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Class Notes on Sacred History
Volume III: The Four Gospels
J. W. McGarvey (1893)
Table of Contents
MINISTRY.§ I. Zacharias' Vision, Elisabeth's Conception, Announcement to Mary, and Mary's Visit to Elisabeth. Nine months. Luke i. 5-12, 24, 26-33, 36, 39, 56.
§ II. Birth and Naming of John, and Joseph's Trouble about Mary. Nearly simultaneous. Luke i. 57-59; Matt. i. 18-25.
§ III. Birth of Jesus. Matt. i. 25; Luke ii. 1-20. Fifteen months.
§ IV. Childhood of Jesus. 1. At eight days old, circumcised. Luke ii. 21; 2. At forty days old, in the temple. Luke ii. 22; 3. Return to Nazareth. Luke ii. 39; 4. At twelve years old, in Jerusalem. Luke ii. 41-43. Parallel with return to Nazareth, arrival of wise men, flight into Egypt, return to Judah, and departure into Nazareth. Matt. ii. 1-23. [139]
§ I. His Preaching before the Baptism of Jesus, Begins in the Fifteenth Year of Tiberias. Luke iii. 1-17; Matt. iii. 1-12; Mark i. 1-8. Here Mark begins.
§ II. The Baptism and Temptation of Jesus at the Age of Thirty. Matt. iii. 13-iv. 11; Mark i. 9-13; Luke iii. 21-iv. 13. Gap of eighteen years in the life of Jesus.
§ III. Here John Begins. John the Baptist's preaching after the temptation, return of Jesus to the Jordan, five disciples gained, and visit to Cana. Jno. i. 29, 32, 35, 42; ii. 1. Six days.
§ IV. First Passover, Miracles in Jerusalem and Visit of Nicodemus. Jno. ii. 13-iii. 21. Seven days. Gap between § III and § IV of unknown length.
§ V. Jesus at the Jordan and John at Ænon. Jno. iii. 22-26.
§ VI. John Imprisoned, Jesus Starts for Galilee and Goes through Samaria. Eight months after Leaving Jerusalem. Matt. iv. 13; Mark i. 14; Luke iii. 14; Jno. iv. 1-54, cf. Jno. iv. 35. §§ IV-VI, by John alone, filling gap in other Gospels. [140]
§ I. In Matthew, Luke and Mark, This Period not Chronological, except that the Relative Time of a Few Events is Given.
§ II. Covered in John by Chapters v. 1-vi. 71.
1. Between chapters iv and v of John, a blank of four months. iv. 35; v. 1. This occupied by early events of Galilæan ministry.
2. Healing a man at the pool, and discussion following, on a single day, a sabbath. Jno. v. 10, 18. Not mentioned in Synoptics.
3. Between the chapters v and vi of John, a blank of twelve months. v. 1; vi. 4. This occupied by the middle part of Galilæan ministry. Chapter vi fixes time of feeding the five thousand and the death of John. Cf. Matt. xiv. 12-21. Shows that John's imprisonment lasted sixteen months.
4. Between chapters vi and vii of John, a blank of six months. vi. 4; vii. 2. Occupied by last six months of Galilæan ministry. Whole of this ministry, six plus sixteen, equals twenty two months. [141]
AT BETHANY.Time: six months, less six days. Jno. vii. 2; xii. 1.
§ I. Events in Matt. xix and xx and Mark x, All That are Given by Them in This Period. Probably chronological, and near the end of the period. See Mark x. 32, 46.
§ II. Events in Luke ix. 51-xix. 28 not Chronological. He gives a visit to Bethany, before the final journey from Jericho to Jerusalem. x. 38, cf. xviii. 35; Matt. xx. 29; Mark x. 46. Luke gives nine chapters here to Matthew's two and Mark's one.
§ III. Events in John vii. 2-xii. 1 Chronological.
1. Went directly to the feast of tabernacles, and remained till its close. Jno. vii. 10, 14, 37; viii. 59; x. 21, 22.
2. Then comes a blank of three months, followed by another visit to Jerusalem. Jno. x. 21, 22. Probably this the time of the first call at Bethany. See Luke x. 38.
3. In Jerusalem one day, and then beyond the Jordan. Jno. x. 22-39, 40.
4. Recalled to Bethany, but not in Jerusalem. Jno. xi. 3, 17, 54.
5. Retires to Ephraim, and returns in time for the passover. Jno. xi. 54, 55; xii. 1. This the time of the journey from Jericho to Jerusalem in the Synoptics. [142]
§ IV. Arrival at Bethany and the Public Entry.
1. The time fixed. Jno. xii. 1, 12. Monday. Time of supper at Bethany also fixed. Sunday. Jno. xii. 2.
2. Leaving Bethany, came to Bethphage and got the colt. Matt. xxi. 1-8.
3. The acclamations begin at, "the descent of the mount." Luke xix. 37.
4. Complaint of Pharisees follows. Luke xix. 39, 40.
5. Weeping over the city in the midst of acclamations. Luke xix. 41-44.
6. Despairing remark of Pharisees. Jno. xii. 19.
Time: to the resurrection. Eighty Days. Thence to the ascension. Forty days. Acts i. 1-3.
Relative estimate of the eight days seen in space devoted to it: Matthew, thirty-three per cent. of all; Mark, thirty-seven per cent.; Luke, forty-three per cent.; John, thirty-seven per cent..
§ I. From the Public Entry to the Preparation Day.
1. The first and second days.
(1). Enters the temple at eventide, looks about, and retires to Bethany. Monday. Mark xi. 11.
(2). Returning, curses the fig tree. Tuesday. Mark xi. 12-14. [143]
(3). Casts out the traders, probably the inquiry of the Greeks. Mark xi. 15; Jno. xii. 20.
2. Incidents on the third day. Wednesday.
(1). The fig tree found withered. Mark xi. 20, cf. 12-14. Why not seen as they went out?
(2). His authority demanded. Mark xi. 27, 28; followed by the parables of the two sons, the vine-dressers, and the marriage feast. Mark xi. 27, 28; Matt. xxi. 23-xxii. 14.
(3). Questions about the tribute to Cæsar, Matt. xxii. 15-22; the Resurrection, Matt. xxii. 23-33; the great commandment. Matt. xxii. 34-40; and about the Christ being the Lord of David. Matt. xxii. 41-46.
(4). Denunciation of the scribes and Pharisees. Matt. xxiii. 1-39.
(5). Remark about the widow's mite. Luke xx. 45-xxi. 3.
(6). The prophetic discourse on the mount of Olives. Matt. xxiv. 1-xxv. 46.
(7). Plot of the priests and elders, and their covenant with Judas. Matt. xxvi. 1-5; 14-16.§ II. Incidents Connected with the Paschal Supper.
1. Preparation is made for it. Thursday. Matt. xxvi. 17-19; Mark xiv. 12-16; Luke xxii. 7-13.
2. At the supper, washes the disciples feet. Jno. xiii. 1-20.
3. Jesus announces the betrayal, and Judas retires. 21, 20. [144]
4. The Lord's supper instituted. Matt. xxvi. 25, 26; Mark xiv. 21, 22. Luke reverses the order of the 3 and 4, but John's continuous thread of discourse up to the departure of Judas, shows the order of Matthew and Mark to be the order of time.
5. Remarks as to who should be greatest, Peter's denial, and future mission. Luke xxii. 24-38.
6. The discourse in John xiv. 1-xvi. 33, and the prayer in xvii. 1-26; Jno. xiii. 38-xiv. 1; xviii. 1.§ III. Incidents of the Arrest and of the Trial before the Sanhedrim.
1. The agony in the garden. Matt. xxvi. 36-46. Omitted by John.
2. The arrival of Judas with the band, Matt. xxvi. 47; some of the band fall back, Jno. xviii. 6, 7; Peter smites with a sword, Jno. xviii. 10; Jesus is seized and led to Annas; followed by Peter and John. Jno. xviii. 12, 13, 15.
3. Annas questions him and sends him to Caiaphas. Jno. xviii. 18-24, apparently in another part of the same building.
4. Peter is admitted by John's request, and makes his first and second denials. Jno. xviii. 15-18; Luke xxii. 54-58; an hour later, his third denial. Luke xxii. 59-62.
5. At daylight the priests and scribes assemble, and Jesus is condemned. Luke xxii. 66-71. [145]
§ IV. Proceedings before Pilate.
1. Sentence demanded on their own judgment, followed by Pilate's first interview with Jesus. Jno. xviii. 28-38.
2. They bring three charges against him, Pilate sends him to Herod, and Herod sends him back. Luke xxiii. 1-12.
3. About this time the message from Pilate's wife. Matt. xxvii. 19.
4. Pilate proposes to chastise and release Jesus, but Barabbas is preferred. Luke xxiii. 13-25. Pilate washes his hands, and turns Jesus over to the soldiers. Matt. xxvii. 24-30.
5. Jesus is led forth, and a new charge is preferred, when Pilate, alarmed, retires with him again, can get no answer from him, seeks more earnestly to deliver him, but is overcome by the threat respecting Cæsar. Jno. xix. 4-16.§ V. The Crucifixion and Burial.
1. Led away, bearing his cross; the cross is put upon Simon; is followed by women weeping. Jno. xix. 17; Luke xxii. 26-31.
2. He is crucified at third hour, saying, "Father, Forgive," etc.; his garments are divided between the four soldiers; the Jews object to the superscription. Mark xv. 25; Luke xxiii. 33, 34; Jno. xix. 23, 24; 19-22.
3. The people, the priests and the robbers mock Jesus; Jesus commits Mary to John, Jno. xix. 25-27; and about the [146] sixth hour, one robber repents. Matt. xxvii. 39-44; Luke xxiii. 39-44.
4. At sixth hour, darkness; Jesus cries, "I thirst," and "My God, My God;" vinegar is given him; he cries, "It is finished," and, "Father, into thy hands," etc.; dies; the earthquake, etc.; the sun comes out. Jno. xix. 28, 29; Matt. xxvii. 46-50; Jno. xix. 30; Luke xxiii. 46; Matt. xxvii. 51, 52.
5. Confession of the centurion, and remorse of the people. Luke xxiii. 47-49.
6. At request of Jews Pilate orders the bodies removed; at Joseph's request the body of Jesus is given to him; it is removed and buried by him and Nicodemus. Jno. xix. 31-37; 38-42; now nearly sunset, but the women prepare some spices. Luke xxiii. 54-56.
7. After sunset, the guard is set and the sepulchre is sealed. Matt. xxvii. 62-66.§ VI. The Resurrection of Jesus.
1. At dawn the women start for the sepulchre; they buy more spices, and arrive at sunrise. Matt. xxviii. 1; Jno. xx. 1; Mark xvi. 1, 2.
2. Before their arrival, the tomb opened, and the guard dispersed. Matt. xxviii. 2-4; Mark xvi. 3, 4.
3. Mary Magdalene runs to tell Peter and John; the other women enter the sepulchre; some of the guards go to [147] the chief priests. Jno. xx. 1, 2; Luke xxiv. 3-8; Matt. xxviii. 11-15.
4. Peter and John arrive and depart; Mary arrives and sees Jesus; the other women see him. Jno. xx. 3-10; 11-18; Matt. xxviii. 8-10, cf. Mark xvi. 9.
5. Jesus appears to two on the way to Emmaus; to Peter, and then to the eleven. Luke xxiv. 13-33, 36; Jno. xx. 19-23.
6. After eight days, appears again to the eleven. Jno. xx. 26.
7. Appears to seven at the lake. Jno. xxi. 1-14.
8. Appears to the eleven, and perhaps to five hundred on a mountain in Galilee. Matt. xxviii. 16-20; I. Cor. xv. 6.
9. Appears to the eleven in Jerusalem. Mark xvi. 14-20; Luke xxiv. 44-53; Acts i. 4-11.How many times, and to whom did he appear before the ascension? To what other person mentioned by Paul? I. Cor. xv. 7. To what others after the ascension? I. Cor. xv. 8; Rev. i. 12-18. [148]
[CNSH3 139-148]