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Class Notes on Sacred History
Volume III: The Four Gospels
J. W. McGarvey (1893)
Table of Contents
- Part Second. Events between the Departure into Galilee and the Last Visit to Jerusalem.
- John 5:1-11:57.
1. An Impotent Man Made Whole. 1-9.
- What feast? 1.
- If the passover, how long since the first visit to Jerusalem? Cf.ii. 13.
- How long since going to Galilee? iv. 35.
- What was the man's idea about the pool? 7.
- What troubled the water? L. of B., 189, 190.
2. Jesus Accused of Sabbath-breaking. 10-18.
- Meaning of the warning to the man? 14.
- Why tell the Jews it was Jesus? 13, 15.
- What working referred to? 17.
- How did his remark make him equal with God? 18.
3. Jesus Asserts His Powers. 19-29.
- The connection with the preceding? Cf. 18.
- What powers claimed? 21, 25; 22, 27.
- Why, "because he is the Son of man"? 27.
- Whence these powers? 19.
- Can a deist honor God? 23.
4. The Witnesses for Jesus. 30-40.
- Why witness of himself not true? 31.
- Who the witnesses? 33-39.
5. Causes of Jewish Unbelief. 41-47.
- How was their desire for earthly glory a cause? 44, 41.
- How the absence of love of God a cause? 42, 43.
- Meaning of one coming in his own name? 43.
- How does Moses accuse them? 45. [113]
- In what sense did they not believe Moses? 46, 47.
- Is it certain that Moses wrote of Jesus?
§ II. A MIRACLE AND A DISPUTATION IN GALILEE. vi. 1-14. 1. Feeding the Five Thousand. vi. 1-14.
- Time of this miracle? 4.
- Why the name, "sea of Tiberias"? 1.
- What new in this account? 5-7.
2. Jesus and His Disciples Recross the Lake. 15-21.
- Why wish to make him king? 15, cf. Matt. xiv. 9-21.
- In what part of the lake were they? 19.
- Design of this narrative? (See the new details, and the speech following.)
3. The Multitude Overtake Jesus. 22-27.
- Where had they slept? 22, cf. Matt. xiv. 22.
- Why not think he had gone to Tiberias? 23, 24.
- Why not answer their question? 25.
- Origin of the proverb of the loaves and fishes? 26.
4. Remarks about the Bread of Life and Coming to Jesus. 28-40.
- How is believing a work of God? 29.
- Can any given to Jesus be lost? 39, cf. xvii. 12.
5. The People Murmur, and Jesus Reiterates. 41-51.
- Distinction between coming and drawing? 44.
- How the drawing done? 45.
- Is the drawing irresistible?
- How is the bread his flesh? 51.
6. More Murmuring, and Another Reiteration. 52-59.
- Why no explanation? [114]
7. Murmuring by the Disciples. 60-65.
- Point in the question about ascending? 62.
- In the remark about spirit and life? 63.
8. Jesus Deserted by All but the Twelve. 66-71.
- Force of Peter's answer? 68, 69.
- When we meet things in scripture irreconcilable with our reason, what should be our conclusion?
- In what sense a devil? 70.
- As he knew Judas, why had he chosen him?
§ III. JESUS AT THE FEAST OF TABERNACLES. vii. 1-x. 21. 1. After Delay He Goes to the Feast. vii. 1-13.
- How much time covered by vii. 1? 2, cf. vi. 4.
- Whose narratives cover this period?
- Was this writer aware of what they had written?
- What disciples referred to? 3, cf. iv. 1.
- Why charge him with acting in secret? 4.
- Why did the world hate him? 7.
- Why say, "for fear of the Jews," when all were Jews? 13.
2. He Teaches in the Temple and Refers to His Previous
Visit. 14-24.
- Meaning of, "having never learned"? 15.
- How would willingness to obey enable one to know the teaching? 17.
- Why deny seeking to kill him? 20, cf. v. 18.
- What new defense against the charge of sabbath-breaking? 23.
3. A Division among the People. 25-36.
- Point in the first question? 25.
- In what sense did they know whence he was? 26, 28.
- Force of reason for not taking him? 30. [115]
- What signs did he speak of? 31.
- Why not understand his remark about going to him that sent him? 33, 36.
- What the Dispersion? 35.
4. Speech on the Last Day of the Feast, and Its Effect. 37-44.
- Why the last day the great day? 37. See Lev. xxiii. 36, 39.
- How is the Spirit given to the believer like rivers of living water? 38, 39.
- Where do the scriptures say it? 38. See Prov. xviii. 4.
- In what sense the Spirit not yet given? 39.
- Did John know that Jesus had ascended?
- Ignorance of the objectors. 42.
5. Confusion among Chief Priests and Pharisees. 45-52.
- What speech had the officers heard? 32-44.
- Nature of the argument addressed to the officers? 47-49.
- Point in the question of Nicodemus? 51.
- What the mistake in their answer to him? 52.
6. Discussion about a Woman Taken in Adultery. vii. 53-viii. 11.
- What of the genuineness of this passage? See margin.
- What of its authenticity? (Accepted by the best critics.)
- Why not bring the guilty man? 3, 4.
- What accusation did they hope to make? 6.
- In what sense did he not condemn her? 11.
- The design of Jesus in thus answering the accusers?
7. Jesus Declares Himself the Light of the World. viii. 12-20.
- Connection of this paragraph? 12, cf. vii. 44.
- Why now say that his testimony of himself is true? 14, cf. 18; v. 31.
- Meaning of, "I judge no man"? 15.
- In what way is it written, "that [116] the witness of two men is true"? Deut. xvii. 6.
- Meaning of, "Where is thy father"? 19.
- What is meant by, "the treasury"? 20.
8. He Announces His Departure, and the Inability of His
Enemies to Follow Him. 21-30.
- Inference as to all who die in sin? 21.
- Why not know that he referred to God? 27.
- What meant by their lifting him up, and what the connection of thought? 28, cf. 21.
- The way to have God with us? 29.
- What was in this speech to make them believe? 30.
9. He Tells the Jews How to be Free. 31-45.
- What bondage referred to? 33.
- In what sense were they the children of the devil? 44.
- In what sense a murderer from the beginning, and the father of lying? 44.
- Why his saying the truth a cause of unbelief? 45.
10. He Challenges the Jews to Convict Him of Sin. 46-50.
- Singularity of this challenge?
- Ground of his demand for faith? 46.
- When first the charge of having a demon? 48; vii. 20.
11. Jesus Declares the Power of His Word, and His
Pre-existence. 51-59.
- In what sense, "never see death"? 51.
- What is it to keep his word? 51.
- In what sense did Abraham see his day? 56.
- Did Jesus appear older than he was? 57.
- Why wish to stone him? 59.
12. Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind. ix. 1-12.
- Explain the question of the disciples. 2.
- Meaning of the [117] answer? 3.
- The industry of Jesus. 4.
- Describe the pool of Siloam. 7; L. of B., 191.
- What faith did the blind man exhibit? 7.
13. The Pharisees Investigate the Miracle. 13-34.
- Why take the man to the Pharisees? 13.
- Steps taken in the investigation? 15, 18-21, 24.
- How would modern scientists have proceeded?
- Would a knowledge of science have helped the Pharisees?
- Bearing of the miracles on the character of Jesus? 31, 33, 16.
- Point in the charge of being born in sin? 34, cf. 2.
- Cast him out of what? 34, cf. 22.
14. Jesus Meets the Man again. 35-41.
- How did Jesus find him?
- Why did he at once believe? 37, cf. 17.
- What blindness? 39-41.
15. The Parable of the Shepherd and His Sheep. x. 1-6.
- Significance of the parable?
- Why did they not understand? 6.
16. Contrast between the True Shepherd and the Hirelings. 7-18.
- How is he the door? 7.
- Who the thieves that came before him? 8.
- Meaning of, "go in and go out"? 9.
- Who the hireling? 12, cf. 8.
- Who the other sheep? 16.
- In what sense did no one take his life from him? 18.
17. Division among His Hearers. 19-21.
- Among what class of Jews? [118]
RECALLED TO BETHANY. x. 22-xi. 57.1. Renewal of Remarks about His Sheep. x. 22-30.
- What the feast of dedication? 22; Josephus, Ant., B. XII. C.'s v, vii.
- Interval passed over?
- Were they really in suspense? 24.
- How not being his sheep the cause of unbelief? 26, 27.
- Can any of his sheep be lost? 28, 29.
2. Discussion about Stoning Jesus. 31-39.
- Where written and what the meaning? 34, 35. See Ps. lxxxii. 1-8; Ex. xxi. 6; xxii. 8, 9.
- How, "in your law"?
- His argument? 35, 36.
3. Jesus Departs beyond the Jordan. 40-42.
- What part of the Jordan? 40, cf. Matt. iii. 1.
- Cause of their belief? 42.
4. Jesus is Recalled to Bethany. xi. 1-16.
- Why not give the name in the message? 3.
- When was the anointing done? 2, cf. xii. 3; Matt. xxvi. 6-13.
- In what sense the sickness not unto death? 4.
- Force of remark about walking in the day? 9, 10.
- Why speak of dying with him? 16.
5. Lazarus Raised from the Dead. 17-44.
- Force of Martha's first remark? 21, 22.
- Why Mary the same remarks?
- Why did the Jews follow Mary and not Martha? 31.
- What caused Jesus to weep? 33-35, cf. Heb. iv. 15. [119]
- Reasoning of the lookers-on? 36, 37.
- How did he come forth with his feet bound? 44.
6. Immediate Effects of This Miracle. 45-53.
- Why tell the Pharisees? 46.
- Real ground of their hostility? 48.
- Double meaning in the words of Caiaphas? 49-52.
- Why say, "high priest that year"? 51. Josephus, Ant., B. XVIII. C. ii.
- The anomaly in their resolve? 53.
7. Jesus Retires until the Passover. 54-57.
- What wilderness? 54.
- Why come before the passover to purify themselves? 55, cf. Num. ix. 9-11.
- Why the doubts as to his coming? 56, cf. 57.