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Class Notes on Sacred History
Volume II: First Samuel through Nehemiah.
J. W. McGarvey (1893)
Table of Contents
- From the Division of the Kingdom to the Captivity of Israel. 1 Kings 12:1-2 Kings 17:41; 2 Chron. 10:1-28:27.
- The Chronology of Israel.
- Review: The Reign of Solomon.
- Review: The History of Israel.
- Review: Judah from the Division of the Kingdom Till the Fall of Israel.
TO THE CAPTIVITY OF ISRAEL.I. Ki. xii. 1-II. Ki. xvii. 41; II. Chron. x. 1-xxviii. 27.
1. A Petition of the People to Rehoboam. xii. 1-4; II. Chron. x. 1-5.
- Why to Shechem?
- Did Jeroboam hear that the meeting had been? or was to be? 2.
- How was Solomon's yoke grievous? Cf. v. 13-18.
2. Rehoboam's Response. 5-15; II. Chron. x. 6-15.
- Where did the people go? 5.
- What the theory of the policy adopted?
- How brought about by the Lord? 15.
3. The Division Consummated. 6-20; II. Chron. x. 16-19.
- Why send Adoram? and why was he stoned? Cf. iv. 6.
- Why did Judah stand by Rehoboam?
- Why Jeroboam selected for king? 20, cf. xi. 21.
4. Rehoboam Forbidden to Attempt Coercion. 21-24;
II. Chron. xi. 1-4.
- Who was Shemaiah? 22.
§ II. THE REIGN OF JEROBOAM. xii. 25-xiv. 20. 1. He Builds Two Cities and Establishes Illegal Worship.
xii. 25-33. (Not in Chronicles.)
- Why Shechem and Penuel? 25.
- Why his fear of reaction among the people? 27.
- Why adopt worship of a calf? 28.
- Why at Dan? and why at Beth-el? 29.
- Why make priests of common [62] people? 31, cf. II. Chron. xi. 13, 14.
- Why put his feast in the eighth month? 33.
2. The Worship at Beth-el Denounced. xiii. 1-10.
(Not in Chronicles.)
- When was this? 1, cf. xii. 33.
- Why denounce the altar and not the image? 2.
- What character exhibited by the prophet?
3. The Prophet Deceived and Slain. 11-25.
(Not in Chronicles.)
- Why the old prophet so urgent with his invitation? 18.
- Why had he not denounced the sin?
- Why the young man slain and the old one spared?
- Why the young man slain when misled by a prophet? Cf. Gal. i. 8.
- When will believing a lie prove fatal?
4. Further Conduct of the Old Prophet. 26-32.
(Not in Chronicles.)
- Why the carcase not eaten nor the ass disturbed? 28.
- Why wish to be buried with him? 31.
- How the altar and the high places regarded?
5. Jeroboam's Obduracy. 33, 34. (Not in Chronicles.) 6. His Sin Denounced and His Ruin Predicted. xiv. 1-20.
(Not in Chronicles.)
- Inconsistency of the wife's mission? 2, 3.
- Why did Ahijah anticipate her? 6.
- Where was Ahijah's home?
- Where was Jeroboam's later residence? 17.
- Why the change from Shechem?
- What this book of chronicles? 19. [63]
- Relation of these kings to those in Israel? xiv. 30; xv. 6, 16.
1. The Reign of Rehoboam. xiv. 21-31.
- At what age of Solomon was he born? 21, cf. xi. 42.
- Who, then, was Solomon's first wife? 21.
- Comparative sinfulness of Judah? 22, 23.
- How did Rehoboam conduct himself at first? II. Chron. xii. 1, 2.
- What did he do to strengthen his kingdom? ib. xi. 5-12.
- What the treasures of the house of the Lord? 26, cf. I. Ki. vii. 40-51.
- Why make shields of brass? 27, 28.
- What this book of chronicles? 29.
- How much longer Jeroboam's reign than Rehoboam's? 21, cf. 20.
2. The Reign of Abijam over Judah. xv. 1-8.
- Whose daughter was his mother? 2, cf. II. Chron. xi. 21.
- How was David's heart perfect with God? 3, cf. 5.
- Describe a battle which he fought against Jeroboam. II. Chron. xiii. 3-22.
- Why say Rehoboam was young and tender-hearted? xiii. 7, cf. xii. 13; I. Ki. xiv. 21.
- What, "the commentary of the prophet Iddo"? II. Chron. xiii. 22.
3. The Reign of Asa. 9-24; II. Chron. xiv. 1-xv. 19.
- How could his mother be the same as his father's mother? 10, cf. 2, 13.
- Who the Sodomites? 12.
- How could he remove his mother from being queen? 13.
- How the high places not removed, yet Asa's heart perfect? 14, cf. II. Chron. xiv. 2, 3, 5. [64]
- Why Ramah selected by Baasha? 17.
- On what principle did Ben-hadad act? 20.
- What disease in his feet? 23.
- What other war did Asa wage? II. Chron. xiv. 8-15.
- What reformation did he effect, and at whose suggestion? ib. xv. 1-19.
- When the movement of Baasha? ib. xvi. 1.
- How was Asa dealt with for hiring the Syrians? ib. xvi. 2-10.
- What fault in reference to his feet? 12.
- Why a fault?
- Why the bed of spices and the burning? 14.
OF OMRI ESTABLISHED.I. Ki. xv. 25-xvi. 34.1. The House of Jeroboam Cut Off by Baasha. xv. 25-32.
(Not in Chronicles.)
- How could Nadab begin in the second year of Asa, and die in his third year, yet reign two years? 25, 28. See also xv. 32; xvi. 8, cf. 15; et al.
- What the sin that Jeroboam made Israel to sin? xv. 26, 30, 34.
- Why exterminate Jeroboam's seed? 29.
2. The Reign of Baasha. xv. 33-xvi. 7. (Not in Chronicles.)
- Meaning of, "exalted thee out of the dust"? xvi. 2.
- Why censured for smiting Jeroboam's house? 7.
3. The Reigns of Elah and Zimri. xvi. 8-20.
(Not in Chronicles.)
- Why so much bloodshed and treason?
4. The Reign of Omri. 21-28. (Not in Chronicles.)
- What of the interval of four years? 23, cf. 15.
- Why the purchase, [65] and the new city? 24, cf. Lands of the Bible, 295, 296.
5. The Reign of Ahab: Its General Character. 29-34.
(Not in Chronicles.)
- How the thirty-eight years counted? 29, cf. 23, 15.
- Why so bad to take Jezebel? 31.
- When was Baal-worship last seen before this? 31, 32, cf. I. Sam. vii. 1-4.
- How account for Hiel's act? 34.
- How account for the steady increase of wickedness? 33.
§ V. THE STRUGGLE OF ELIJAH AGAINST BAAL-WORSHIP.I. Ki. xvii. 1-xix. 21. 1. He Delivers His Message and Hides at the Brook Cherith. xvii. 1-7.
(Not in Chronicles.)
- Meaning of Tishbite? 1, cf. margin.
- Where was Gilead?
- How had he obtained this power? Cf. Jas. v. 17.
- His design?
- Where the brook Cherith? See Lands of the Bible, 234.
- Why fed by ravens? 4, 6.
2. He Is Sent to a Widow of Zarephath. 8-16.
(Not in Chronicles.)
- Where was Zarephath? 9; Lands of the Bible, 532.
- Why not sent to some person in Israel? 15, cf. Luke, iv. 25, 26.
- Design of the miracle? 16.
3. The Widow's Son Dies and Is Resuscitated. 17-24.
(Not in Chronicles.)4. Elijah Is Sent to Ahab. xviii. 1-19. (Not in Chronicles.)
- In the third year after what? 1, cf. Luke, iv. 25; Jas. v. 17.
- When the prophets cut off? and why? 4, cf. 13.
- What of the animals of the poor? 5.
- Why Obadiah's fear? 10-12.
- Why such a search for Elijah? 10.
- Why call Elijah the "troubler of Israel"? 17.
- In all similar cases who is the troubler?
5. The Trial on Mount Carmel. 20-39. (Not in Chronicles.)
- Why no answer to Elijah's demand? 21.
- Why mock the prophets? 27.
- Why cut themselves? 28.
- What, "the evening oblation"? 29.
- When and why an altar of Jehovah there? 30.
- Why the water? 33, 34.
- Difference in the prayers? 36, 37, cf. 26, 28.
- How consume the stones and the dust? 38.
- State all that overcame the people.
6. The Prophets Killed and the Rain Brought. 40-46.
(Not in Chronicles.)
- Why slain? 40.
- Why eat under such circumstances? 42, cf. 36.
- On what part of the mountain was this trial? 42, 46.
- Why Elijah's strange posture? 42, cf. Jas. v. 17, 18.
- How did this rain come? 44, 45.
- How far did Elijah run? 46, cf. Lands of the Bible, 308, 512.
7. Elijah's Flight. xix. 1-8. (Not in Chronicles.)
- Why did Jezebel send him word? 2.
- Why flee for this? 3.
- Why to Judah and Beer-sheba? 3.
- Why wish to die? 4.
- What [67] occupied the forty days?
8. God Appears to Him at Mount Horeb. 9-18.
(Not in Chronicles.)
- What covenant? 10.
- What altars?
- Significance of the wind, the earthquake, the fire, and the voice? 11-13, cf. 18.
- What the wilderness of Damascus. 15.
9. Elisha Is called To Be a Prophet. 19-21.
- Who drove the other oxen? 19.
- How could he understand the act of Elijah? 19, 20.
- Why the feast?
§ VI. WAR BETWEEN AHAB AND BEN-HADAD. I. Ki. xx. 1-43. 1. Samaria Besieged and Its Pillage Demanded. xx. 1-12.
(Not in Chronicles.)
- How did he get to the city without a battle? 1.
- Why willing to concede the first demand? 3, 4.
- Why reject the second? 5-9.
- Meaning of the boast? 10.
- A notable saying? 11.
- Was this the Ben-hadad hired by Asa? 34, cf. xv. 18-20.
2. The Besieging Army Defeated. 13-22. (Not in Chronicles.)
- Why a prophet sent to Ahab? 13.
- Who these young men? 14.
- Why had Ahab so small a force? 15.
- Why go out at noon? 16.
- How account for the flight? 20, cf. 16.
- Why the prophet's warning? 22.
- Meaning of, "the return of the year." 22.
3. Another Invasion. 23-30. (Not in Chronicles.)
- Syrian conception of gods? 23.
- Why put captains in the room of the kings? 24, cf. 16.
- Why the Lord with Ahab again? [68] 28.
- How could a falling wall kill twenty-seven thousand? 30.
4. Ben-hadad Captured and Released. 31-34. (Not in Chronicles.)
- Significance of the ropes? 34.
- Ingenuity of the scheme?
- Meaning of remark about the streets? 34.
5. Ahab Rebuked for Sparing Ben-hadad. 35-43.
(Not in Chronicles.)
- Why the fate of the disobedient prophet? 36.
- Why the smiting? 37.
- Why Ahab censured for mercy? 42.
§ VII. THE VINEYARD AT NABOTH. xxi. 1-29. 1. Ahab Tries To Buy the Vineyard. xxi. 1-4. (Not in Chronicles.)
- Why the vineyard wanted?
- Why Naboth's refusal?
- Why Ahab so bitterly disappointed?
2. The Vineyard Obtained by Jezebel. 5-16. (Not in Chronicles.)
- Why in Ahab's name? 8.
- Why "proclaim a fast"? 9.
- Why did the elders and nobles comply? 11.
- Did Ahab know what she had done? 15, 16.
3. The Crime Denounced. 17-29. (Not in Chronicles.)
- Why say, "O mine enemy"? 20.
- Meaning of, "him that is shut up and him that is left at large"? 21.
- Chief cause of Ahab's wickedness? 25.
- Why Ahab so penitent? 27.
OF AHAB. I. KI. xxii. 1-40.1. A League between Ahab and Jehoshaphat. xxii. 1-4;
II. Chron. xviii. 1-3. [69]
- Why Jehoshaphat's visit? 2, cf. II. Chron. xviii. 1; II. Ki. viii. 16-18
- Why did Jehoshaphat consent? 4.
- Why had not Ramoth-gilead been given up according to agreement? Cf.xx. 34.
2. The Kings Inquire of the Lord. 5-12; II. Chron. xviii. 4, 5.
- Why the proposal made by Jehoshaphat? 5.
- How so many prophets? 6.
- Why not satisfied with their answer? 7.
- When had Micaiah prophesied evil? Cf. xx. 42.
- Why not call Elijah?
- Significance of the horns? 11.
3. Micaiah's Prediction. 13-28; II. Chron. xviii. 6-27.
- Why the messenger's advice to Micaiah? 13.
- How was Micaiah's first answer understood? 15, 16.
- Point in the second answer? 17.
- Significance of his vision? 19-23.
- Was the vision real or imaginary?
- Meaning of Zedekiah's demand? 24.
- What the bread and water of affliction? 27.
4. The Battle Fought and Ahab Slain. 23-40;
II. Chron. xviii. 28-34.
- Why did Ahab disguise himself? 30, cf. 20.
- Why the order of Ben-hadad? 31.
- Why spare Jehoshaphat? 33.
- What was their report after the battle?
- How does this illustrate the providence of God?
- Which army was victorious? 36.
- What is meant by an ivory house? 39. [70]
§ IX. THE REIGN OF JEHOSHAPHAT.I. Ki. xxii. 41-50.
- How and why were his ships broken? 48, cf. II. Chron. xx. 37.
- What educational enterprise under Jehoshaphat? II. Chron. xviii. 7-9.
- What "book of the law of Jehovah" was this?
- How many men in his militia? II. Chron. xvii. 14-19.
- What rebuke did he receive for his connection with Ahab? II. Chron. xix. 1-3.
- What was thought of the friendship by the people?
- What judiciary arrangement did he make? II. Chron. xix. 4-11.
- What authority for this? Deut. xvi. 18-20.
- Give a brief account of an invasion of Jehoshaphat's kingdom by Moab and Ammon? II. Chron. xx. 1-30.
§ X. THE REIGN OF AHAZIAH. I. Ki. xxii. 51-II. Ki. i. 18.
- To what extent was Baal-worship revived? xxii. 53.
- What is said of Moab at this time? II. Ki. i. 1, cf. iii. 4, 5.
- How did he fall through the lattice?
- Who was Baal-zebub?
- Why the men slain?
- Who was Jehoram? 17, cf. iii. 1.
II. Ki. ii. 1-viii. 15.1. Elisha Clings to Elijah. ii. 1-18. (Not in Chronicles.)
- Was this the Gilgal near the Jordan? 1, cf. 2.
- How did they know what was to be done? 3, 5.
- Why Elisha's persistency? 2, 4, 6.
- Where did the fifty stand? and why? 7.
- Meaning of, "a double portion of thy spirit"? 9.
- Meaning of Elisha's [71] exclamation? 12.
- Why the search by the fifty? 16-18.
- What proved by the search?
2. Waters Healed and Children Devoured. 19-25.
- Why was the situation pleasant? 19.
- Are those waters good now?
- Which way to Beth-el?
- Meaning of, "cursed them in the name of the Lord"? 24.
- Purpose of the death of the children?
- In which kingdom were Beth-el and Jericho?
3. General Character of Jehoram's Reign. iii. 1-3. 4. Jehoram and Jehoshaphat March against Mesha King of
Moab. 4-10.
- Why the king called a sheepmaster? 4.
- What the line of march? 8, 9.
- Where were they? and why their fear? 9, 10.
5. They Inquire of the Lord. 11-19.
- Significance of pouring water on hands? 11.
- Why was Elisha there?
- Why his contempt for Jehoram? 13, 14.
- Why call for a minstrel?
6. The Prediction Fulfilled. 20-27.
- From what direction did the water come?
- Why take the water for blood? 22, cf. 17.
- Why make such desolation? iii. 25, cf. 19.
- Meaning of, "break through unto the king of Edom"? 26.
- Why sacrifice his son? 27.
- Why the wrath against Israel? 27.
- What else known of Mesha? See The Moabite stone.
7. Elisha Relieves a Prophet's Widow. iv. 1-7. 8. The Kindness of a Shunammite Rewarded. 8-17.
- Where was Shunem? 8.
- Meaning of, "great woman"? 8.
- Why such provision for the prophet? 10.
- How could the chamber be on the wall? 10.
- Meaning of, "I dwell among mine own people"? 13, cf. our expression, "He lives at home."
- Why say, "do not lie"? 16.
9. The Child Dies and Is Revived by Elisha. 18-37.
- In what sense "grown"? 18.
- What was the child's disease? 19, 20.
- Why say, "it is neither new moon nor sabbath"? 23.
- Why say, "Drive"? 24.
- Why answer, "It is well"? 26.
- Why, "to thrust her away"? 27.
- Why, "salute him not"? 29.
- Why send the staff?
10. Relief in Famine. 38-44.
- What was pottage? 38.
- Why the prophets reduced to such fare?
- Why the barley bread and grain? 42.
11. Naaman Is Healed of Leprosy. v. 1-19.
- How had Jehovah given victory to Syria by Naaman? 1.
- Why the maid's proposal? 3.
- Why was she so readily believed? 5.
- Why apply to Jehoram? 5, 6.
- Why did not Jehoram send for Elisha? 7, cf. iii. 13, 14.
- Why return to the prophet after the healing? 15.
- Why did he want some earth? 17.
- Force of the answer, "Go in peace"? 19, cf. 18.
12. The Sin and Punishment of Elisha's Servant. 20-27. [73]
- What the worst effect of the sin? 20-23, cf. 16.
- Why speak of oliveyards, vineyards, etc.? 26.
- Why, "unto thy seed"? 27.
13. A Prophet's Axe Recovered. vi. 1-7.
- Why ask permission?
- What kind of dwelling? 2.
- Why go to the Jordan? 2.
- Why not dive for the axe?
- Why such trouble over an axe?
14. Elisha Captures a Syrian Band. 8-23.
- Why does Elisha now help Jehoram? 9.
- Why think there was a traitor among his servants? 11.
- Why wish to capture Elisha? 13.
- What lesson taught the servant? 16, 17.
- What kind of blindness? 18-20.
- Did the prophet lie to them? 19, 20.
- Why fed and sent away? 22, 23.
15. Samaria Besieged and Relief Predicted. vi. 24-vii. 2.
- How reconcile 24 with 23?
- Force of the king's reply to the woman? 27.
- Why the sackcloth? 30.
- Why the threat against Elisha? 31, cf. 33.
- How dare to hold the door? vi. 32.
- Why say, "son of a murderer"?
- Meaning of, "wait for the Lord any longer"? 33.
- How much was, a "measure"? vii. 1. [It was the seah, about one third of a bushel].
16. The Prediction Fulfilled. vii. 3-20.
- Why the lepers outside? and why in the gateway? 3.
- Who the kings of the Hittites? 6.
- Why leave the horses? 7.
- Why the lepers alarmed? 9.
- Why the suspicion of the king? 12.
- Why did the people tread upon the captain? 17. [74]
17. Another Service to the Shunammite Woman. viii. 1-5.
- Connection of this famine with the poverty of the prophets? 1, cf. iv. 38-40.
- Why would the kind talk to a leper? 4.
- How had she lost her lands? 6.
18. Elisha's Prediction to Hazael, and Its Effects. 7-15.
- Why so respectful to Elisha? 8, 9, cf. vi. 13.
- Meaning of the prophet's answer? 10.
- Why say, "but a dog"? 13.
- Did the prediction help to fulfil itself? 10, 13, 15.
§ XII. THE END OF THE HOUSE OF OMRI. II. Ki. viii. 16-x. 36. 1. The Reign of Jehoram of Judah. viii. 16-24;
II. Chron. xxi. 1-20.
- How could Jehoram reign while Jehoshaphat was king? 16.
- Why the remark about not destroying Judah? 19.
- Explain his fight with the Edomites? 21, 22.
2. The Reign of Ahaziah of Judah. 25-29; II. Chron. xxii. 1-6.
- How was Athaliah daughter of Omri? 26, cf. 18.
- Why was Hazael at Ramoth-gilead? 28, cf. 12.
- Which side victorious? See ix. 14.
3. Jehu Is Anointed and Commissioned by Order of Elisha.
ix. 1-13. (Not in Chronicles.)
- When the original order for this? See I. Ki. xix. 15-18.
- Why not executed sooner?
- Why the house of Ahab to perish? 7.
- Why say, "this mad fellow"? 11.
- Why acknowledge Jehu so promptly? 13. [75]
4. Jehu Slays the Two Kings. 14-29. (Not in Chronicles.)
- Why say, "let none escape and go forth out of the city"? 15.
- How the driving recognized? 20.
5. The Death of Jezebel. 30-37. (Not in Chronicles.)
- Why call him Zimri? 31, cf. I. Ki. xvi. 10, 18.
- Why was she so daring?
- Why were eunuchs there? 32.
6. Jehu Slaughters the Seed of Ahab. x. 1-14. (Not in Chronicles.)
- How the rulers of Jezreel in Samaria? 1.
- Why the challenge to them? 3.
- Who were these seventy sons of Ahab? 1, 6.
- Point in his question about the heads? 9.
- What his justification? 10.
- Who, "the brethren of Ahaziah"? 13.
7. His Meeting with Jehonadab and the Slaughter of the
Baal-worshippers. 15-28. (Not in Chronicles.)
- Who was Jehonadab? 15, cf. Jer xxxv. 1-9; I. Chron. ii. 55.
- Why the vestments? and why the search? 22, 23.
- Meaning of "draught house"? 27.
8. The Rest of Jehu's Reign. 29-36. (Not in Chronicles.)
- Why did he spare the calf-worship? 29.
- Extent of Hazael's conquest? 33.
JOASH. II. Ki. xi. 1-xii. 21; II. Chron. xxii. 10-12.1. Athaliah Usurps the Throne of Judah. xi. 1-3;
II. Chron. xxii. 10-12.
- Why destroy her own offspring? 1.
- What bedchamber in [76] the house of the Lord? 2, 3.
- Crisis in the house of David?
2. Joash Crowned, and Athaliah Slain. 4-16;
II. Chron. xxiii. 1-15.
- Who the captain of Carites and the guard? 4, cf. 5, 7; II. Chron. xxiii. 1-5.
- Why give them spears and shields? 10.
- Why cry, "Treason"? 14.
- Trace the career of Athaliah? 3.
3. A Covenant Made, and Baal-worship Destroyed. 17-21;
II. Chron. xxiii. 16-xxiv. 1.
- Why the covenant? 17.
- Why a house of Baal in Jerusalem? 18.
4. The Early Part of the Reign of Joash. xii. 1-3;
II. Chron. xxiv. 2, 3.
- How could he reign at seven? xi. 21, cf. xii. 2.
- What was wrong in the high places? 3.
5. Joash Repairs the Temple. 4-16; II. Chron. xxiv. 4-16.
- What the moneys first mentioned? 4.
- Why the order not executed? 7.
- What kind of breaches to be repaired? 11, 12.
- Why not reckon with the workmen? 15.
6. Hazael Appeased, and Joash Slain. 17-21;
II. Chron. xxiv. 23-27.
- Where was Gath? 17.
- Why not fight Hazael? 18.
- Why the conspiracy? 20, 21, cf. II. Chron. xxiv. 25.
- What does his career illustrate? [77]
ISRAEL. II. Ki. xiii. 1-25. (NOT IN CHRONICLES.)1. The Reign of Jehoahaz. xiii. 1-9.
- Why the sin of Jeroboam so serious now? 2, 6.
- Why Hazael's son named Ben-hadad? 3, cf. viii. 15.
- Meaning of, "dwelt in their tents, as beforetime"? 5.
- Why the army so reduced? 7.
2. The Reign of Jehoash of Israel. 10-13.
- His war with Amaziah described later. 12, cf. xiv. 8-16.
3. Elisha's Last Prediction. 14-19.
- Why this address? 14.
- Why the significance of the signs?
4. Death and Burial of Elisha. 20, 21.
- Why this miracle?
- Length of Elisha's career?
5. Elisha's Prediction Fulfilled. 22-25. § XV. THE REIGNS OF AMAZIAH AND JEROBOAM THE SECOND.
xiv. 1-29.1. Amaziah Reigns and Avenges His Father's Death.
xiv. 1-7; II. Chron. xxv. 1-4.
- Why mention the sparing of the children?
2. Amaziah's Foolish Challenge to Jehoash. 8-16; II. Chron. xxv. 17-24.
- Point in the fable? 9.
- What smiting of Edom? 10, cf. II. Chron. xxv. 5-16.
- What lesson taught in this? and what folly exhibited?
3. The Death of Amaziah. 17-22; II. Chron. xxv. 25-28.
- Why the conspiracy? 19, cf. II. Chron. xxv. 27.
- How did they bring his corpse on horses? 20. [78]
4. The Reign of Jeroboam the Second. 23-29. (Not in Chronicles.)
- What are Hamath and the sea of the Arabah? 25.
- Meaning of, "none shut up nor left at large"? 26.
- When had Damascus and Hamath belonged to Judah? 28, cf. I. Chron. xviii. 1-6.
- How according to the word of the Lord by the hand of Jonah? 25, cf. the connection Elisha with Jehoram?
- On what noted mission was Jonah sent? See Book of Jonah.
- Describe his conduct when first told to go. Jonah i. 1-17.
- Why did he flee? and why to Tarshish? 3.
- How, "from the presence of Jehovah"?
- Why so sound asleep? 5, 6.
- Why alarmed at Jonah's statement? 10.
- Why his proposal? 12.
- Why not at once accepted? 13.
- Why their prayer? 14.
- When the sacrifice and vows? 16.
- What his experiences in the fish? ii. 2, 4-6.
- Why say, "bowels of Sheol," and "for ever"? 2, 6.
- His conduct under a second command, and its effect? iii. 1-10.
- How, "of three days' journey"? iii. 3, 4.
- Why did they believe and repent? 5, 6, cf. Luke, xi. 30.
- Was there a change in God? iii. 10.
- Give the rest of the story. iv. 1-11.
- Why angry? iv. 1-3.
- Lesson from the gourd? iv. 10, 11.
PERIOD IN ISRAEL. II. Ki. xv. 1-31; II. Chron. xxvi. 1-23.1. The Reign of Azariah. xv. 1-7.
- What the abbreviation of his name? xv. 13, 30; II. Chron. xxvi. 3, 4.
- What of his three predecessors in Matthew's genealogy? [79]
- Why smitten with leprosy? 5, cf. II. Chron. xxvi. 21-23.
- Meaning of "several house"?
- For what was he noted in military affairs? ib. 6-9, 11-14.
- For what in agriculture? ib. 10.
- Why the towers and cisterns?
- Why the cisterns hewn out?
- Outward condition of both kingdoms?
THE PROPHET AMOS.i. 1-ix. 15. (1.) The Man and His Time. Am i. 1.
- Where was Tekoa?
- Why say, "words which he saw"?
- When was the earthquake? See Zech. xiv. 5, cf. Josephus, Ant. IX. x. 4; XV. v. 2.
(2.) He Denounces the Surrounding Nations, and Predicts the
Captivity of Israel. i. 2-vii. 9.
- State of morals in Israel? ii. 6-12.
(3.) He Is Accused and Denounced by Amaziah Priest
of Beth-el. vii. 10-17.
- Why bid him return to Judah and prophesy? 12, 13.
- Point in saying, "I was no prophet, neither was I a prophet's son"? 14.
- Point in the predicted fate of Amaziah? 17.
(4.) Continuation of the Prediction. viii. 1-ix. 9.
- Why the allusion to Beer-sheba, Dan and Gilgal. Cf. 14, 1; v. 4, 5; iv. 1-13.
(5.) The Final Restoration of David's Throne. ix. 10-12,
cf. Acts, xv. 14-18.(6.) The Final Restoration of Israel. 13-15.
- Can this passage be a figurative reference to the church? [80]
- Was it fulfilled in the return from Babylon? 15.
- Explain the remark about the plowman, the reaper, etc.? 13.
2. The House of Jehu Ends with the Death of Zechariah.
xv. 8-12. (Not in Chronicles.)
- Why emphasize the sins of Jeroboam? 9.
- When the promise of 12. See x. 30.
- How long the career of this house? x. 36; xiii. 1, 10; xiv. 23; xv. 8.
3. The Reign of Shallum. 13-16. (Not in Chronicles.)
- What prompted Menahem?
- Why this cruelty to Tiphsah? 16.
4. The Reign of Menahem. 17-22. (Not in Chronicles.)
- How, "to confirm the kingdom in his hand"? 19.
- How many men were assessed? 20.
- This the beginning of Assyrian invasions.
5. The Reign of Pekahiah. 23-26. (Not in Chronicles.)
- The motive of Pekah? 25.
- Why were Gileadites with him? 25.
6. The Reign of Pekah. 27-31. (Not in Chronicles.)
- How many kings in Israel contemporary with Azariah? 27, cf. 23, 17, 13, 8, 1.
- What the extent of this captivity? 29.
- What Galilee was this? Cf. I. Ki. ix. 10-14.
- Cause of this invasion? See xvi. 5-9.
- What the motive of Hoshea? 30.
- The number of kings in this revolutionary period? and its duration? 27, 23, 17, 13.
- What state of society must have existed in Israel? Cf. Am ii. 6-12, et al.
- What now thought of Amos?
THE PROPHET HOSEA.i. 1-xiv. 9. (1.) His Period. i. 1. [81]
- How long was it? [From death of Jeroboam the Second, to that of Uzziah; II. Ki. xv. 2, 8, fourteen years; + Jotham's reign; xv. 32, 33, sixteen years; + reign of Ahaz, II. Ki. xvi. 2, sixteen years; + part of Jeroboam's, and part of Hezekiah's reign, say, eight years: = fifty-four years.]
(2.) His First Prophecy. i. 2-iii. 5.
- Give the account of his wife and three children. i. 2-9.
- What symbolized by this? i. 2.
- Was it a reality?
- In whose reign was this spoken? i. 4.
- How is the symbol continued? ii. 2-7.
- What meant by the lovers? ii. 5, cf. 13, 17.
- What the financial condition of the people? ii. 5, 8, 13.
- What holy days observed? ii. 11.
- What final result predicted? iii. 4, 5.
- What apparent probability at the time of the condition described in iii. 4?
(3.) His Other Prophecies. iv. 1-xiv. 9.
- Political allusions? v. 13, cf. xv. 19; vii. 7, 11, 12; viii. 9, 10; xii. 1.
- Allusions to false worship. iv. 13, 14, 17; viii. 5-7.
- State of morals. iv. 1, 2; vi. 6-10.
- Prediction of a resurrection. vi. 1-3.
- Captivity predicted. ix. 11-17; x. 5-8.
- God's reluctance in punishment. xi. 8-11.
- Graphic description of Israel's career. xiii. 1-16.
- Invitation to return to God. xiv. 1-9. [82]
II. Ki. xv. 8-xvi. 20.1. Reign of Jotham. xv. 32-38; II. Chron. xxvii. 1-9.
- What the "upper gate of the house of the Lord"? 35.
- In what sense did the Lord begin to send Pekah and Rezin? 37, cf. xvi. 5.
2. The Extreme Wickedness of Ahaz. xvi. 1-4;
II. Chron. xxviii. 1-4.
- How make his son pass through the fire? 3.
3. His War with Rezin and Pekah. 5-9; II. Chron. xxviii. 5-15.
- Why did God send these kings? Cf. 4; xv. 37.
- What of some prisoners whom they took? II. Chron. xxviii. 8-15.
- How get to Elath without taking Jerusalem? 6.
- What territory had Assyria now south of the Euphrates? 9, cf. xv. 29.
- What did Isaiah predict concerning Rezin and Pekah? Is. vii. 1-17; viii. 1-4.
- State the time and circumstances of Isaiah's call to be a prophet. vi. 1-13.
- In what reigns did he prophesy? i. 1.
- His picture of the sin and wretchedness of Israel? i. 2-9.
- At what time was this written? 5, 7, 9.
4. Ahaz Adopts a Heathen Altar and Makes Changes about
the Temple. 10-20; II. Chron. xxviii. 22-27.
- Why all this?
THE PROPHET MICAH.i. 1-vii. 20.
- In what reigns did he prophesy? i. 1.
- How does he compare in point of time with Isaiah? Is. i. 1.
- Concerning whom did [83] he prophesy? i. 1.
- What disaster to Samaria did he predict? i. 1-7.
- What, to Jerusalem? iii. 1-12.
- What passage in common with Isaiah? iv. 1-3, cf. Is. ii. 2-4.
- What prediction respecting the Messiah? v. 2, cf. Matt. ii. 4-6.
- Acceptable worship. vi. 6-8.
ISRAEL. II. Ki. xvii. 1-41. (NOT IN CHRONICLES.)1. He Conspires against Shalmaneser, and Is Cast into Prison.
xvii. 1-4.
- Who was Shalmaneser? 3, cf. xvi. 10.
- Purpose of sending messengers to So? 4, cf. Hos. vii. 11, xii. 1.
2. Samaria Taken and Israel Carried Away. 5, 6.
- Why so long a siege? 5, cf. Am vi. 1.
- What king took Samaria? 6. See Rawlinson.
- Where the river Gozan? and where the cities of the Medes?
- Why scatter the captives?
3. God's Reasons for Sending Israel into Captivity. 7-23.
- What the sum of them all?
4. The New Inhabitants of the Land. 24-41. [CNSH2 52-]
- What the king's policy in this? 24.
- Why think the lions were sent by "the God of the land"? 26.
- Why say they feared Jehovah, and yet feared him not? 33, 34, 41.
- What people descended from these? [84]