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NEHEMIAH – Great Duty Cannot Be Shirked! Nehemiah 6:11 1. One of the great heroes of the Bible is Nehemiah. This man displays an extraordinary character. A study of Nehemiah reveals the practicality of the Bible. Although its beginning is ancient, the people described could be our contemporaries. The setting of their stage is different from our modern society, but the dramas of their lives resemble life today. Their problems are like our problems; their duties are like our duties. From their efforts and achievements comes encouragement for us to be steadfast in faith to God. 2. What do we know about this great hero named “Nehemiah”? Not many people are named Nehemiah in our current day. This is sad because the name envisions heroic courage and unwavering resolve. All would be much better for possessing the integrity which Nehemiah possessed. The history surrounding Nehemiah begins with the capture of Judah and exile in Babylon. From the captives Nehemiah descended. The Persians broke the power of Babylon. Nehemiah was in Susa, the capitol of Persia. He was an official servant to the Persian King. Some of the exiles had returned under the leadership of Ezra. They had begun to repair the destroyed city of Jerusalem but had been stopped by jealous opponents. A group of Jews had come to Susa to see the King. Nehemiah learns of the deplorable condition of the returned exiles and the capitol city, Jerusalem. Nehemiah could have remained insensitive to the conditions. He could have reasoned that he was secure and safe and he could not do anything about the far away city. However he looked at the situation totally differently and the whole Book of Nehemiah is the record of what this one man did. The life of Nehemiah is well summarized by the question recorded in Nehemiah 6:11. He was a man of integrity, concern, courage, and, most important, faith in Jehovah God. Here is the story of a man who was gripped by a great purpose in life. He refused to be deterred from this purpose. He refused to be shaken, discouraged, or threatened. He refused to be intimidated. His was an absolute trust in Jehovah’s power! He never thought of himself but always of God (there are 14 prayers in 13 chapters!). This is the key to his success. 3. The heroic ATTITUDES of Nehemiah. The Book of Nehemiah discusses how the walls surrounding Jerusalem were rebuilt and the “remnant” of Israel was restored so the Messiah could appear. The book offers an interesting study on how God’s people are to work and what perils will confront them. Nehemiah faced discouraging sarcasm (4:1-6); personal attacks (4:7-23); slander (6:1-14); disunity (5:1-19). There is one motivational force behind Nehemiah’s heroic deeds. He was committed to a great purpose in his life. The work of God was overwhelming to him. He could not but act as he did because he really saw no other alternative but to serve God with his whole heart. This realization produced these attitudes: a. CONCERN for God’s Cause (1:4).
The book begins by describing Nehemiah’s great concern for God’s Cause. He had a secure position in Persia, but he heard there was a need for his services in Jerusalem. His concern would not allow him to be blind to his duty! Because of his concern, he left security, riches, comfort, prestige, and power. All Christians ought to have this same concern today. Cain is remembered because he held no concern for his brother (Gn 4:9). This poses a personal question – How concerned am I about God’s Cause? (Cf Mt 9:36-37). It is God’s desire that the lost be taught the Truth (Ac 17:30) but the lost are not being taught because too many are unconcerned. There are many who would become Christians but they will not because someone is not concerned enough about their soul to talk to them. As you look upon the lost condition of the world, are you “concerned” as Nehemiah was (1:4)? Nehemiah recognized that he was needed in order for God’s Cause to proceed. We are also desperately needed. Will we share this heroic attitude? b. CONFIDENCE in God’s Cause (1:5, 8).
This confidence is seldom seen in our day. We need to recommit ourselves to the fact that we can be confident in God’s power (Is 55:10-11; Ps 19:7-11; 2 Ti 3:15; Hb 4:12). This attitude of confidence is critical (2 Sa 22:31). c. COOPERATION in God’s Cause (1:11).
This is a key attitude if God’s Cause is to be victorious! Many people profess their belief in God’s Cause but they are unwilling to cooperate (Jas 2:17). We can pray all day for the salvation of the lost and believe the Bible has the power to save lost souls, BUT God cannot save them without our help (cf Mt 9:36-38). We can wish for a stronger congregation but without the cooperation of each member a strong congregation will never materialize (cf Hb 12:14-17). If God’s Cause is to triumph then you and I must cooperate (1 Jn 2:14; Is 6:8). If Nehemiah had remained in Susa, Jerusalem’s wall would never have been completed. Should we remain uncooperative the Cause of God will never triumph! d. COURAGE in God’s Cause (6:11).
This same courage is always expected from those serving God (cf Josh 1:7; 23:6; 2 Chr 19:11; 32:7; 2 Sa 13:28; 1 Co 15:58; 2 Ti 1:7-9; Rv 21:8a; etc.). Even though we face difficult issues we cannot dodge them. Sometimes courage demands we take unpopular actions (Mt 10:34-39). It takes courage to stand against slander that is spread by bitter enemies of God. Everyone tried to get Nehemiah to quit. Everyone tried to scare Nehemiah. But Nehemiah would not quit! He had made up his mind to serve God! The courage of Nehemiah led him to be UNCOMPROMISING in his service to God (6:2-4). Nehemiah refused to compromise with the enemies of God who asked him to stop building the wall and meet with them. Nehemiah refused to compromise with his own people who asked him to be more flexible in his attitude (6:17-18). He refused to compromise when a letter writing campaign was launched against him in an effort to smear his reputation (6:19). There is a tremendous lesson here that should bolster our courage – DO NOT be intimidated into compromising God’s will no matter the source! When faced with alluring invitations to compromise, to cease the work for God’s Cause, Nehemiah’s response was very clear – “I am doing a great work and I cannot come down. Why should the work stop while I leave it and come down?” (6:3). What heroic courage and conviction! 4. The Troublers of Nehemiah.
a. Step One – Sow seeds of doubt regarding one’s sincerity.
How do you respond to such? Do as Nehemiah did. Respond in a courageous, confident way (2:20). b. Step Two – Hurl barbs that cause suspicion to arise.
How do you respond? Do as Nehemiah did. Respond in a courageous, confident way (4:4-5). There is no mercy for those who treat God’s Cause with such contempt. c. Step Three – Begin active interference; increase verbal attacks.
How do you respond? Do as Nehemiah did. Respond in a courageous, confident way (4:9). Take action to protect yourself; defend yourself. Recognize that some of your brethren may be fearful and you need to assure them with your courage (4:13-23). d. Step Four – Offer compromise as a way of stopping hostilities
And this sounds so-o-o wonderful! So-o-o welcomed! No more fighting! No more slander! No more cursing! All can be “worked out.” All you need to do is go to the plains of Ono and meet with the Devil’s followers. It sounds so tempting, especially when you are exhausted by the first three steps! How do you respond? Do as Nehemiah did. Respond in a courageous, confident way (6:3-4). Recognize that you cannot negotiate a peace treaty with Satan. The Truth is nonnegotiable. Refuse to meet! Refuse to compromise! Refuse to go to Ono! e. Step Five – Renew and strengthen attacks.
How do you respond? Do as Nehemiah did. Respond in a courageous, confident way (6:8). You are doing a good work. You are following God’s will. The slanderous letters may be believed but you know they are “invented” by those working for Satan seeking to destroy God’s work. You must trust in God to reveal to others the lies and evil hearts of those sending out the poisoned letters (6:9). f. Step Six – Enlist sympathizers to undermine support.
How do you respond? Do as Nehemiah did. Respond in a courageous, confident way (6:14). Understand that Satan’s army will infiltrate and seek to divide and destroy (2 Co 11:13-15). The Devil has always sought to stop God’s Cause by gossip and backbiting. Satan has always had “spies” who were happier in ruining God’s Cause than supporting it (6:19). NOTE: These six steps are repeated even in our time. This is one example of how practical the Bible really is! 5. Nehemiah is indeed a great hero of the Old Testament! There
is an urgent need today for Christians to imitate his attitudes. We are
faced with great opportunities and obligated with great duties. Let us
not shirk them. We serve a mighty God and our service ought to be just
as Nehemiah’s was.
Copyright 1999 by John
L. Kachelman, Jr. may be reproducted for non-commercial purposes at no
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