A. This letter was from three great Christians: Paul and Silvanus, and Timotheus. v 1  B. This letter was to the greatest people on earth: The saints. v 1  D. This letter desired the great blessings: Grace and peace. v 2  E. This letter was from the greatest source: God and Christ. v 2 II. OUR FAITHFULNESS: VS 3-6  A. These are the reasons for our faithfulness. v 3  1. Our faith is growing. v 3, Mark 9:23  2. Our love is expanding. v 3, Romans 13:10, 1 Peter 4:8  B. These are the mandates for our faithfulness. v 4  1. Christians must be patient under their persecutions. v 4, 2 Tim. 3:12  2. Disciples should be faithful in their tribulations. v 4, Rev. 2:10  C. These are the motivations for our faithfulness. v 5  1. The Lord is counting us worthy of eternal life. Heb. 12:5-6  2. The Lord is preparing us for eternal life. 2 Tim. 2:12  D. These are the blessings of our faithfulness. v 6  1. The Lord knows know to delivers us from evil. 2 Peter 2:9  2. The Lord will give each person a just recompense of reward. Heb. 2:1-4 III. THE COMING OF OUR LORD: VS 7-12  A. These are the assurances of His coming. v 7  1. Our Lord Jesus Christ shall be revealed from heaven. v 7, John 14:1-3  2. Our Lord Jesus Christ will come with His mighty angles. Matt. 25:31-33  B. These are the characteristics of His coming. v 8  1. Our Lord will come in flaming fire. v 8, Heb. 12:29  2. Our Lord will take vengeance upon the ungodly. v 8, Romans 12:19  C. These will be the effects of His coming. vs 9-10  1. The wicked will be punished. v 9, Matt. 10:28  2. The righteous will be glorified. v 10, Col. 3:1-4  D. These are the ways to be ready for His coming. vs 11-12  1. Disciples should pray. v 11, Luke 18:1-8  2. Christians must honor the name (the authority) of the Lord. v 12, Acts 4:12 CHAPTER 2 


A. These are the realities of that great apostasy. vs 1-2  1. There would be a great apostasy before the coming of our Lord. vs 1-2  2. The great apostasy started in the First Century. 1 Tim. 4:1-3  B. These are the causes of that great apostasy. vs 3-4  1. The man of sin was revealed. v 3, 3 John 3:9  2. The man of sin showeth himself as being God upon the earth. v 4, James 3:9  C. This was the hinderance of that great apostasy. vs 5-7  1. Paul working for the Lord hindered the coming of that great apostasy. vs 5-7  2. Our working for the Lord should hinder the results of that great apostasy. 2 Tim. 4:1-4  D. These will be the results of that great apostasy. vs 8-12  1. Our Lord will destroy that great apostasy at His coming. vs 8-10  2. Our Lord before He comes will send a strong delusion upon any person who does not receive a love for the truth so that he could be saved. vs 11- 12 II. OUR HEAVENLY CALLING: VS 13-17  A. These are the reasons for our heavenly calling. vs 13-14  1. Christians are the beloved people of God because they have accepted His calling. v 13, Romans 5:6-8  2. Christians are the chosen people of God because they are serving the Lord their God. v 13, Joshua 24:14-15  3. Christians have been called by the gospel of Christ. v 14, Romans 1:16  B. These are the requirements of our heavenly calling. v 15  1. A Christian must stand fast in the faith. v 15, James 4:7-8  2. A disciple should be stead fast in his services to God. v 14, 1 Cor. 15:58  C. These are the blessings of our heavenly calling. vs 16-17  1. Christians are receiving everlasting consolation from the grace of God. v 16, 2 Cor 12:9  2. Saints are being established in every good work. v 17, Phil. 2:13 CHAPTER 3 


A. This was a request for prayer. v 1  1. Paul wanted their prayers. v 1  2. A Christian should desire the prayers of other Christians. James 5:16  B. This was the reason for those prayers. v 1  1. Paul desired to be delivered from evil men. v 1  2. Christians should pray for their deliverance from evil men. Matt. 5:13  C. These are the blessings of prayer. vs 3-5  1. Our Lord will keep us from evil. v 4, Heb. 4:15-16  2. The Lord is our helper. v 4, Heb. 13:5-6  3. The Lord is working for our good. v 5, Prov. 3:5-6 II. SERVING THE LORD: VS 6-11  A. These are the reasons for that service. vs 6-9  1. A Faithful Christian should not have fellowship with an unfaithful member of the church. v 6, Titus 3:10  2. Christians need to follow the examples of Paul. vs 7-9, 1 Cor. 11:1  B. This is the requirement for that service. v 10  1. Christians must work for a living. v 10  2. This was the law of God in the Old Testament. Gen. 3:19  C. These would be the results of that service. v 11  1. A Christian would not be walking disorderly. Eph. 4:1-3  2. A disciple would not be a busybody in other mens' matters. 1 Peter 4:15 III. WORKING FOR A LIVING: VS 12-15  A. This is the command for us to work for a living. v 12 (We are to work for a living.) Eph. 4:28  B. This is the exhortation for us to work for a living. v 13 (We should not become weary in well doing.) Gal. 6:9  C. These are the instructions for us to work for a living. vs 14-15 (We can not fellowship those persons who will not work for a living.) Titus 3:10 IV. THE SALUTATION OF PAUL: VS 16-18  A. Paul wanted the Lord to bless them with peace. v 16  B. Paul verified his salutation. v 17  C. Paul desired that the Lord would bless them with grace. v 18 COMPLIED BY: 




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