirit. 15-24.
- In what sense the Spirit a Comforter? 16. See margin.
- Why cannot the world receive him? 17.
- What learned by the answer to Judas' question? 23, cf. 16.
8. Other Works of the Spirit, and Words of Comfort. 25-31.
- What two things to be done by the Spirit? 26.
- What the [122] peace promised? 27.
- How would these announcements afterward help their faith? 29.
- Who, "the prince of the world"?
- "So I do" what? 31.
THE ARREST. xv. 1-xvii. 26.1. Parable of the Vine and Its Branches. xv. 1-8.
- What the taking away, and what the cleansing? 2, 3.
- What is it to abide in Christ? 4, 5, cf. 7.
- How is God glorified by much fruit? 8.
2. The Disciples Exhorted to Abide in the Love of Christ.
- Does he mean his love to them, 9, 10, or theirs to him?
- Connection of his joy and his love? 11.
- What choosing meant in 16?
- Why love so important? 17.
3. Remarks on the World's Hatred. 18-27.
- In what sense not of the world? 19.
- Real cause of the world's hatred to them? 21.
- Evidential value of his works? 24.
- Where written in the law? 25; Ps. xxxv. 19; lxiv. 4.
- Another work of the Spirit? 26, 27.
4. Persecution Predicted, and Other Work of the Spirit
Stated. xvi. 1-15.
- Design of these sad predictions? 4.
- Why expedient for them? 7.
- Work of the Spirit as respects the world? 8-11.
- Explain each item of it.
- What, as respects the disciples, and how? 13. [123]
5. His Departure and Return. 16-24.
- Why not understand him? 17.
- How their sorrow turned into joy? 20.
- What change in prayer? 24.
6. An End of Speaking in Parables. 25-33.
- Does Jesus now pray to the Father for us? 26.
- When were they scattered? 32.
- How had he overcome the world? 33.
7. Jesus Prays for Himself and His Disciples. xvii. 1-26. (1). For himself. xvii. 1-8.
- What the mutual glorifying? 1, cf. 5.
- How is knowledge of God and Christ eternal life? 3.
- How can we glorify God on earth? 4.
- What the glory before the world was? 5; i. 1.
- In what sense were the disciples given to Jesus? 7.
(2). For the twelve. 9-19.
- How, "glorified in them"? 10-19.
- What his petitions for them? 11, 15, 17.
- How had he sanctified himself? 19.
(3). For all other disciples. 20-26.
- Means of faith indicated? 20.
- Meaning of, "be in us"? 21.
- Why this needed for the world's conviction?
- What his petitions for these? 21, 24.
xviii. 1-xix. 16.1. He is Arrested and Taken before Annas. xviii. 1-14.
- At what times has Jesus resorted to this garden? 2.
- What soldiers and officers? 3.
- Why fall to the ground? 6.
- How know [124] the servant's name? 10, 15.
- Why to Annas? 13, cf. Josephus, Ant., B. XVIII. C. ii. 2.
- How does this differ from the other accounts?
2. Peter's First Denial. 15-18.
- How could John be known to the high priest? 15.
- Why cold enough for fire? 18.
- What kind of coals? 18.
- Why did Peter join the group?
3. Jesus Questioned and Smitten. 19-24.
- Why not give the information asked for? 19-21.
- Why did Annas send him to Caiaphas? and when?
- How far away was Caiaphas?
4. Peter's Second and Third Denials. 25-27.
- Why not accuse Peter for cutting off the ear? 26. See Luke xxii. 50, 51.
5. Proceedings before Pilate. xviii. 28-xix. 16. (1). Their first attempt. xviii. 28-32.
- What omitted by John before this?
- Eat the passover in what sense? 28.
- On what ground sentence demanded? 30.
(2). Pilate questions Jesus about being a king. 33-38.
- Meaning of Jesus' question? 34.
- Why would his servants fight? 36.
- Meaning of, "What is truth?" 38.
(3). Pilate proposes a choice between Jesus and Barabbas. 39, 40.
- Why no crime when claiming to be a king? 38.
- His purpose in the alternative? 39, 40. [125]
(4). Pilate scourges Jesus and again proclaims him innocent. xix. 1-7.
- Why the scourging and mocking?
- Why say, "Take him yourselves," etc.? 6.
- Why the real charge made at last? 7.
(5). Pilate is alarmed and makes a final effort. 8-16.
- Why the alarm? 8.
- Why no answer? 9.
- What the force of the last plea, and why so effective? 12, 13.
- How was it the Preparation of the passover? 14, cf. xiii. 1, 2; xix. 31, 42; Mark xv. 42.
- How was it, "about the sixth hour"? 14, cf. Mark xv. 25, 33.
xix. 17-xxi. 25.1. The Crucifixion. xix. 17-24.
- Who bore the cross? 17, cf. Matt. xxvii. 32.
- Why in the three tongues? 20.
- Significance of Pilate's answer? 22.
- Whence the scripture fulfilled? 24. See Ps. xxii. 18.
- On what did the fulfilment depend?
2. Jesus Commits His Mother to John. 25-27.
- Why not leave her to Joseph, or to one of her sons? Cf. vii. 5.
- Was this before the darkness?
- Was Mary of Clopas his mother's sister? 25.
3. His Last Sufferings. 28-30.
- Why did he now drink? 30, cf. Matt. xxvii. 34. [126]
4. The Bodies Prepared for Removal. 31-37.
- Why that sabbath a high day? 31.
- Why the legs broken?
- Why not those of Jesus? 33.
- What scriptures fulfilled? 36, 37. See Ex. xii. 46; Ps. xxii. 16, 17.
- On what did the fulfilment depend?
- Why John's reiteration? 35.
5. Jesus is Buried by Joseph and Nicodemus. 38-42.
- Why so much myrrh and aloes? 39, 40.
- Whose was the garden? 41.
6. Mary, John and Peter Find the Tomb Empty. xx. 1-10.
- Did Mary go with the other women into the tomb? 1, 2, cf. Mark xvi. 1-7.
- How know the Lord was gone?
- Why does John mention her alone? 2.
- Were Peter and John with the other disciples? Cf. Matt. xxviii. 7, 8.
- Why mention the particulars about the linen cloths, and the napkin? 6, 7.
- "Saw, and believed" what? 8, 9, cf. 2.
7. Jesus Appears to Mary. 11-18.
- Where the angels when Peter and John were there?
- Why was Mary so distressed? 13.
- How could she expect the gardener to give up the body? 15.
- Why not recognize Jesus at once?
- What ascension referred to? 17.
- Force of reason for not touching him?
- Did her report bear the semblance of truth? Cf. Mark xvi. 10, 11.
8. He Appears to the Eleven. 19-23.
- How did he enter the room? 19.
- How were they glad, and [127] yet frightened? 20, cf. Luke xxiv. 37.
- Did they then receive the Spirit? 22, cf. Luke xxiv. 49; Acts i. 8.
- How did they forgive and retain sins? 23.
9. The Incredulity of Thomas. 24-29.
- Why demand the evidence of the wounds? 25.
- On what day of the week, these appearances?
10. Other Signs, and the Purpose of the Record. 30, 31.
- Evidential value of the signs? 31.
11. Jesus Appears to Seven at the Lake of Tiberias. xxi. 1-14.
- Why called Tiberias? 1.
- Meaning of Didymus? 2.
- Where was Andrew?
- Was Nathanael one of the twelve? 2.
- Purpose in going a fishing? 3.
- Why on the right side of the boat? 6.
- In what sense was Simon naked? 7.
- Whence the bread and fish? 9.
- How was this, "the third time"? 14.
12. Remarks of Jesus to Peter. 15-23.
- More than what? 15, cf. 3.
- Meaning of, "Feed my lambs;" "Tend my sheep;" "Feed my sheep"? 15, 16, 17.
- With what are these duties contrasted? Cf. 15.
- Why reiterated?
- What manner of death signified? 18, 19.
- What the fulfilment of the remark about John? 23, cf. Rev. i. 12-18.
13. Conclusion of the Narrative. 24, 25.
- Who the "we" in 24?
- Who the disciple referred to? Cf. 20.
- Character of this narrative? 25.
- In what sense could not the world contain the books? [128]