A. This letter was from a great Christian: Paul. v 1  1. Paul was a great apostle. v 1, Acts 9:15  2. Paul had a great hope of eternal live. v 1, 2 Tim. 4:6-8  B. This letter was address to a great Christian: Timothy. v 2 (Timothy and Paul had the same common faith.) Jude 3-4  C. This letter desired great blessings. v 2  1. Grace is that which each person should desire. v 2, Titus 2:11-12  2. Mercy is that which each person needs. v 2, Psa. 51:1-7, Heb. 4:14-16  3. Peace is that which each person wants. v 2, John 16:33  D. This letter was from the greatest sources.  1. God is our Creator. v 4, Gen. 1:26-27, l John 5:7  2. Christ is our Redeemer. v 4, Acts 2:34-38, Matt. 28:18-20 II. FALSE TEACHERS ARE CONDEMNED: VS 3-11  A. These are our instructions for false teachers. v 3  1. Christians are to warn those persons who are teaching false doctrines. v 3  2. Saints are to examine those persons who are teaching false doctrines. 1 John 4:1  3. Disciples are to mark those persons who are causing divisions among them. Romans 16:16-17  B. These are the differences between false teaching and true teaching. vs 4-5  1. False doctrines does not promote the truth of God. v 4, Matt. 15:8-9  2. True teaching engenderes a working faith in the gospel system. v 5, Gal. 5:6  C. These are the fruits of false doctrines. vs 6-7  1. False doctrines transgress the laws of God. v 6, 1 John 3:4  2. False teachings cause dogmatic desires. v 7, Titus 3:11-12  D. These are the differences between the law of Moses and the gospel system. vs 8-11  1. The law of Moses was a school master to point the Jews to Christ. vs 8- 10, Gal. 3:19.24  2. The gospel system is the standard by which every thing is to be tested. v 11, Romans 1:16-18 III. THE SUCCESS OF PAUL: VS 12-20  A. These were the reasons for his success in life. vs 12-15  1. Paul was thankful for his stewardship of the gospel. v 12, 1 Cor. 11:1  2. Paul was thankful because he had obtained mercy from God. v 13, Heb. 8:11-12  3. Paul was thankful because he had a wonderful faith in Christ. v 14, Phil. 4:13  4. Paul was thankful because he knew that he was going to heaven. v 15, 2 Tim. 1:13  B. These were the motivations for his success in life. vs 16-17  1. Paul knew that he was a pattern for other Christians to follow. v 17, 2 Cor. 3:1-2, Matt. 5:14-16  2. Paul knew that God was his helper. v 17, Heb. 13:5-6  C. These were the traits for his success in life. vs 18-20  1. Paul was a great warrior for the Lord. v 18, 2 Tim. 4:6-8  2. Paul knew that he could make shipwreck of his faith in God. vs 19-20, 1 Cor. 9:27, Rev. 2:10 CHAPTER 2 


A. These are our admonitions for prayer. v 1  1. Men should pray everywhere. v 1  2. Christians must pray continually. 1 Thess. 5:23  B. These are the kinds of prayer which we should pray. v 1  1. A supplication would be a request for special benefits. v 1, Luke 1:13  2. A prayer would be for specific blessings as we need them. v 1, Phi. 4:6  3. An intercession would be made in behalf of other people. v 1, Gen. 18:24-32 (All these prayers must be offered with a thankful attitude.) Eph. 5:20  C. These are the requirements of our prayers. vs 1-2  1. Disciples must pray for all men. v 1, 2 Peter 3:9  2. Christians should pray for their civil leaders. v 2, Romans 13:1-7  D. These are the reasons for our prayers. vs 3-7  1. The prayers of the saints are pleasing unto God. v 3, Acts 10:4  2. God wants all men to be saved. vs 3-4, 2 Tim. 2:25  E. These are the conditions of our prayers. v 8  1. Saints must lift up holy hands. v 8, James 4:8  2. Christians should not be wrathful. v 8, Eph. 4:26  3. Disciples ought not to be doubtful. v 8, James 1:5-8 II. THE DUTIES OF CHRISTIAN WOMEN: VS 9-15  A. This is the manner in which they are to dress. v 9 (Christian women should dress in modest apparel.) 1 Peter 3:1-6  B. These are the works which they are to produce. v 10 (Christian women should do works which would promotes godliness.) 1 Tim. 5:10-14  C. This is their submission. vs 11-14 (Christian women are to be in subjection.) 1 Cor. 14:34  D. These are their responsibilities. v 15  1. Christian women can be saved in child bearing. v 15, Gen. 3:15  2. Christian women should be faithful. v 15, Rev. 2:10  3. Christian women must manifest love in the proper manner. v 15, Gal. 5:6  4. Christian women ought to be holy. v 15, 1 Peter 1:15-16 CHAPTER 3 


A. These are the domestic qualifications for an elder.  1. An elder must be the husband of one wife. v 2, Matt. 19:3-12  2. An elder should have his children in subjection. v 4, Eph. 6:1-4  3. An elder ought to rule his own house well. v 5, Prov. 29:15  B. These are the positive qualifications of an elder.  1. An elder must desire the office of an elder for the right reason. v 1, 1 Peter. 5:2  2. An elder should be blameless in character. v 1, 2 Peter 3:14  3. An elder needs to be vigilant in life. v 1, 1 Cor. 16:13  4. An elder should be sober minded. v 1, 1 Peter 5:8  5. An elder ought to be of good behavior. v 1, Gal. 6:10  6. An elder must be friendly. v 1, Heb. 13:1-2  7. An elder should be a teacher of the word of God. v 2, Heb. 5:12-14  8. An elder needs to be patient. v 3, James 5:11  9. An elder should have a good report in the community. v 7, Matt. 5:16  C. These are the negative qualifications of an elder.  1. An elder must not be given to wine. v 3, Prov. 20:1  2. An elder should not be a striker of other persons. v 3, Matt. 5:39  3. An elder ought not to be a lover of money. v 3, 1 Tim. 6:10  4. An elder must not be a brawler. v 3, Gal. 5:14-15  5. An elder should not be a covetous person. v 3, Col. 3:5  6. An elder ought not to be a new convert. v 6 II. THESE ARE THE QUALIFICATIONS FOR A DEACON: VS 8-13  A. These are the domestic qualifications for a deacon.  1. A deacon must be the husband of one wife. v 13, Matt. 19:3-9  2. A deacon should have his children under controlled. v 13, Eph. 6:1-4  B. These are the positive qualifications for a deacon.  1. A deacon must be grave. v 8, 1 Peter 3:15  2. A deacon should be faithful. v 9, Rev. 2:10  3. A deacon ought to be proven. v 10, Psa. 37:25  4. A deacon need to be blameless. v 10, Phil. 2:15  C. These are the negative qualifications for a deacon.  1. A deacon should not be a doubled tongued person. v 8, James 1:8  2. A deacon can not be given to much vine. v 8, 1 Peter 4:7  3. A deacon must not be greedy for filthy lucre. v 8, 1 Tim. 6:10 III. CHRISTIAN CONDUCT: VS 14-16  A. This is the authority for Christian conduct. v 14  1. The scriptures are authoritative. 2 Tim. 3:16-17  2. The scriptures are our final authority. John 12:48  B. This is the place for Christians conduct. v 15  1. Saints can not glorify God in a man-made church. Matt. 16:18, Acts 2:47  2. Christians can glorify God in the New Testament church. Eph. 3:20-21  C. These are the requirements for Christian conduct. v 15  1. Christians must uphold the truth because the church is the pillar and ground of the truth.  a). The church was built upon the truth. Matt. 16:13-18  b). The church is the foundation of the truth. 1 Cor. 3:11  2. Christians must obey the truth of God. John 8:31-32, Heb. 5:8-9  D. These are our examples for Christian conduct. v 17  1. Jesus was God manifested in the flesh because He was the Incarnated Word upon the earth. John 1:1-3,14  2. Jesus was justified in the Spirit. Matt. 17:1-5  3. Jesus was seen of angels. Luke 22:43  4. Jesus was preached unto the Gentiles. Acts 10:34-35  5. Jesus was believed on in the world. Acts 8:37  6. Jesus was received upon in glory. Acts 7:55-56 CHAPTER 4 


A. This was the assurance of that great apostasy. v 1 (The Holy Spirit said, "Some shall depart from the faith")  B. This was the time for that great apostasy. v 1 ("Latter Times": The great apostasy really started in the First Century.)  C. These were the causes for that great apostasy. v 1-2  1. Some people would give heed to seducing spirits. 1 John 4:1, Matt. 7:15, 2 Peter 2:1-3  2. Some people would give heed to the doctrines of devils. 2 Cor. 11:14-15  3. Some people would speak lies in hypocrisy. Jude 3-4  4. Some people would have their consciences seared with religious error. 2 Thess. 2:11-12  D. These were the traits of that great apostasy. v 3  1. Some people would be forbidden to marry. Heb. 13:4  2. Some people would be commanded to abstain from meats. Romans 14:17  E. These were the errors of that great apostasy. vs 4-5  1. Some of the Jewish teachers had a part in that great apostasy. Acts 15:5,20 (Some of the Jewish teachers wanted to bind the law of Moses upon Christians.) Col. 2:14, Gal. 3:10-13  2. The desire to be first in power, rule and authority in a congregation was a cause in that great apostasy. 3 John 9-10 (There would be many people with the personality of Diotrephes who would claim to be a Christian.) Acts 20:28-30 II. BEING A GOOD MINISTER: VS 6-10  A. These are the reasons for being a good minister. v 6  1. A minister would be preaching the true gospel of Christ. Gal. 1:6-9  2. A minister would be upholding the truth of God. Rev. 22:18-19  B. These are the blessings for being a good minister. v 6  1. The faith of a minister would be increased. Romans 16:25-27  2. The teachings of a minister would be sound. 2 John 9-11  C. These are the requirements for being a good minister. vs 9-10  1. A minister would not be deceived by religious error. v 7, 1 John 4:1, Matt. 15:8-9  2. A minister would know the truth of God. vs 7-8, Heb. 12-14  D. This will be the reward for being a good minister. vs 9-10 (The faithful minister will be given eternal life.) Romans 2:7 III. BEING A SERVANT OF GOD: VS 11-16  A. These are the requirements for being a good servant of God. v 1  1. A faithful Christian will not preach religious error. Matt. 15:8-9  2. A faithful disciple will preach the true word of God. 2 Tim. 4:1-4  B. These are the influences for being a good servant of God. v 12  1. A Christian can become an example of the believers in word. Col. 4:6  2. A brother in Christ can become an example of the believers in conversation. Heb. 13:5-6  3. A saint can become an example of the believers in love. Romans 13:10  4. A Christian can become an example of the believers in spirit. Phil. 2:5-7  5. A disciple can become an example of the believers in faith. Gal. 5:6  6. A saint can become an example of the believers in purity. 1 Tim. 5:22  C. These are the ways to become a good servant of God. vs 13-16  1. Brethren must study the word of God. v 13, 2 Tim. 2:15  2. Christians should develop their talents. v 14, Matt. 25:20  3. Saints need to meditate upon the word of God. v 15, Psa. 1:1-3  4. Disciples ought to continue to serve the Lord faithfully. v 16, Rev. 2:10 CHAPTER 5 


A. These are our duties toward other people. vs 1-8  1. A Christian should honor the older men as a father. v 1  2. A disciple must honor the younger men as a brother. v 1  3. A brother in Christ ought to honor the older women as a mother. v 2  4. A saint needs to honor the younger women as a sister. v 2  5. A Christian must honor a widow as a true widow. v 3  a). A widow with children should be financially supported by her relatives. v 4  b). A faithful widow has her hope fixed upon God. v 5, Heb. 6:18-19  c). An unfaithful widow lives in the pleasures of sin. v 6, Heb. 11:24-27  B. These are our responsibilities toward other people. vs 7-8  1. If Christians obey these admonitions, they will be blameless. v 7  2. If Christians fail to obey these admonitions, they would be denying the faith. v 8 II. THE WIDOWS WHO RECEIVE FINANCIAL SUPPORT FROM THE CHURCH: VS 9-16  A. These are the widows which the church can financially support. vs 9-10  1. This widow should be at least sixty years old or older. v 9  2. This widow needed to have been faithful unto the Lord. v 10  B. These are the widows which the church can not financially support. vs 11- 13  1. The church can not financially support the younger widows. v 11  a). The younger widows might forsake Christ. v 11  b). The younger widows can cast off their first love. v 12  c). The younger widows may become A trouble maker. v 13  2. These are the instructions which are given for the younger women. vs 14- 16  a). The younger women should marry. v 14  b). The younger women should not become unfaithful. v 15  c). The younger women should depend upon their relatives for financial support. v 16 III. OUR DUTIES TOWARD AN ELDER: VS 17-19  A. An elder who serves as a preacher should receive double honor. v 17  B. An elder is worthy of his hire. v 18  C. An elder can only be rebuked before two or three witnesses. v 19 IV. THESE WERE THE CHARGES WHICH WERE GIVEN TO TIMOTHY: VS 20-25  A. Timothy was to rebuke those persons who sin before all so that other people may not commit the act of sin. v 20  B. Timothy was to be impartial toward other persons. v 21, James 2:9  C. Timothy needed to keep himself pure. v 22, Matt. 5:8  D. Timothy was to keep his infirmities under control. v 23  E. Timothy needed to keep his works exposed before all men so that they could understand his good works. vs 24-25, Matt. 5:14-16 CHAPTER 6 


A. The servant must count his master worthy of due honor. v 1  B. The master must honor his slave with the proper respect. v 2 II. FALSE TEACHERS: VS 3-5  A. This is their doctrine. v 3 (False teachers reject the words of Christ.) Col. 3:16-17  B. This is their character. v 4 (False teachers are arrogant.)  C. This is their rebuke. v 5 (Christians must withdraw from them.) III. BEING CONTENTED IN LIFE: VS 6-8  A. These are the ways to achieve our contentment in life. v 6  1. Christians should learn to be godly with their contentment. 1 Tim. 4:8  2. Disciples must learn to be content with their lot in life. Heb. 13:5-6  B. These are the reasons for our contentment in life. v 7  1. Christians can learn to be content in their poverty. v 7, Job 1:21  2. Saints can learn to be content in their prosperity. Phil. 4:11  C. These are the assurances for our contentment in life. v 8  1. God will give us food to eat. Matt. 6:26  2. God will give us clothes to wear. Matt. 6:30 IV. THE PERILS OF RICHES: VS 9-10  A. These are the deceitfulness of riches. v 9  1. The rich can fall into many different kinds of temptations. v 9, James 1:14  2. The rich can fall into many different kinds of snares. v 9, Eph. 6:10-11 3. The rich can fall into many different kinds of hurtful lust. v 9, James 5:3  B. These are the effects of riches. v 10  1. The love of money is the root of all evil. v 10, Prov. 15:27  2. The love of money engenderes covetousness. v 10, Col. 3:5  3. The love of money causes a person to depart from the faith. v 10, Jude 3- 4  4. The love of money causes many different kinds of sorrow. v 10, James 5:1-2 V. THE MAN OF GOD: VS 11-12  A. These are the instructions which are given for being a man of God. v 11  1. A man of God must flee from the love of money. v 11, Mark 10:24  2. A man of God should pursue after righteousness. v 11, Matt. 5:20  3. A man of God needs to pursue after godliness. v 11, 2 Peter 3:11  4. A man of God ought to develop his faith in God. v 11, Gal. 5:6  5. A man of God must learn to be patient. v 11, James 1:4  6. A man of God needs to manifest meekness. v 11, Matt. 5:5  B. These are the ways by which we can remain a man of God. v 12  1. Christians can remain a man of God by fighting a good fight of faith. v 12, 2 Tim. 4:6-8  2. Disciples can continue to be a man of God by laying hold on eternal life. v 12, Rev. 3:12 VI. KEEPING THE COMMANDMENTS: VS 13-16  A. These are the charges to keep the commandments of God. v 13  1. Christians are charged before God to keep the commandments. Isa. 46:5,9  2. Disciples are charged before Christ to keep the commandments. Rev. 1:18  B. These are our mandates to keep the commandments. v 14  1. A Christian can not break any one of the commandments of God and be pleasing unto Him. James 2:10-13  2. A saint must keep the commandments of God. Eccles. 12:13-14  C. These are the blessings for keeping the commandments of God. vs 14-15  1. Immortality is the life which our Lord possesses. vs 14-15  a). Our Lord brought life and immortality to light through the gospel. 2 Tim. 1:10  b). Our Lord has promised to give unto those persons who are faithful the spiritual blessings of Immortality. Romans 2:7  2. Immortality is the greatest desire which we have in this life. 2 Cor. 5:1-4 VII. THE RICH PEOPLE OF THIS WORLD: VS 17-19  A. These are the charges which are given unto the rich people of this world. vs 17-18  1. The rich must not be high minded. v 17, Romans 12:3  2. The rich should not trust in uncertain riches. v 17, Mark 10:24  3. The rich needs to trust in the living God. v 17, Psa. 37:3  4. The rich ought to do good deeds. v 18, Heb. 13:16  5. The rich should be rich in good works. v 18, Titus 2:7  6. The rich ought to ready to distribute. v 18, Acts 20:35  7. The rich needs to be willing to communicate. v 18, Gal. 6:10  B. These are the reasons for those charges. v 19  1. The rich would be laying up for themselves spiritual treasures in heaven. v 19, Matt. 6:19-21  2. The rich would be laying hold on eternal life. v 19, Jude 21 VIII. THESE WERE THE SPECIAL CHARGES WHICH WERE GIVEN TO TIMOTHY: VS 20-21  A. Paul wanted Timothy to be a good minister of the gospel. v 20  B. Paul desired that Timothy would be blessed with the grace of God. v 21

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