Class Notes on Sacred History
Volume I: The Pentateuch, Joshua, Judges, Ruth and
J. W. McGarvey (1893)
Table of Contents
- Part First. The First Census and the Order of the Camp and March. Num. 1:1-10:10.
- Part Second. The Wanderings from Mount Sinai to the Plains of Moab. Num. 10:11-22:1.
- Part Third. Events While the Camp Was in the Plains of Moab. Num. 22:2-36:13.
- Review.
AND MARCH.i. 1-x. 10.
§ I. THE FIRST CENSUS. i. 1-46.
- Where and when was this census taken? i. 1.
- Age and sex of those numbered? 2, 3.
- The whole number? 46.
- How could it be done in one day? 17, 18, cf. Ex. xviii. 13-27.
- The number of the largest and smallest tribes? 27, 35.
- Which the smallest whole tribe? 37.
- What of the Levites? i. 47-54.
- What tribes constituted the eastern camp? ii. 1-9.
- What tribes the southern camp? 10-16.
- What tribes the western camp? 18-24.
- What, the northern? 25-31.
- How was kinship regarded in this arrangement?
- Where were the Levites and the Tent of Meeting? 17. [77]
- Give the names of Aaron's sons. iii. 1-4.
- What service assigned the Levites? 5-10.
- What exchange involved in this? 11-13.
- How were the Levites to be numbered? 14-20.
- The number of Gershonites? their camp? and their burden? 21-26.
- Those of the Kohathites? 27-32.
- Those of the Merarites? 33-39.
- How does the aggregate in iii. 39, compare with the preceding figures?
- What of the surplus three hundred? [Ans. Probably firstborns, not subject to exchange, and therefore not counted in this aggregate.]
- How many firstborns of all the tribes? 40-43.
- Order concerning the surplus firstborns? 44-51.
- What new numbering of each division? iv. 2, 3, 22, 23, 29, 30.
- Which the most numerous under this count? iv. 36, 40, 44.
- Repeat the priestly benediction. vi. 22-26.
§ V. OFFERING MADE BY THE PRINCES. vii. 1-89. 1. An Offering of Wagons and Oxen. vii. 1-9.
- Why this section delayed? 1, cf. Ex. xl. 17.
- What articles could the Merarites transport on wagons?
- What kind of wagons?
2. Offerings for the Dedication of the Altar. 10-83.
- How did the order of giving correspond with the order of the encampment? Cf. ii. 1-34.
3. The Aggregate of Gifts. 84-88. [78]
- When did the twelve days begin? 88, 10, 11.
4. How Moses Now Hears the Lord. 89. § VI. THE CONSECRATION OF THE LEVITES. viii. 1-26.
- What the process? 7, 9-12.
- What the water of extirpation? 7, cf. xix. 1-22.
- In what sense "a wave offering"? 10, 11, cf. Lev. vii. 28-34.
- How could all Israel lay hands on the Levites? 9, 10.
- How did the Levites lay hands on the bullocks? 12.
- At what age were they to serve in the Tent of Meeting? 23-26.
- What difference from the service at a later age? Cf. iv. 3, 23, 39.
SILVER TRUMPETS. ix. 1-x. 10.1. The Second Passover Kept. ix. 1-14.
- How long after setting up the Tent of Meeting. 1-3, cf. Ex. xl. 17.
- Whence the requisite number of lambs?
- Whence the unleavened bread?
- Why did uncleanness prevent eating? 6.
- Could the stranger eat if uncircumcised? 14, cf. Ex. xii. 48.
- Meaning of "cut off from his people"? 13.
2. The Guidance of the Pillar of Cloud. 15-23.
- How was the movement of the cloud the command of Jehovah? 23.
- To what with us does the cloud correspond?
3. Two Silver Trumpets and Their Uses. x. 1-10.
- Could they be heard through the whole camp?
- How often blown over sacrifices? 10.
- How many notes could they sound?
- Was any other music appointed in the law? [79]
PLAINS OF MOAB.x. 11-xxii. 1.
1. The Removal from Sinai. x. 11-28.
- How long the stay at Sinai? 11, cf. Ex. xix. 1.
- What "the wilderness of Paran"? 12, cf. 33.
- Why Gershon and Merari next to the "camp of the children of Judah," and Kohath after that of Reuben? 17, 21.
2. Hobab Invited To Go with Israel. 29-32.
- Why need him "instead of eyes"? 31.
- Why the promise?
- Did he go at last? Cf. Judg. i. 16.
- Why not invite Jethro also? See Ex. xviii. 1.
3. The First Journey. 33-36.
- How three day's journey at once?
- In what sense did the ark "go before them"? 33, cf. 21; xiv. 44; xxxi. 6.
- Meaning of the watch-word of Moses? 35, 36.
4. Murmuring and Fire at Taberah. xi. 1-3.
- What kind of burning?
5. The People Murmur again, and Moses Cries for Help. 4-15.
- Who the "mixed multitude"? 4, cf. Ex. xii. 38.
- Why this [80] distress and weeping? 4-6.
- Why was Moses so disheartened? 11, 15.
6. God Promises Aid for Moses and Flesh for the People. 16-23.
- What spirit meant? 17, cf. 25.
- Why not eat the flocks and herds? 22.
- The fish of what sea? See the map.
7. The Seventy Elders Qualified. 24-30.
- Meaning of "came down in the cloud"? 25.
- Meaning of "did so no more"? and why not? 25.
- Why Eldad and Medad remain in camp? 26-28.
8. Quails Are Brought, and a Plague Follows. 31-35.
- Why on only two sides of the camp? 31.
- How much a homer? 32. [Ans. Five and a half bushels].
- What could be done with so many? 32, cf. 20.
- Did the eating increase the plague? 33.
- Why the name of the camp? 34.
9. The Sedition of Miriam and Aaron. xii. 1-16.
- Who were the Cushites? and where did they dwell? 1, cf. Gen. x. 6-12; ii. 13.
- What had become of Zipporah?
- Why the remark about the meekness of Moses? 3.
- Who wrote it?
- Meaning of "faithful in all mine house"? 7, cf. Heb. iii. 1-6.
- Why not smite Aaron also?
- Why put her out of the camp? 15, cf. Lev. xiii. 45, 46.
- Where did this occur? 16.
- Extent of the wilderness of Paran? 16, cf. x. 12, 33; xiii. 26. [81]
1. They Are Selected and Sent. xiii. 1-20.
- Why one from each tribe?
- What "the south"? and "the mountains"? 17.
- In what month were they sent? 20.
- Who first suggested it? See Deut. i. 22.
2. Their Route and Their Report. 21-33.
- Where was Hamath? 21.
- Who the sons of Anak? 22, 32, 33.
- Why bear the cluster on a staff? 23.
- What of the valley of Eshcol now? See Lands of the Bible, 251, 490.
- Where was the camp when they returned? 26.
- What is meant by the land eating up its inhabitants? 32, 33.
- What was false in the report?
3. The People Rebel. xiv. 1-10.
- Why the weeping?
- Why was Joshua silent at first? 6, cf. xiii. 30.
- Why did the glory appear in the tent? 10.
4. God Proposes To Destroy the People, but Grants the
Prayer of Moses. 11-25.
- Why was it unbelief to believe the spies? 11.
- Why the proposal to Moses?
- Whence the words of Moses in 18. See Ex. xxxiv. 6, 7.
- Why pardon and yet punish them? 20, 23.
- In what direction were they now to turn? 25.
5. The Sentences on That Generation. 26-39.
- From what time were the forty years to be counted? 33, 34, cf. Josh. v. 5, 6.
- When occurred the death of the ten spies? 36, 37. [82]
6. Repentance too Late. 40-45.
- Why was this a transgression? 41.
- Did the Levites go? 44.
- Were they included in the sentence?
- Why written here?
§ IV. THE REBELLION OF KORAH. xvi. 1-xvii. 15. 1. The Conspiracy Inaugurated. xvi. 1-3.
- What their complaint and their purpose? 3, cf. 9-11.
2. Moses Proposes an Appeal to God. 4-11.
- Why address them as "sons of Levi"? 7, 9, cf. 1, 2.
3. Dathan and Abiram Denounce Moses, and the Others
Assemble at the Tent. 12-19.
- Plausibility of their complaint? 13, 14.
- How get so many censers in a day? 17.
- On which side was the mass of the people? 19.
4. The Lord's Decision. 20-35.
- Why say "shall one man sin," etc.? 22.
- What congregation addressed in 24.
- What elders followed? 25.
- Where were the tents? 27, cf. 1, 2.
- Meaning of "the men that appertained unto Korah"? 32, cf. xxvi. 11.
5. The Censers Are Made a Memorial. 36-40.
- Why were they "holy"? 38.
- How did the plates serve as a memorial? 40.
6. The People Murmur and Are Saved by Aaron. 41-50.
- Why censure Moses and Aaron? 41.
- Significance of "the [83] glory"? 42.
- Significance of Aaron's act? 48.
- The whole number who perished? 49, 35.
- Of what is this a sample? Cf. 35.
7. Aaron's Priesthood Still Further Confirmed. xvii. 1-13.
- Was there a chance in this for fraud? 8.
- What the immediate effect of all? 12, 13.
- Was there ever another attempt to usurp the priesthood?
- Propriety of reserving this law till this time? Cf. § IV.
- How many were made unclean by the deaths of § IV?
- Appropriates of the time of enacting this law?
§ VII. EVENTS AT KADESH AND MOUNT HOR. xx. 1-xxi. 3. 1. Death of Miriam, and the Sin of Moses and Aaron. xx. 1-13.
- First month of what year? 1, cf. 28; xxxiii. 38.
- How long since the first arrival at Kadesh? Cf. 11; xiii. 20.
- What events are recorded in this period?
- How many encampments in this period? See xxxiii. 18-36.
- How then was most of the time spent?
- In what regions were these wanderings?
- Why no lack of water on the first visit to Kadesh?
- What was the sin of Moses and Aaron? xx. 9-12; Ps. cvi. 32, 33.
- Where was the rod now kept? 9. [84]
2. Passage Through Edom Sought and Refused. 14-21.
- How did Edom know of Israel's "travail"?
- Where was Kadesh? 16, cf. 26.
- Describe Edom. Lands of the Bible, 495.
- Why did Moses wish to pass through? 17.
- Why the refusal after assurances given?
- Which way did Israel now turn? 21.
3. Death of Aaron at Mount Hor. 22-29.
- Describe mount Hor. Lands of the Bible, 495.
- What was the age of Aaron? xxxiii. 39.
- Why the mourning fixed at thirty days?
4. Israel Attacked by the King of Arad. xxi. 1-3.
- When this attack? 1, cf. xiv. 45; Deut. i. 44.
- Why the account here repeated? See 2, 3.
- When was the vow executed? Judg. i. 17.
- When, then, and by whom, was verse 3 written?
OF MOAB. xxi. 4-xxii. 1.1. The Plague of Fiery Serpents. xxi. 4-9.
- What arm of the Red Sea? 4.
- Why discouraged because of the way? 4, cf. Lands of the Bible, 495.
- Was it the hot or the cool season? Cf. xxxiii. 38.
2. The Journey to Oboth and thence to Arnon. 10-15.
- Where was Ijeabarim? 11.
- Where was Oboth?
- Had they now passed Edom?
- Describe the river Arnon. Lands of the [85] Bible, 40, 42.
- What "the book of the wars of the Lord"? 14.
- Point in the quotation from it? Cf. 13.
3. Journey from the Arnon to Pisgah. 16-20.
- How was the water at Beer given? 16, 18.
- Why the song? 17, 18.
- "Which looketh down" upon what "desert"? 20.
4. Sihon Defeated and His Country Occupied? 21-25.
- When the message sent? 21, cf. 13.
- Why need to pass through?
- Extent of Sihon's dominion? 24.
- Where was the territory of Ammon? 24.
5. The Career of Sihon. 26-31.
- How long had he held the northern part of Moab? 26.
- Who composed this poem? and when? 27, 30.
6. Bashan Conquered, and the Camp Pitched in the Plains of
Moab. xxi. 32-xxii. 1.
- Why this conquest? 33.
- Where was Bashan?
- Who were the Amorites? 34, cf. Gen. xv. 16; Deut. xx. 17, et al.
- Describe the Plains of Moab. xxiii. 1, cf. xxxi. 12: Lands of the Bible, 345, 346.
- In what sense "beyond the Jordan" and "at Jericho"? xxii. 1. [86]
OF MOAB.xxii. 2-xxxvi. 13.
1. Balak Sends for Balaam. xxii. 2-14.
- Why "unto the elders of Midian"? 4, cf. 7.
- Where was Israel when the messengers were sent? 5.
- What was Balak's conception of Balaam's power? 6.
- By what river did Balaam live? 5, cf. xxiii. 7.
2. He Sends again and Succeeds. 15-21.
- Why say he was not able to go beyond the word of God? 18.
- Why now permit him to go? 20.
3. Balaam Is Rebuked and Warned. 22-38.
- Why angry with him after telling him to go? 22.
- Why the warning? 35.
- Why the changes of place by the angel?
- Why cause the ass to speak? II. Pet. ii. 16.
- Why was he not frightened when the ass spoke? 27, 28.
- Whence the writer's information?
- Where were Balak's messengers? 22.
4. Balaam's First Attempt. xxii. 39-xxiii. 12.
- Why Balak's sacrifices? xxii. 40.
- Where must the high places of Baal have been? xxii. 41, cf. 1; xxiii. 13.
- Why the sacrifices? and their number? xxiii. 1, 2.
- Why the "peradventure"? 3. [87]
- Why go to "a bare height"? 3.
- What blessing pronounced? 10.
- How was Israel to dwell alone, and not be numbered with the nations? 9.
- Connection of the closing sentiment? 10.
5. A Change of Place and Another Attempt. 13-26.
- Why the change of place? 13, cf. 9, 10.
- Why speak of God as not lying or repenting? 19.
- In what sense iniquity or perverseness not seen in Israel? 21.
- Were these Israelites the sinners of the wanderings?
- Why say, "no enchantment or divination with Israel"? 23.
- What prediction in this speech?
- Why say, "Neither curse," nor "bless"? 25.
6. Another Place, and a Third Attempt. xxiii. 27-xxiv. 13.
- Why not go as before? xxiv. 1.
- Meaning of, "meet with enchantments"?
- What prediction this time? 8, 9.
- Why angry with Balaam? 10.
- Why was Balaam so faithful? 13, cf. xxii. 35.
- Had he been a prophet before this, or only an enchanter? xxiv. 2; xxii. 8.
7. Other Predictions. xxiv. 14-25.
- Who the star and what the sceptre? 17-19; cf. 14; II. Sam. viii. 2, 14.
- Is there any allusion in this to Christ?
- Why Amalek called "first of the nations"? 20, cf. Ex. xvii. 8-16.
- Who the Kenite? and what his dwelling place? 21, cf. Gen. xv. 19.
- Who was Asshur? and what captivity meant? 22.
- What ships from the coast of Kittim? 24.
- How did they afflict Asshur and Eber?
- How did he "come to destruction"?
- How did the king and the prophet part? 25. [88]
8. Israel Ensnared and Many Slain. xxv. 1-5.
- By whose advice was this done? 1, 2, cf. xxxi. 15, 16.
- Why did the husbands and fathers consent?
- Who the judges, and their men? 5, cf. Ex. xviii. 25, 26.
9. The Zeal of Phinehas, and Its Reward. 6-15.
- Why was Zimri so defiant? 6, 14, 15.
- What prompted Phinehas? 7, 8.
- Why was his deed commended? 13.
- Can it now be right to imitate him?
- How reconcile 9 with I. Cor. x. 8?
10. The Midianites To Be Punished. 16-18.
- Why they rather than Moab? Cf. 15, 1.
§ II. THE SECOND CENSUS. xxvi. 1-65.
- The age of those numbered and the place? 2, 3.
- The whole number? 51, cf. i. 46.
- Remarkable changes? 14, cf. i. 23; xxvi. 34, cf. i. 35.
- Which tribe now the largest? 22, cf. 27.
- Who left of the first census? 64, 65.
- How had the Levites fared? 62, cf. iii. 39.
APPOINTED. xxvi. 1-xxx. 16.1. The Law of Inheritance. xxvii. 1-11.
- What led to the enactment of this law? 1-4.
- Why say, "died in his sins"?
2. Moses Soon To Die, and Joshua To Succeed Him. 12-23.
- What the mountain of Abarim? 12.
- A new title for God. 16.
- Meaning of "go out" and "come in"? 17.
- Why lay the hand upon him? 18, cf. 20.
- His relation to Eleazar? 21. [89]
3. A Law Concerning Stated Burnt Offerings. xxviii. 1-xxix. 40.
4. A Law Concerning the Vows of Women. xxx. 1-16.
1. The Army and Their Victory. xxxi. 1-12.
- Whose vengeance to be executed? 3.
- What vessels of the sanctuary? 6, cf. x. 9.
- Why was Balaam among the slain? 8.
- In what sense did they slay "every male"? 7, cf. 17.
2. Disposal of the Women and Children. 13-18.
- Why the slaughter? 17.
- What use made of the female children? 18.
- Was this a piece of cruelty on the part of Israel?
- Was it on the part of God?
3. The Purification of the Warriors and the Prey. 19-24.
- What law required this? 21, cf. xix. 2-11.
4. The Quantity and Distribution of the Prey? 25-47.
- How account for the number of animals? 32-34.
- Why the even thousands?
5. An Oblation Made by the Officers. 48-54.
- Why no life lost? 49, cf. 50.
- How account for the quantity of golden ornaments? 50, cf. 52.
- How did they serve as a memorial? 54.
- Why did Moses suspect their motive? 7, 8.
- What right to [90] grant them the land?
- Why charge Eleazar and Joshua concerning them? 28.
- Why did half tribe of Manasseh come into the arrangement? 33.
- The number from Rameses to mount Sinai? xxxiii. 1-15.
- From mount Sinai to Kadesh the second time? 16-36.
- From Kadesh to the Plains of Moab? 37-49.
- Time occupied in the last division?
- The whole distance on direct lines?
§ VII. ORDERS CONCERNING THE PROMISED LAND. xxxiii. 50-xxxvi. 13. 1. General Order. xxxiii. 50-56.
- How drive them out? 52.
- What the "figured stones" and "high places"? 52.
- Rule of distribution of lands? 54.
- How "pricks in your eyes," and "thorns in your sides"? 55.
2. The Boundaries of the Land. xxxiv. 1-15.
- What the southern line? 3-5.
- Why say, the "Salt Sea"? 3.
- What the "brook of Egypt"? 5.
- Known points in the northern line? 7.
- What mount Hor? 7.
- What "the entering in of Hamath"? 8.
- What known points in the eastern line? 10-12.
- After "beyond the Jordan," why add, "eastward, toward the sunrising"? 15.
3. The Men To Divide the Land Are Appointed. 16-19.
- Why appointed in advance?
4. The Inheritance To Be Assigned the Levites. xxxv. 1-8.
- How the two measurements to be understood? 4, 5. [91]
5. The Law Concerning Cities of Refuge. 9-34.
6. An Addition to the Law of Inheritance. xxxvi. 1-13.
- The occasion of this enactment? 1-4.
- Why would the inheritance thus pass to another tribe? 3.
- Whom did the five women marry? 12.
- Where were these last commands and laws given? 13.
[CNSH1 77-93]
- How many times were the Israelites numbered? when? and where?
- What the whole number at each count?
- Which the largest tribe each time, and which the smallest?
- State the plan of their encampment.
- What the divisions of the Levites? their number? their encampment? and their duties in the wilderness?
- At what two different ages were they to enter service? and what two services? iv. 2, 3, 22, 23; viii. 23-26.
- How did Israel find lambs for the passover in the wilderness?
- What instruments of music were provided? and how were they used?
- When did the camp leave mount Sinai, and what the incidents on the way to Kadesh?
- What is said of Hobab?
- Whence, and for what purpose were the spies sent into Canaan?
- How did the people act in reference to their report? and what was the result?
- What proposal was made to Moses? and how did he act in regard to it? [92]
- What the interval between the departure from Kadesh and the return to it?
- What events in this interval are recorded?
- What the purpose, and what the results, of the rebellion of Korah?
- What miracles were wrought in Aaron's favor?
- To what extent was the question settled for the future?
- Give the account of the death of Miriam, and that of Aaron,
- What the sin of Moses and Aaron?
- What the route from Kadesh to Canaan? and why?
- What sin and punishment of the people on this journey?
- What two enemies did Israel encounter? and what the results?
- Describe the camping place on the plains of Moab.
- Name the principal events during this encampment.
- Was Balaam a prophet?
- Why did he utter true prophecies.
- What the purpose of his sacrifices?
- How much of the future did his prophecies include?
- When the Midianites were slain, what was done with the women and children? and why?
- What led to two and a half tribes being settled east of the Jordan?
- How many encampments were there in the forty years?
- How then was most of the time spent?
- What was to be done with the Canaanites and their possessions?
- Give the boundaries of the Promised Land.
- What was to be the inheritance of the Levite?
- In what connections were the laws found in Numbers enacted?
- What number of years is covered by the book? Cf. Ex. xix. 1.
- How much of the journeying of Israel is included? [93]