A. This letter was from a great Christian: Paul. vs 1-3
1. Paul was a converted person. v 1, Phil. 3:5-14
2. Paul was a great apostle. v 1, Acts 9:15
3. Paul had a great hope for eternal live. v 2, 2 Tim. 4:6-8
4. Paul made full use of his ministry. v 3, Gal. 2:7
B. This letter was address to a great Christian: Titus. v 4 (Titus and Paul had the same common faith.) Jude 3-4
C. This letter desired great blessings. v 4
1. Grace is that which each person should desire. v 4, Titus 2:11-12
2. Mercy is that which each person needs. v 4, Psa. 51:1-7, Heb. 4:14-16
3. Peace is that which each persons wants. v 4, John 16:33
D. This letter was from the greatest sources.
1. God is our Creator. v 4, Gen. 1:26-27, 1 John 5:7
2. Christ is our Redeemer. v 4, Acts 2:34-38, Matt. 28:18-20
A. These are the reasons for elders. v 5
1. Elders should be ordained in every city because the church is autonomous (self-ruled.) v 5, Acts 15:6
2. Elders have the spiritual oversight of the church. 1 Peter 4:1-4
3. Elders should feed the church of God. Acts 20:28
B. These are the positive qualifications of an elder. vs 6-9
1. An elder should be blameless . 2 Peter 3:14
2. An elder must be the husband of one wife. Matt. 19:3-9
3. An elder needs to have faithful children. Eph. 6:1-4
4. An elder ought to be a lover of hospitality. Heb. 13:1-2
5. An elder must be a lover of good men. 2 Peter 3:9
6. An elder should be sober. 1 Peter 5:8
7. An elder needs to be just. Matt. 7:12
8. An elder ought to be holy. 1 Peter 1:16-17
9. An elder must be temperance. 1 Cor. 9:27
C. These are the negative qualifications of an elder. vs 6-9
1. An elder should not be self-willed. 3 John 9
2. An elder must not be give to wine. Prov. 23:31
3. An elder ought not to strike another person. Matt. 5:39
4. An elder can not be given to filthy lucre. 1 Tim. 6:17-18
D. This is the knowledge of an elder. v 9 (An elder must be able to teach other people the truth of God.) Heb. 5:12-14
A. These were the reasons for those false teachers. v 10
1. Those false teachers were deceived. v 10, 2 Thess. 2: 9-11
2. There were many people who were deceived. 1 John 4:1, Jude 3-4
B. These were the instructions which were given for those false teachers. vs 11- 13
1. False teachers must be silenced. v 11, 2 Tim. 4:1-4
2. False teachers must be rebuked. vs 12-13, Jude 2-3
C. These were the traits of those false teachers. vs 14-16
1. Those false teachers were teaching for doctrine the commandments of men. v 14, Matt. 15:8-9
2. Those false teachers were carnal minded. v 15, Romans 8:6-9
3. Those false teachers denied the way by which God makes men to be righteous. v 16, Romans 15:8-9
A. These are the motivations for godly living. v 1
1. Disciples must know sound doctrine. v 1, 1 Tim. 4:6
2. Christians must speak sound doctrine. v 1, 1 Peter 4:11
B. These are the mandates which were given for the aged men to be godly. v 2
1. The aged men must be sober. 1 Peter 5:8
2. The aged men should be grave. 1 Peter 3:15
3. The aged men ought to be temperate. 1 Cor. 9:27
4. The aged men need to be sound in the faith. Jude 3-4
5. The aged men must be charitable. 1 Peter 4:8
6. The aged men should be patient. James 5:11
C. These are the requirements which were given for the older women to be godly. vs 3-4
1. The older women must be holy. 1 Peter 1:15-16
2. The older women ought not to be a false accuser. Prov. 10:18
3. The older women should not be given to much wine. Prov. 23:31
4. The older women ought to be teachers of good things. Heb. 5:12-14
5. The older women should teach the younger women about home life. v 4
D. These are the mandates which were given for the younger women to be godly. vs 4-5
1. The younger women must be sober. v 4, 1 Peter 1:13
2. The younger women should love their husbands. v 4, 1 Peter 3:1
3. The younger women ought to love their children. v 5, Prov. 22:6
4. The younger women need to be discreet. v 5, Prov. 2:11
5. The younger women must be chaste. v 5, Rev. 14:4
6. The younger women should be keeper at home. v 5, Prov. 25:17
7. The younger women need to do good works. v 5, Gal. 6:10
8. The younger women ought to be obedient to their own husbands. v 5, Eph. 5:23
E. These are the requirements which were given for the younger men. vs 6-8
1. The younger men should be sober minded. v 6, 1 Peter 5:8
2. The younger men need to show themselves as a patter of good works. v 7, 1 Tim. 4:12
3. The younger men must be uncorruptible. v 7, James 1:8
4. The younger men need to be grave. v 7, 1 John 3:18
5. The younger men should be sincere. v 7, Joshua 24:14-15
6. The young men must be sound in the faith. v 8, Heb. 11:6
F. These were the mandates which were given for the slave to his master. vs 9- 10
1. The slaves must be obedient unto their masters. v 9, Eph. 6:5-8
2. The slaves should show good fidelity. v 10, Romans 12:17
A. These are the reasons for that service. v 11
1. Christians have excess to the grace of God. Eph 2:8
2. Each person can become a New Testament Christian. Matt. 11:28-30
B. These are the requirements for that service. v 12
1. These are the negative commandments. v 12
a). A Christian should deny ungodliness. v 12, Jude 15
b). A disciple must deny worldly lust. v 12, 1 John 5:15-17
2. These are the positive commandments. 12-13
a). A Christian must live soberly. v 12, 1 Peter 1:13
b). A saint should live righteously. v 12, Phil. 1:11
c). A brother in Christ ought to live godly. v 12, 1 Tim. 2:1-2
d). A disciple needs to look for that blessed hope of eternal live. v 13, Heb. 6:19, Romans 2:7
C. These are the blessings of that service. v 14
1. Christians have been redeemed from their past sins. v 14, Heb. 8:12, l John 1:7-9
2. Disciples are the people of God who are zeal for good works. v 14, 1 Peter 2:9
D. These would be the effects of that service. v 15
1. Christians would be serving the Lord their God in the proper manner. Matt. 4:10
2. Disciples would be exhorting each other in the right way. Heb. 10:25
3. Saints would be rebuking the ungodly in the right manner. Matt. 5:14-16
A. These are the requirements for that service. vs 1-2
1. Christians must obey magistrates. v 1, Romans 13:1-5
2. Saints must not speak evil of any man. v 2, 2 Tim. 2:24-25
B. These are the reasons for that service. vs 3-6
1. We as alien sinners were in rebellion against God before we became a Christian. v 3
2. We as Christians are now obedient unto God because He was merciful unto us. vs 4-6
C. These are the effects of that service. vs 7-8
1. Christians are justified by God's grace. v 7, Romans 3:24
2. Saints are the heirs of God. v 7, 2 Peter 1:3-4
3. Disciples are producing good works in Christ. v 8, Phil. 4:13
A. These are the doctrines which the heretic teaches. v 8
1. A heretic is contentious about his doctrines. v 8, Matt. 15:8-9
2. A heretic is always striving for the law of Moses. v 8, Col. 2:14
B. These are the rebukes for his works. v 9
1. A heretic is to be rejected after the second admonition. v 8
2. Christians must mark those people who cause divisions among them. Romans 16:15-16
C. This is the fruit of his labor. v 10
1. A heretic is condemned of himself. v 10
2. A person can condemn himself. James 4:17
A. Paul wanted to winter at Nicopolis. v 12
B. Paul desired that Zenas and Apollos be on their journey. v 13
C. Paul wished that Christians would maintain good works. v 14
D. Paul wanted the grace of God to be with all persons. v 15
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