Chapter 1 

I. The first temptation of Job: Verses 1-22 

A. This was the need for that temptation: verses 1-5  1. Job needed to prove his faith. verses 1-5  2. We need to prove our faith. 1 Peter 1:6-7  B. These were the reasons for that temptation. verses 6-12  1. The devil brought a charge against Job. verses 6-12  2. The devil bring charges against us. Rev. 12:10  C. This was the manner of that temptation. verses 13-19  1. The wealth of Job was taken from him. verses 13-19, 1 Tim. 6:9-10  2. The sons and daughters were taken from him. verses 18-19, Matt. 10:37  D. These were the effects of that temptation. verses 20-22  1. Job rejoiced over his temptation. verses 20-21, James 1:2-4  2. Job didn't charge God foolishly. verse 22, James 1:13-15 Chapter 2 

I. The second temptation of Job. Verses 1-13 

A. This was the reason for that temptation. verses 1-6  1. The devil falsely accused Job of his good behavior. Verses 1-6  2. The devil falsely accuses the Christian of his good behavior. Rev. 12:10 B. This was the manner of that temptation. Verses 7-8  1. Job had to suffer affliction. Verses 7-8  2. Christians have to suffer all kinds of trails. 1 Peter 4:12-13  C. This was the effect of that temptation. Verses 9-13  1. His wife didn't encourage him. Verses 9-10  2. His friends didn't help him. Verses 11-13, Romans 15:1-3 Chapter 3 

I. The weariness of Job. Verses 1-26 

A. This was the extent of his weariness. Verses 1-10  1. Job deplores his birth. Verses 1-10  2. We should not deplore our birth. 2 Timothy 1:10  B. This was the depths of his weariness. Verses 11-19  1. Job bewailed his life. Verses 11-19  2. We should not bewail our life. Mark 10:28-30  C. This was the heights of his weariness. Verses 20-26  1. Job desires death. Verses 20-26  2. We should not desire death for embittered reasons. Phil. 1:21-24 Chapter 4 

I. The teacher is tested. Verses 1-6 

A. This was the analysis of the teacher. Verses 1-2  1. Eliphaz wanted to reason with Job. Verses 1-2  2. We should be able to reason with others people. Gal. 4:16  B. This was the usefulness of the teacher. Verses 3-4  1. Job had helped many people. Verses 3-4  2. We should help many people. 2 Timothy 4:1-4  C. This was the test of the teacher. Verse 5  1. Job had to practice what he had been teaching. Verse 5  2. We must prove our faith. James 1:2-4  D. This was the hope for the teacher. Verse 6  1. The blessings of God was the only hope that Job had. Verse 6  2. The blessings of God is our only hope. Phil. 4:19 II. The problem of suffering. Verses 7-11  A. This is the reason for suffering. Verses 7-8  1. We reap what we sow. Verses 7-8  2. Yet, a Christian must suffer for righteousness. 1 Peter 4:12-16  B. This is the assurance of suffering. Verse 9  1. The Lord has punished the evil doers. Verse 9  2. The Lord will punish the evil doer. Heb. 12:28-29  C. This is the effects of suffering. Verses 10-11  1. It will be complete. Verses 10-11  2. It will be final. Matt. 25:46 III. The vision of Eliphaz. Verses 12-21  A. This was the nature of his vision. Verses 12-15  1. He had a spirit from heaven. Verses 12-15  2. We should always be aware of the presence of our Lord. Matt. 18:20  B. This was the purpose of his vision. Verses 16-17  1. It gave him instructions. Verses 16-17  2. We have been given full instructions. 2 Timothy 3:16-17  C. This was the effects of his vision. Verses 18-21  1. It made him aware of human weaknesses. Verses 18-21  2. We are aware of human weaknesses. 2 Cor. 4:16-18 Chapter 5 

I. The foolish man. Verses 1-7 

A. This is the trait of the fool. Verse 1  1. He is living without God. V 1  2. We can live without God. Eph. 2:12  B. This is the nature of the fool. Verse 2  1. He will die in misery. Verse 2  2. Envy engenderers misery. James 3:16  C. This is the security of the fool. Verse 3  1. He thinks that he is secure. Verse 3  2. He will be overthrown unexpectedly. 1 Thess. 5:1-3  D. This is the punishment for the fool. Verses 4-7  1. His family will suffer. Verse 4, Eph. 6:1-4  2. His prosperity will be taken from him. Verse 5, Phil. 4:19  3. His punishment will be complete. Verses 6-7, 2 Cor. 5:10 II. Seeking God. Verses 8-27  A. This is the motivation for seeking God. V 8  1. We can seek the Lord. Isa. 55:6  2. We can find the Lord. Acts 17:27-28  B. These are the reasons for seeking the Lord our God. Verses 9-17  1. God gives us His providence. Verse 9, Romans 8:28  2. God provides for humanity. Verse 10, Phil. 4:19  3. God exalts the humble. Verse 11, 1 Peter 5:6  4. God humbles the proud. Verses 12-14, 1 Cor. 1:26  5. God provides for the poor. Verses 15-16, Matt. 5:3  C. These are the effects for seeking God. Verses 17-27  1. God gives us divine discipline. Verses 17-19, Heb. 12:5-12  2. God preserves life. Verses 20-25, James 4:15  3. God provides for death. Verses 26-27, Psalm 23 Chapter 6 

I. The defense of Job to Eliphaz. Verses 1-30 

A. These are the justifications of his life. Verses 1-7  1. His impatience is understandable. Verses 1-3  2. His sufferings are justified. Verse 4  3. His complaints are natural. Verses 5-7  B. This is the desire of his life. Verses 8-13  1. He desires death. Verses 8-9  2. Death would give him consolation. Verse 10  3. Death is his greatest hope. Verses 11-13  C. This is the nature of his life. Verses 14-23  1. He rebukes his brethren for their unkindness. Verses 14-21  2. He wanted sympathy from his brethren. Verses 22-23  D. This is the motivation of his life. Verses 24-30  1. He wanted true teaching. Verses 24-25  2. He didn't want perverse teachings. Verses 26-30 Chapter 7 

I. The defense of Job to Eliphaz. Verses 1-21 

A. This is the weariness of his life. Verses 1-10  1. These are the reasons for his weariness. Verses 1-3  a). Job was appointed months of suffering. Verses 1-3  b). We are appointed periods of sufferings. 2 Tim. 3:12  2. This was the scope of his weariness. Verse 4  a). Job experienced total weariness. Verse 4  b). We must experience total sufferings. 1 Peter 4:12-13  3. These are the causes of his weariness. Verses 5-6  a). Job had a physical body. Verse 5, 2 Cor. 5:1-4  b). Job knew the brevity of life. Verse 6, James 4:14  4. This was the effects of his weariness. Verses 7-10  a). Job failed to seek the hope for his life. Verse 7, 1 Peter 5:10  b). Job thought that death was the only salvation to his problem. Verses 8-10, 1 Tim. 4:8, Romans 14:7-9  B. This was the complaint of his life. Verses 11-21  1. This was the depths of his complaint. Verse 11  a). Job complained from the bitterness of his soul. Verse 11  b). We should not complain from the bitterness of our soul. Heb. 12:15  2. This was the nature of his complaint. Verses 12-16  a). Job was willing to choose death instead of life. Verses 12-16  b). We shouldn't necessarily choose death instead of life. Romans 14:7-9, Phil. 1:21-23  3. This was the effects of his complaint. Verses 17-21  a). Job complained to God over his lot in life. Verses 17-21  b). We shouldn't complaint to God over our lot in life. 1 Cor. 10:10 Chapter 8 

I. Divine justice. Verses 1-7 

A. This is the assurance of divine justice. Verses 1-3  1. The Lord does not pervert justice. Verses 1-3  2. The Lord will not pervert justice. Romans 2:2  3. All suffering is caused by the allurements of sins.  a). The sinner suffers because he has sinned. Prov. 13:15  b). The Christian suffers because he is tempted to sin. 1 Peter 4:16  B. This is the reasons for divine justice. Verse 4 (The wages of sin pays a dividen.) Romans 6:23  C. These are the essentials of divine justice. Verses 5-6  1. We should seek the Lord. Verse 5  2. We must be pure and upright. Verse 6, Matt. 5:8  D. This is the results of divine justice. Verse 7 (The end is greater than the beginning.) James 5:11 II. Divine wisdom. Verses 8-22  A. This is the achievement of divine wisdom. Verses 8-10  1. It is achieved by searching. Verses 8-10, John 5:39  2. It is obtained by prayer. James 1:5  B. This is the need for divine wisdom. Verses 11-19  1. Those who forget God will perish. Verses 11-13, 2 Thess. 1:7-9  2. Those who forget God are hopeless. Verses 14-19, Eph. 2:12  C. These are the effects of divine wisdom. Verses 20-22  1. It finds favors from God. Verses 20-22  2. It finds happiness from God. James 1:2-5 Chapter 9 

I. The works of God. Verses 1-20 

A. These are the motivations of His works. Verses 1-4  1. The Lord is motivated by righteous works. Verses 1-2, Romans 1:16-17  2. The Lord is moved by perfect knowledge. Verses 3-4, Col. 2:3  B. These are the evidence of his works. Verses 5-10  1. The Lord displays His power in creation. Verses 5-9, Romans 1:20, Acts 17:24-29  2. The Lord displays His power in redemption. Verse 10, Phil. 2:12-13  C. These are the nature of his works. Verses 11-20  1. The Lord works for the good of a person. Verses 11-20, Prov. 3:5-6  2. The Lord does work for the good of each Christian. Romans 8:28 II. The cycle of man. Verses 21-25  A. These are the needs of man. Verses 21-24  1. Man needs His Creator. Verses 21-24, Eccles. 12:1  2. Man need His Redeemer. John 15:1-5  B. This is the nature of man. Verses 25-26  1. The life of man is short lived. Verses 25-26, Job. 14:1-2  2. Our life is brief. James 4:14  C. This is the weakness of man. Verses 27-31  1. Man can't comfort himself. Verses 27-31  2. We can find comfort from the Lord. 2 Cor. 1:3-4  D. This is the hope of man. Verses 32-35  1. Man can't be a mediator for himself. Verses 32-35  2. We have a mediator in Christ. 1 Tim. 2:5 Chapter 10 I. The Bitterness of Job. Verses 1-22  A. This was the nature for his bitterness. Verse 1  1. Job was weary in well doing. Verse 1  2. We should not become weary in well doing. Gal. 6:9  B. This was the reason for his bitterness. Verses 2-12  1. Job though that the Lord was contending with him. Verses 2-12  2. We can become bitter over the divine discipline of the Lord. Heb. 12:5-11  C. This was the effects of his bitterness. Verses 13-19  1. Job couldn't understand the purpose of his trail. Verses 13-19  2. We can't understand the purpose of our trails. 1 Peter 4:12-13  D. This was the cure for his bitterness. Verses 20-22  1. Job wanted the Lord to comfort him. Verses 20-22  2. The Lord will comfort us. 2 Cor. 1:3-4 Chapter 11 

I. Zophar rebukes Job. Verses 1-6 

A. This was the nature of the rebuke. Verses 1-2  1. Zophar unjustly rebukes Job. Verses 1-2  2. We can unjustly rebuke our brother. Matt. 7:1-5  B. This was the charge of the rebuke. Verses 3-4  1. Zophar charged Job with speaking lies. Verses 3-4  2. We must know when to bring charges against each other. 2 Tim. 2:15, 2 John 9-11  C. This was the effect of the rebuke. Verses 5-6  1. Zophar hoped that God would really rebuke Job. Verses 5-6  2. We can rebuke the evil doer by the word of God. Titus 1:9-11 II. The divine wisdom of God. Verses 7-12  A. These are the nature of His wisdom. Verses 7-9  1. The wisdom of God is unsearchable. Verse 7, Romans 11:33-34  2. The wisdom of God is infinite. Verses 8-9, Psa. 147:5  B. This is the evidence of His wisdom. Verse 10  1. The Lord has brought judgment upon the ungodly. Gen. 6:5-8, Rom. 5:12  2. The Lord will bring us into judgment. 2 Peter 2:9  C. These are the effects of His wisdom. Verses 11-12  1. The Lord knows the wicked men. 2 Tim. 2:19  2. The Lord sees the wicked men. 1 Peter 3:12  3. The Lord remembers the wicked men. 1 Thess. 5:1-3 III. The value of repentance. Verses 13-20  A. These are the essentials for repentance. Verses 13-14  1. We must set our hearts right with God. Verse 13, Matt. 15:18-19  2. We must turn from the course of sin. Verse 14, Luke 15:17-19  B. These are the effects of repentance. Verses 15-19  1. Our sins can be forgiven. Verse 15, Eph. 1:7  2. The misery of our sins can be forgiven. Verse 16, Romans 6:21  3. Our life can have meaning and purpose. Verse 17, Matt. 13-14  4. We can find safety. Verse 18, Heb. 4:15-16  5. We can be a blessing to other people. Verse 19, Gal. 6:12  C. This is the motivation for repentance. Verse 20  1. The wicked can't escape the judgment of God. Verse 20, Heb. 2:1-3  2. The wicked will be judged. 2 Cor. 5:10 Chapter 12 

I. Job rebukes Zophar. Verses 1-6 

A. This is the cause of the rebuke. Verses 1-2  1. Zophar and his friends were conceited. Verses 1-2  2. We should not be conceited. Romans 12:3  B. This was the justification of the rebuke. Verse 3  1. Zophar and his friends were not wiser than Job. Verse 3  2. We must be careful concerning those whom we rebuke. Matt. 7:1-5  C. These were the reasons for the rebuke. Verse 6  1. God would do justice. Verse 6  2. God will do justice. 2 Cor. 5:10 II. The works of God. Verses 7-12  A. This is the nature of His works. Verses 7-9  1. God works for the good of each individual. Verses 7-9, Matt. 6:25-34  2. God does work for our own good. Romans 8:28, Phil. 2:12-13  B. This is the purpose of His works. Verse 10  1. The Lord determines the destiny of mankind. Verse 10  2. The Lord will determine our own destination. Acts 17:27-29  C. This is the proof of His works. Verses 11-12  1. We prove the works of God. Verses 11-12  2. We will continue to prove the works of God. Romans 1:20 III. The providence of God. Verses 13-25  A. This is the ability of His providence. Verse 13  1. The Lord has the wisdom to accomplish His will. Jude 24-25  2. The Lord has the power to accomplish his purpose. Matt. 19:26  B. These are the nature of His providence. Verse 14-23  1. The Lord determines the external nature of man. Verses 14-15, James 5:17-18  2. The Lord controls the intellect of man. Verses 16-17, 1 Cor. 1:19-25  3. The Lord works for the good of the individual. Verses 18-19, Romans 8:28, Phil. 2:13  4. The Lord humbles the mighty. Verses 20-21, 1 Peter 5:5-6  5. The Lord exposes the sins of people. Verses 22, Numbers 32:23  6. The Lord determines the destiny of a nation. Verse 23, Prov. 14:34  C. This are the effects of His providence. Verses 24-25  1. The Lord accomplishes this purposes. Verses 24-25  2. The Lord will accomplish his purpose. Gal. 6:6-9 Chapter 13 

I. Job rebukes his friends. Verses 1-12 

A. These are the reasons for this rebuke. Verses 1-3  1. Job had equal wisdom with his friends. Verses 1-2  2. Job desired to reason with God. Verse 3, Isa. 1:18-20  B. This was the need for that rebuke. Verse 4  1. They plotted a lie. Verse 4, Acts 5:1-11  2. They were useless physicians. Verse 4, Luke 4:23  C. This was the nature of this rebuke. Verses 5-10  1. They were to hold their peace. Verse 5, Matt. 7:6  2. They were to hear the reasoning of other people. Verse 6, Gal. 6:1-3  3. They were not to show partiality. Verses 7-10, Acts 10:34-35  D. This was the appeal of this rebuke. Verses 11-12  1. They were to be motivated by godly fear. Verse 11, Eccles. 12:13-14  2. They were to give up their error. Verse 12, Rev. 22:18-19 II. Job expresses his confidence in God. Verses 13-28  A. This was the nature of his confidence. Verses 13-14  1. Job was willing to accept the will of God. Verse 13, Luke 22-24  2. Job wasn't willing to trust in his own life. Verse 14, John 15:5  B. This was the reasons for his confidence. Verses 15-19  1. Job was willing to trust in the Lord in life and at death. Verse 15, Romans 14:7-9  2. Job was willing to trust in the Lord for salvation. Verse 16, Romans 8:1 3. Job knew that he would be justified before God. Verses 17-19, 2 Cor. 5:17  C. This was the motivation for his confidence. Verses 20-22  1. Job wanted to be delivered from dreadful fears. Verses 20-21, 2 Tim. 1:6 2. Job wanted to talk with the Lord. Verse 22, Matt. 7:7  D. This was the value of his confidence. Verses 23-28  1. Job didn't know the reason for his divine discipline. Verses 23-28  2. We may not know the reason for our divine discipline. Heb. 12:5-11 Chapter 14 

I. The life of man. Verses 1-6 

A. This is the nature of man. Verse 1  1. Each person is born of a woman. Verse 1, Gen. 3:16  2. Each person is make in the image and after the likeness of God. Gen. 1:26-27  B. This is the brevity of man. Verse 2  1. Our life is short lived. Verse 2  2. Our life is temporary upon the earth. James 4:14  C. This is the accountability of man. Verse 3  1. Man is accountability unto God. Verse 3  2. We are responsibility for our conduct. Eccles. 12:13-14  D. This is the hope for man. Verses 4-6  1. The Lord is the Saviour of man. Verse 4, 1 John 1:7  2. The Lord is the Ruler of man. Verse 5, Acts 17:26-28  3. The Lord is the Refuge of man. Verse 6, Romans 14:7-9 II. The future life. Verses 7-15  A. The is the evidence of the future life. Verses 7-9  1. Nature teaches us that there is a future life. Verses 7-9  2. Creation teaches us that there is a future life. Romans 8:22-23  B. This is the cycle for the future life. Verses 10-12  1. The physical body of man must decay. Verses 10-11, 1 Cor. 15:50-58  2. The spiritual body of man will never decay. Verse 12, 2 Cor. 5:15  C. This is the proof for the future life. Verse 14  1. Job believed that live did exist beyond the grave. Verse 14  2. Jesus proves that we will live beyond the grave. 2 Tim. 1:10  D. This is the blessings of the future life. Verse 15 (The righteous will possess immortality.) Romans 2:7, 1 Tim. 6:15-16 III. The death of mankind. Verses 16-22  A. This is the cause of death. Verses 16-17  1. Sin causes death. Romans 5:12  2. The Lord doesn't forget our sins. Verses 16-17  B. This is the assurance of death. Verses 18-20  1. Death is inevitable. Verses 18-19, Heb. 9:27  2. Death is certain. Verse 20  C. These are the blessings of death. Verses 21-22  1. Death is a blessing. Rev. 14:13  2. Death is a translation. Verses 21-22, 1 Cor. 15:44-49
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