Bible Studies
in the Christian Library
Acts 10:34, .35 


1. God has never b2en a respecter -of persons  2. He had no respect for Cain's offering  3. He had respect for true worship. Gen. 4:4, 5  4. Impossible to please Him without faith. Heb. 11:6 I. GOD WAS A RESPECTER OF NATIONS  1. He had respect unto Israel. Ex. 2:25; Lev. 26:9  2. He was not a respecter of persons however  a). Sons of Aaron punished. Lev. 10:1-3  b). Sister of Moses punished. Num. 12:14-16 II. GOD IS NO LONGER A RESPECTER OF NATIONS  1. Peter's language. Acts 10:34, 35  2. No difference between Jews and Greek. Ro. 1:16; 10:12  3. Great commission. All nations. Matt. 28:18-20 III. GOD IS NO RESPECTER OF PERSONS IN CHURCH  1. Anannias and Sapphira punished. Acts 5:1-11  2. All alike in Christ. Rom. 2:11; Eph. 6:9; Col. 3:25 IV. GOD IS NO RESPECTER OF PERSONS TO BE SAVED  1. "Whosoever will may come." Rev. 22:17  2. Desires salvation of all men. 2 Pet. 3:9  3. Commanded all to repent. Acts 17:30, 31 V. THESE DOCTRINES MAKE GOD A RESPECTER OF PERSONS  1. Predestination  2. Salvation by prayer  3. Direct operation of Holy Spirit VI. GOD WILL NOT BE A RESPECTER OF PERSONS AT THE JUDGMENT  1. All shall appear. 2 Cor. 5:10  2. All shall be judged. Rom. 14:12 Sermon Outline by George William Butterfield 

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