"Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some (not all) shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth." 1 Timothy 4:1-3 There are many different ways by which we can depart from the faith because we can be deceived by religious error. I am Charles Burke. Let me explain the Great Apostasy of the New Testament Church in matters of our own redemption of life so that we can keep from being deceived by false doctrines.
THE WRITING OF THE NICENE CREED There were many reasons why the Nicene Creed was written. For an example, during the Second Century, it became a practice to select one of the elders to preside over the meetings as a permanent president. This elder was called the "bishop" to distinguish him from the other elders. However, the terms "elders" and "bishops" refers to the same men in the Church. So then there is no distinction which is made among the elders in rank, power, rule and authority. Thus, this distinction in name gave "the Bishop" greater authority and power in the Church. The authority of the Bishop was increased until each Bishop was assigned a definite territory over which he ruled. This territory was called a diocese because he could rule over ten different congregations. The Bishops increased their own religious authority until they became known as Patriarchs which means "Chief Fathers". They also increased their own territory to larger districts. In the beginning, there were only three Patriarchs: one at Rome, one at Alexandria, and one at Antioch. However, at a latter time, the Bishops of Jerusalem and Constantinople were made Patriarchs which made five in all. Therefore, the organization of this apostate church is that which led to the writing of the Nicene Creed. There were many controversies within the apostate church over certain doctrines. For an example, there was "the Arian Controversy" which had to do with the doctrine of the Trinity, especially the relationship which exists between the Father and the Son. There was "the Appolinarian Controversy" which questioned the Nature of Christ, and there was "the Pelagian Controversy" which questioned the doctrines of sin and salvation. Now, in an effort to solve the problems which had resulted from "the Arian Controversy," Emperor Constantine called a council of the Bishops which met in Nicia at Bithnia in 325 A. D. It was attended by 318 Bishops and was presided over by the Emperor himself. Many creeds were introduced as a basis of compromise. However, the final resolution was adopted so that a formal statement of faith could be written. Thus, those statements of faith are known as "the Nicene Creed". Therefore, these are the words of the Nicene Creed. "I believe in one God; the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and in-visible; And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God; begotten of the Father before all worlds, God of God, Light of Lights, very God of very God, begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father, through whom all things were made; who for us men, and for our salvation came down from heaven, and was incarnated by the Holy Spirit of the Virgin Mary, and was made man, and was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate; he suffered and was buried, and the third day he rose again according to The Scriptures, and ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of the Father; and he shall come again with glory, to judge both the quick and the dead; whose kingdom shall have no end. And I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceedeth from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified, who spake by the prophets. And I believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church. I acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins. And I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come." Now, the counsel adjourned about the middle of August. However, this creed finally made the apostate church and the Roman State to be united. Thus, in 606 A. D., the Emperor known as Boniface III became known as the "Universal Bishop of the church". Therefore, "the Pope" became the head of the church and the head of the State.
I. The teaching of "The Nicene Creed" is what throws the True Nature of God and the True Nature of Christ out of focus because it makes God to be only one Person who is called the Father in being our Creator; Christ to be only one Person who is called the Son (Jesus) in being our Redeemer, and the Holy Spirit to be a Person who is neither called God nor Christ in being our Creator and our Redeemer. This creed states, "I believe in one God, the Father, Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and in-visible; I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God; begotten of the Father before all worlds. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceedeth from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified, who spake by the prophets." II. God and Christ are the two Divine Names in which three Persons who equally are made to work in matters of our own creation and redemption of life because we possess a created and a redeemed nature of life. For illustrating purposes:
WE MUST KNOW GOD WHO IS OUR CREATOR I. God is not the being of three ranked Persons who would be called the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in being our Creator because the one God of the Scriptures could not be three ranked Persons (three ranked Gods) who would be called God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit because there is only one God in life. Moses said concerning the oneness (the equality) of God, "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord." Deuteronomy 6:4 II. God is the being of three equal Persons who are called the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit in being our Creator because the one God of the Scriptures can be more that one Person providing that those Persons are equal in power, rule and authority in matters of Their Own Individual Being of life. God is the name of a Sovereign Family who lives in heaven, but God became the name of a created family who lives upon the earth because we are the sons of God. Paul said concerning the Name of God, "Of whom (God) the whole family in heaven and earth is named." This is why God said in reference to our own creation of life, "Let us (who are the Persons that are called God) make man in our image, after our likeness. So God created man in his own image" (of life). John said concerning those three Persons who equally are called God in being our Creator, "For there are three (Persons) that bear record (of our creation) in heaven, the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit: and these three (Persons) are one" (equal) in power, rule and authority because They equally possess the same Personage, Powers, Nature and Attributes of the one and only God in matters of Their Own Individual Being of life. Ephesians 3:15, Genesis 1:26-27, 1 John 5:7 Equality signifies that those three Persons who are called God in being the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit are equal in power, rule and authority because They equally possess the same Personage, Powers, Nature and Attributes of the one and only God in matters of Their Own Individual Being of life. *Personage means possessing a Spiritual Body, and an Eternal Soul and Spirit. *Powers signify being Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent. *Nature reveals being eternal, impartial, perfect, spiritual and etc. *Attributes indicate being lovable, righteous, merciful, faithful and etc.
I. The Father and the Son Relationship which exist between God and Christ is not the being of two ranked Persons because there is not a ranking system which exist among those Persons who created and redeemed our own divine nature of life. Thus, a ranking system would signify that the Father would be the first Person in power, rule and authority; the Son (Jesus) would be the second Person in power, rule and authority; whereas the Holy Spirit would be the third Person in power, rule and authority. Therefore, Jesus (who was the Incarnated Word upon the earth) said to prove that He was Spiritually equal with the Father, "My Father (not your Father) worketh hitherto, and I work. The Jews sought the more to kill him because he had said that God was his Father making himself equal with God." John 5:17-18 II. The Father and the Son Relationship which exist between God and Christ is the being of a Father-head Figure and an Offspring Status Relationship instead of being two ranked Persons because those three God-Persons, who are called the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit in being our Creator, equally made Themselves to work in the Name of Christ in being called the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit so that They could be our Redeemer. Paul said concerning the Name of Christ, "Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity." This is why "The Lord (God) said unto my Lord (Christ), sit thou on my right hand, until I make the foes thy footstool. Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that the Lord God (who was the being of the Father and the Holy Spirit in heaven) hath made that same Jesus (who was the Incarnated Word upon the earth), whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ." Jesus (who was made both Lord and Christ in being our Redeemer) said concerning those three Persons who equally would be called Christ in matters of our own redemption of life, "Go teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." Acts 2:34-36, Matthew 28:18-20.
WE MUST KNOW CHRIST WHO IS OUR REDEEMER I. Christ is not the being of only one Person who would be called the Son (Jesus) in being our Redeemer because Christ was made to more than one Person who would be called the Son (Jesus) in matters of our own redemption of life. This is why those three God-Persons, who are called the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit in being our Creator, equally made Themselves to work in the Name of Christ in being called the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit so that They could be our Redeemer. This was accomplished because "The Lord (God) said unto my Lord (Christ), sit thou on my right hand, until I make the foes thy footstool. Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that the Lord God (who was the being of the Father and the Holy Spirit in heaven) hath made that same Jesus (who was the Incarnated Word upon the earth), whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ." Jesus (who was made both Lord and Christ in being our Redeemer) said concerning those three Persons who equally would be called Christ in matters of our own redemption of life, "Go teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." Acts 2:34-36, Matthew 28:18-20 II. Christ is the being of three equal Persons who are called the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in being our Redeemer because we in being an alien sinner must be baptized into Christ for the remission of our sins by being baptized in the name (the authority) of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit so that we can become a New Testament Christian. Our Lord said concerning those three Persons who equally would be called Christ in being our Redeemer, "Go teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." Paul said, "For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ." Matthew 28:18-20, Galatians 3:27
IN SUMMARY I. We don't possess the Divine Qualities of a ranked God who would be three ranked Persons that are called the Father, the Son (Christ) and the Holy Spirit in being our Creator, nor do we possess the Divine Traits of a one Person Christ would would be a ranked Person that is called the Son (Jesus) in being our Redeemer because God is not the being of three ranked Persons, nor is Christ the being of a ranked Person. Rank means that the Father would be the first Person in power, rule and authority; the Son (Jesus) would be the second Person in power, rule and authority; whereas the Holy Spirit would be the third Person in power, rule and authority. ii. We possess the Divine Characteristics of God who is the being of three equal Persons that are called the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit in being our Creator; whereas we possess the Divine Traits of Christ who is the being of three equal Persons that are called the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in being our Redeemer because those three God-Persons, who are called the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit in being our Creator, equally made Themselves to work in the Name of Christ in being called the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit so that They could be our Redeemer. Equality signifies that those three Persons, who are called God and Christ in being our Creator and our Redeemer, are equal in power, rule and authority because They possess the same Personage, Powers, Nature and Attributes of God and Christ in matters of Their Own Individual Being of life. III. A ranked hierarchy (a centralized head) can't Scripturally rule in the New Testament Church because no one priest, elder or bishop has any more power, rule and authority than another priest, elder, or bishop in religious matters. This is why each congregation of the New Testament Church must be autonomous (self-ruled) because Christ (not a redeemed man) is the head (the ruler) of the Church.
THE STRANGE DOCTRINES OF THE DARK AGES Why were there so many strange doctrines which were introduced into the apostate church during the dark ages? Now, "The church leaders," who were in power, wanted more religious and political power in the world. They taught doctrines which would please the majority of the people so that they could increase their own popularity. However, their doctrines really enslaved the people to a state controlled religion because the Pope was the head of the church and the head of the State. Therefore, when religious men teach for doctrines the commandments of men, they will be deceived by many strange doctrines. For an example, these are some of the doctrines which were being taught in the apostate church during the Dark Ages of Church History. I. Holy water which was blessed by a Priest. II. Penance was the infliction of punishment upon the guilty person so that one's sins could be forgiven, and this would be the evidence of that person's repentance. III. Latin Mass which meant that some people couldn't understand the worship services of the church. IV. Extreme Unction was the anointing of the body of a person who was dying so that he might have a better chance of receiving eternal life. V. Purgatory was the practice of trying to pray a loved one out of hell so that he could enjoy the Spiritual Blessings of eternal life. VI. Instrumental music was added to the worship service of the church to please the majority of the people. VII. Transubstantiation was the doctrine that the contents of the Lord's Supper (which would be the bread and the fruit of the vine) would literally turn into the flesh and the blood of Jesus when a person was partaking of the Lord's Supper. VIII. Celibacy was the doctrine that the Popes and the priests were forbidden to marry. IX. The Sale of Indulgence was the doctrine that, if a person would pay a certain amount of money to the church, he could commit any crime which he wanted to do, and that sin would be remitted before it was committed. X. Auricular Confession was the teaching that a person who had sinned should confess his sins into the ear of a priest so that they could be forgiven. XI. Images of Saints and Martyrs was the doctrine that those people should be glorified for their deeds which they had done on the earth. XII. Sprinkling was the doctrine that a person should be sprinkled with water instead of being immersed in water. Now, those doctrines completely enslaved the people to a state controlled religion because the Pope was the head of the church and the head of the State.. Therefore, this enslavement caused the Reformation Movement to take place in Europe because some of those people wanted to reform the corruption of the Catholic church.
THE REFORMATION MOVEMENT IN EUROPE There were some people who wanted to restore the corruption of Catholicism because they did not know the Divine Organization of the New Testament Church nor did they understand the true Nature of God and the true Nature of Christ in matters of their own creation and redemption of life. Therefore, most of these persons were put to death because it was not time for them to have religious freedom. For an example, the Albigenses (in about 1170 A. D.) starting opposing the doctrines of purgatory and image-worship. The Waldensians in about the same year were zealous for the purity of life because they referred to the scriptures when they opposed the practices of Catholicism. John Wycliffe (1324-1384) opposed the authority of the Pope, the doctrines of Transubstantiation and Auricular Confessions. John Huss (1369-1415) preferred the scriptures above tradition and human dogma. He also denounced the sale of indulgence. John Wessel (1420-1498) attacked Catholicism in some of its principal features. Many of his beliefs were later taught by Luther. Jerome Savonarola (1452-1498) denied the authority of the Pope and bitterly opposed the immorality of the clergy. Finally, Martin Luther (1483-1546) was able to become known as "the hero of the Reformation" because it was the proper time for a religious movement. Mr. Luther questioned the system of indulgences and vigorously opposed it. He wanted the nobles to take over the wealth and the lands which was owned by the church. Mr. Luther challenged the authority of the Pope, and condemned the sacramental system. He latter stated his views on the subject of salvation. William Tyndale (1484-1536) was able to translate the Bible into English which was a blessing unto the people. Ulrich Zwingle (1484-1564) wanted to abolish all that could not be proven by the scriptures. John Calvin (1509-1564) taught that we were predestination to be saved because he wanted to offset the doctrines which was taught by the Catholic church that we are saved by religious works. Now, those movements would be a step away from Rome, but none of those movements would be a return to Jerusalem so that they could pattern the Church after the New Testament Church which began in 33 A. D. Furthermore, those movements would not confess the true Nature of God and the true Nature of Christ in matters of their own creation and redemption of life because those people made God, Christ and the Holy Spirit to be the three Persons who would be called their Creator and their Redeemer. Therefore, those movements started the rise of denominationalism in Europe which is not a true return unto New Testament Christianity.
THE BIRTH OF DENOMINATIONALISM IN EUROPE When the Reformation Movement started growing, it soon became apparent that the work of each reformer would result in the beginning of some new religious group. The desire of this movement was not to restore the New Testament Church to its original Divine Pattern, but to correct some undesirable feature of the church which was then in existence. Each reformer would direct his efforts toward some individual religious error, and his followers would greatly increase. They would make a number of formal statements of faith which was adopted and practiced. Therefore, a new denominational church was begun because it opposed the state controlled religion of the Catholic church. THE REASONS WHY RELIGIOUS ERROR EXISTS IN THE DENOMINATIONAL WORLD I. God is the name (the being) of three equal Persons who are called the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit in being our Creator because the one God of the Scriptures can be more than one Person providing that those Persons equally possess the same Personage, Powers, Nature and Attributes of the one and only God in reference to Their Own Individual Being of life. II. The Father and the Son Relationship which exist between God and Christ is the being of a Father-head Figure and an Offspring Status Relationship instead of being two ranked Persons because those three God-Persons, who are called the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit in being our Creator, equally made Themselves to work in the Name of Christ in being called the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit so that They could be our Redeemer. III. Christ is the name (the being) of three equal Persons who are called the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in being our Redeemer because we in being an alien sinner must be baptized into Christ for the remission of our sins by being baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit so that we can become a New Testament Christian. IV. God and Christ are the two Divine Names in which three Persons who equally are working in matters of our own creation and redemption of life because we have been created and redeemed by three equal Persons, who are made to be called God and Christ in being our Creator and our Redeemer, so that in that world which is to come we can become equal (having power, rule and authority) with Them. V. A ranked hierarchy (a centralized head) can't Scripturally rule in the New Testament Church because no one priest, elder or bishop has any more power, rule and authority than another priest, elder, or bishop in religious matters. This is why each congregation of the New Testament Church must be autonomous (self-ruled) because Christ (not a redeemed man) is the head (the ruler) of the Church.
THE LUTHERAN CHURCH (1521) This group endorsed the Catholic Creeds known as the Apostles Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Athanasian Creed. However, Luther had adopted the Augsburg Confession of Faith. So in 1530 all of those creeds were endorsed by the Lutheran church. Thus, this was the first prominent denominational church to come into existence after the Protestant Reformation. Therefore, here are some of the chief doctrines of the Lutheran church because they have a ranked hierarchy which rules their congregations. I. We are justification by faith only. II. Denominations are branches of Christ and of His church. III. The ten Commandments are binding upon men today. IV. The mode of baptism is non-essential. V. That baptism in the law of Christ takes the place of circumcision under the law of Moses. VI. They observe days, weeks and times, similar to the Catholics: Lent and Easter. A. The first denominational church was established because it did not return unto the Apostolic Authority for establishing a congregation of the New Testament Church. B. This church also doesn't confess the True Being of God and the True Being of Christ in reference to their own creation and redemption of life because those persons make God to be three ranked Persons who would be called the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in being their Creator; whereas they make Christ to be a ranked Person who would be called the Son (Jesus) in being their Redeemer. 1). We don't possess the Divine Qualities of a ranked God who would be three ranked Persons that are called the Father, the Son (Christ) and the Holy Spirit in being our Creator, nor do we possess the Divine Traits of a one Person Christ who would be a ranked Person that is called the Son (Jesus) in being our Redeemer because God is not the being of three ranked Persons, nor is Christ the being of a ranked Person in matters of our own creation and redemption of life. Rank means that the Father would be the first Person in power, rule and authority; the Son (Jesus) would be the second Person in power, rule and authority; whereas the Holy Spirit would be the third Person in power, rule and authority. 2). We possess the Divine Characteristics of God who is the being of three equal Persons that are called the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit in being our Creator; whereas we possess the Divine Traits of Christ who is the being of three equal Persons that are called the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in being our Redeemer because those three God-Persons, who are called the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit in being our Creator, equally made Themselves to work in the Name of Christ in being called the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit so that They could be our Redeemer. This means that God and Christ are the two Divine Names in which three Persons who equally are working in being our Creator and our Redeemer so that in that world which is to come we can become equal (having power, rule and authority) with Them. 3). we can't Scripturally make a centralized head (a ranked hierarchy) to rule in the New Testament Church because no one priest, elder or bishop has any more power, rule and authority than another priest, elder, or bishop in religious matters. This is why each congregation of the New Testament Church must be autonomous (self-ruled) because Christ (not a redeemed man) is the head (the ruler) of the Church.
THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (1560) The Presbyterian church was an outgrowth of Calvinism under the leadership of John Knox. This church does not wear a human name, but it does teach some doctrines which are contrary to the will of God. Therefore, these are some of doctrines which that church teaches because they have a centralized head which rules their congregations. I. Predestination: This doctrine teaches that God had predestinated the persons who are to be saved. II. That one CANNOT fall from grace, that it is impossible. III. Direct operation of the Holy Spirit. IV. Infant baptism because we are born in sin. V. The mode of baptism is sprinkling or pouring of water because it is not necessary to be immersed in water. VI. It is not necessary to eat the Lord's Supper each Lord's day. A. Another denominational church was born because it did not return unto the Divine Pattern for establishing a congregation of the New Testament Church. B. This church also doesn't sanction the True Being of God and the True Being of Christ in matters of their own creation and redemption of life because those persons make God to be three ranked Persons who would be called the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in being their Creator; whereas they make Christ to be a ranked Person who would be called the Son (Jesus) in being their Redeemer. 1). We don't possess the Divine Traits of a ranked God in matters of our own creation of life, nor do we possess the Divine Qualities of a one Person Christ in reference to our own redemption of life because God is not the being of three ranked Persons who would be called the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in being our Creator, nor is Christ the being of a ranked Person who would be called the Son (Jesus) in being our Redeemer. Rank means that the Father would be the first Person in power, rule and authority; the Son (Jesus) would be the second Person in power, rule and authority; whereas the Holy Spirit would be the third Person in power, rule and authority. 2). We possess the Divine Nature of God who is the being of three equal Persons that are called the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit in matters of our own creation of life; whereas we possess the Divine Nature of Christ who is the being of three equal Persons that are called the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in reference to our own redemption of life because those three God-Persons, who are called the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit in being our Creator, equally made Themselves to work in the Name of Christ in being called the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit so that They could be our Redeemer. This means that God and Christ are the two Divine Names in which three Persons who equally are made to work in being our Creator and our Redeemer so that in that world which is to come we can become equal (having power, rule and authority) with Them. 3). We can't Scripturally make a ranked hierarchy (a centralized head) to rule in the New Testament Church because no one priest, elder or bishop has any more power, rule and authority than another priest, elder, or bishop in religious matters. This is why each congregation of the New Testament Church must be autonomous (self-ruled) because Christ (not a redeemed man) is the head (the ruler) of the Church.
THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND (1534) The church of England began when King Henry VIII broke ties with Roman in about 1534. There were many circumstances both in a religious way and in a political way which led to this broken relationship. It is true that Henry VIII wanted to divorce his wife: Catherine of Aragon who had been with him for twenty five years because he wanted to marry Anne Boleyn from France. Now, the Pope denied his petition for the divorce. So, Henry separated the church of England from the rule of the Pope. However, Parliament declared Henry to be the head of the church in England. Therefore, this church endorsed the thirty-nine Articles of their faith which is known as the Common Prayer Book because they have a ranked hierarchy which rules their congregations. I. Another denominational church was born because it did not return unto the Original Pattern for establishing a congregation of the New Testament Church. II. This church also doesn't confirm the True Being of God and the True Being of Christ in reference to their own creation and redemption of life because those persons make God to be three ranked Persons who would be called the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in being their Creator; whereas they make Christ to be a ranked Person who would be called the Son (Jesus) in being their Redeemer. A. We don't possess the Divine Qualities of a ranked God in matters of our own creation of life, nor do we possess the Divine Traits of a one Person Christ in reference to our own redemption of life because God is not the being of three ranked Persons who would be called the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in being our Creator, nor is Christ the being of a ranked Person who would be called the Son (Jesus) in being our Redeemer. Rank means that the Father would be the first Person in power, rule and authority; the Son (Jesus) would be the second Person in power, rule and authority; whereas the Holy Spirit would be the third Person in power, rule and authority. B. We possess the Divine Characteristics of God who is the being of three equal Persons that are called the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit in matters of our own creation of life; whereas we possess the Divine Qualities of Christ who is the being of three equal Persons that are called the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in reference to our own redemption of life because those three God-Persons, who are called the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit in being our Creator, equally made Themselves to work in the Name of Christ in being called the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit so that They could be our Redeemer. This means that God and Christ are the two Divine Names in which three Persons who equally are working in being our Creator and our Redeemer so that in that world which is to come we can become equal (having power, rule and authority) with Them. C. We can't Scripturally make a centralized head (a ranked hierarchy) to rule in the New Testament Church because no one priest, elder or bishop has any more power, rule and authority than another priest, elder, or bishop in religious matters. This is why each congregation of the New Testament Church must be autonomous (self-ruled) because Christ (not a redeemed man) is the head (the ruler) of the Church.
THE BAPTIST CHURCH (1608) This church was started by John Smyth because there was a controversy over baptism. Some of those people refused to admit anyone into their fellowship who would not repudiate his Catholic baptism by being baptized again. The Catholics believed in sprinkling as the mode of baptism. However, the Baptist believed that a person should be immersed in water. Thus, this started the primitive Baptist church. Therefore, these are some of the doctrines which were taught by the early Baptist church because they have a centralized head which rules their congregations. I. A person is born dead in sin and cannot do one thing to rescue himself. II. If one is saved it is because God saved him before the foundation of the world. All others are lost eternally without a cause. III. All the saints will be preserved in grace unto heavenly glory, and NOT ONE of them will be finally lost. IV. Foot washing was a church ordinance. A. The Baptist church was just another denomination because it did not return unto the Apostolic Authority for establishing a congregation of the New Testament Church. B. This church also doesn't accept the True Being of God and the True Being of Christ in matters of their own creation and redemption of life because those persons make God to be three ranked Persons who would be called the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in being their Creator; whereas they make Christ to be a ranked Person who would be called the Son (Jesus) in being their Redeemer. 1). We don't possess the Divine Qualities of a ranked God who would be three ranked Persons that are called the Father, the Son (Christ) and the Holy Spirit in being our Creator, nor do we possess the Divine Traits of a one Person Christ would would be a ranked Person that is called the Son (Jesus) in being our Redeemer because God is not the being of three ranked Persons, nor is Christ the being of a ranked Person in matters of our own creation and redemption of life. Rank means that the Father would be the first Person in power, rule and authority; the Son (Jesus) would be the second Person in power, rule and authority; whereas the Holy Spirit would be the third Person in power, rule and authority. 2). We possess the Divine Characteristics of God who is the being of three equal Persons that are called the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit in being our Creator; whereas we possess the Divine Traits of Christ who is the being of three equal Persons that are called the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in being our Redeemer because those three God-Persons, who are called the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit in being our Creator, equally made Themselves to work in the Name of Christ in being called the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit so that They could be our Redeemer. This means that God and Christ are the two Divine Names in which three Persons who equally are working in being our Creator and our Redeemer so that in that world which is to come we can become equal (having power, rule and authority) with Them. 3). We can't Scripturally make a ranked hierarchy (a centralized head) to rule in the New Testament Church because no one priest, elder or bishop has any more power, rule and authority than another priest, elder, or bishop in religious matters. This is why each congregation of the New Testament Church must be autonomous (self-ruled) because Christ (not a redeemed man) is the head (the ruler) of the Church.
THE METHODIST CHURCH (1739) John Wesley started the Methodist church in England because he was displeased with the lack of spirituality and the rituals which were characterized in the church of England. His group stressed holy living and spoke of it as being "The Holy Club". His church was given the name Methodist because he was emphasizing "Better methods of religion." The first Methodist Society was formed at Kingswood in 1739. These are some of the doctrines which are taught by the Methodist church because they have a ranked hierarchy which rules their congregations. I. The doctrine of justification by faith only "is a most wholesome doctrine and is very full of comfort." II. They believe that the Methodist church is ONE of the many branches of the Lord's church. III. There is nothing in a name because a Christian can wear any name. IV. There is no difference between the Old Testament and the New Testament because one is to be obeyed as much as the other with the Methodists. V. Baptism is not essential to salvation. (Yet, for a baby to be saved, he must be baptized.) This was taught by John Wesley. VI. When an adult is converted, he can be sprinkled or immersed in water, but the church preferred that a person be sprinkled with water. VII. They desired that a person serve a six month probation period so that he could be accepted into full fellowship in the church. A. Another denominational church was born because it did not return unto the First Century Pattern for establishing a congregation of the New Testament Church. B. This church also doesn't confess the True Being of God and the True Being of Christ in reference to their own creation and redemption of life because those persons make God to be three ranked Persons who would be called the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in being their Creator; whereas they make Christ to be a ranked Person who would be called the Son (Jesus) in being their Redeemer. 1). We don't possess the Divine Qualities of a ranked God who would be three ranked Persons that are called the Father, the Son (Christ) and the Holy Spirit in being our Creator, nor do we possess the Divine Traits of a one Person Christ would would be a ranked Person that is called the Son (Jesus) in being our Redeemer because God is not the being of three ranked Persons, nor is Christ the being of a ranked Person in matters of our own creation and redemption of life. Rank means that the Father would be the first Person in power, rule and authority; the Son (Jesus) would be the second Person in power, rule and authority; whereas the Holy Spirit would be the third Person in power, rule and authority. 2). We possess the Divine Characteristics of God who is the being of three equal Persons that are called the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit in being our Creator; whereas we possess the Divine Traits of Christ who is the being of three equal Persons that are called the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in being our Redeemer because those three God-Persons, who are called the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit in being our Creator, equally made Themselves to work in the Name of Christ in being called the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit so that They could be our Redeemer. This means that God and Christ are the two Divine Names in which three Persons who equally are working in being our Creator and our Redeemer so that in that world which is to come we can become equal (having power, rule and authority) with Them. 3). We can't Scripturally make a centralized head (a ranked hierarchy) to rule in the New Testament Church because no one priest, elder or bishop has any more power, rule and authority than another priest, elder, or bishop in religious matters. This is why each congregation of the New Testament Church must be autonomous (self-ruled) because Christ (not a redeemed man) is the head (the ruler) of the Church.
THE BIRTH OF DENOMINATIONALISM IN AMERICA I. The denominational churches which were established in American followed the same philosophy which started the Reformation in Europe because they wanted to reform some of the religious errors which were being taught. II. The denominational churches which were established in American gave greater emphasis on the miraculous works of the Holy Spirit. III. The denominational churches which were established in American claim to have a "prophet" or a group of "inspired men" which governs their congregations with their supposedly inspired teachings. A. Religious error exist in the denominational world because those persons do not understand the True Being of God and the True Being of Christ in matters of their own creation and redemption of life. B. Religious error exist in the denominational world because those persons do not understand the Divine Nature of the New Testament Church in matters of their own redemption of life. This is why they have a ranked hierarchy (a centralized head) which rules their congregations. C. We must learn the truth of God which reveals the Divine Blessings of New Testament Christianity because we can be deceived by religious error in many different way.
THE MORMONS (1830) The Mormon church is called the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day saints. This church was started by Joseph Smith because he claimed to be a prophet of God. He revealed that an angel had directed him to the place where he found the plates which he latter translated into the Book of Mormon. Therefore, these are some of the doctrines which are taught by the Mormons because they have a centralized head which rules their congregations. I. They believe that Joseph Smith, as well as others, were inspired apostles or prophets. II. The book of Mormon is the word of God. III. They believe the three men's testimony, always given as proof in their works, and especially when eight others are attached, this would be positive proof of the inspiration of their works. IV. The succession of inspired apostles, and spiritual gifts are being handed down. V. They believed in polygamy until the Government stopped this practice. A. Another denominational church was started because it refused to follow the Divine Pattern for establishing a congregation of the New Testament Church. B. This church also doesn't confess the True Being of God and the True Being of Christ in matters of their own creation and redemption of life because those persons make God to be three ranked Persons who would be called the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in being their Creator; whereas they make Christ to be a ranked Person who would be called the Son (Jesus) in being their Redeemer. 1). We don't possess the Divine Qualities of a ranked God who would be three ranked Persons that are called the Father, the Son (Christ) and the Holy Spirit in being our Creator, nor do we possess the Divine Traits of a one Person Christ would would be a ranked Person that is called the Son (Jesus) in being our Redeemer because God is not the being of three ranked Persons, nor is Christ the being of a ranked Person in reference to our own creation and redemption of life. Rank means that the Father would be the first Person in power, rule and authority; the Son (Jesus) would be the second Person in power, rule and authority; whereas the Holy Spirit would be the third Person in power, rule and authority. 2). We possess the Divine Characteristics of God who is the being of three equal Persons that are called the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit in being our Creator; whereas we possess the Divine Traits of Christ who is the being of three equal Persons that are called the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in being our Redeemer because those three God-Persons, who are called the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit in being our Creator, equally made Themselves to work in the Name of Christ in being called the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit so that They could be our Redeemer. This means that God and Christ are the two Divine Names in which three Persons who equally are working in being our Creator and our Redeemer so that in that world which is to come we can become equal (having power, rule and authority) with Them. 3). We can't Scripturally make a ranked hierarchy (a centralized head) to rule in the New Testament Church because no one priest, elder or bishop has any more power, rule and authority than another priest, elder, or bishop in religious matters. This is why each congregation of the New Testament Church must be autonomous (self-ruled) because Christ (not a redeemed man) is the head (the ruler) of the Church.
THE JEHOVAH'S WITNESS (1879) The Jehovah's Witness church was founded by Charles Taze Russell. This church was first called "Russellites" because Charles Russell was its founding preacher. Mr. Russell published several books concerning "the Millennial Dawn" , or "studies in the Scriptures" which he believed and was willing to debate. Those people have a paper that is published in Brooklyn, New York which is their headquarters. This paper is called "the Watch tower". Therefore, these are some of the teachings of that sect because they have a ranked hierarchy which rules their congregations. I. They teach a doctrine which they claim to be infallible and absolute true to God's words in every respect. II. This church denies the second coming of Christ. III. They believe that God is the being of only one Person who is called Jehovah (the Father). IV. This church claims that Christ is a created Deity, but he is a lesser Deity than Jehovah God the Father. V. They believe that man doesn't have an immortal soul because a man can die in the sense of ceasing to exist. VI. This church refuses to recognize the stars and strips of the American flag. Thus, they are apparently against the civil government which protects them. A. Another denominational church was born because it refused to return unto the Original Pattern for establishing a congregation of the New Testament Church. B. This church also doesn't sanction the True Being of God and the True Being of Christ in reference to their own creation and redemption of life because those persons make God to be only one Person who is called Jehovah: the Father in being their Creator and those persons make Christ to be a totally created god who would be called the Son (Jesus) in being their Redeemer. 1). We do not possess the Divine Nature of a one Person God who would be called Jehovah: the Father in matters of our own creation of life, nor do we possess the Divine Nature of a one Person Christ who would be a totally created God that is called the Son (Jesus) in reference to our own redemption of life because God is the being of more than one Person who is called the Father in being our Creator, and Christ was made to be more than one Person who is called the Son (Jesus) in being our Redeemer. 2). We possess the Divine Qualities of God who is the being of three equal Persons that are called the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit in matters of our own creation of life; whereas we possess the Divine Characteristics of Christ who is the being of three equal Persons that are called the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in reference to our own redemption of life because those three God-Persons, who are called the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit in being our Creator, equally made Themselves to work in the Name of Christ in being called the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit so that They could be our Redeemer. This means that God and Christ are the two Divine Names in which three Persons who equally are working in being our Creator and our Redeemer so that in that world which is to come we can become equal (having power, rule and authority) with Them. 3). We can't Scripturally make a centralized head (a ranked hierarchy) to rule in the New Testament Church because no one priest, elder or bishop has any more power, rule and authority than another priest, elder, or bishop in religious matters. This is why each congregation of the New Testament Church must be autonomous (self-ruled) because Christ (not a redeemed man) is the head (the ruler) of the Church.
THE ADVENTIST CHURCH (1884) The Seven-Day Adventist church was started by William Miller because he pretended to interpret prophecy. However, he was doctrinally wrong on his interpretation of the second coming of Christ because he had predicted that the Lord would come and set up his throne in Jerusalem between March 21, 1843 and March 21,1844. Furthermore, he latter had to admit his mistake. Now, from among his followers there arose a small group of people in Washington, New Hampshire who began to observe the seventh-day Sabbath as they found it enjoined in the fourth commandment of the Decalogue. The most prominent persons among this group was James White and his wife, Mrs. Ellen G. White. Mrs. White became quite well known for her supposedly to be inspired testimonials which was gathered while she was in one of her trances and which is believed by most Adventists. Therefore, these are some of teachings of the Seven-Day Adventist church because they have a centralized head which rules their congregations. I. They believe that there were two laws which was given on Mt. Sinai, one of which is still binding on us. II. This one contained the Decalogue, or ten commandments, and the Sabbath day which is to be observed now by all Christians. III. They teach that Mrs. Ellen White's Testimonials are inspired like the Bible. IV. This church teaches that the body goes back to dust at death, and the spirit is only the breath that we breath. V. They believe that when one dies that he is as if he had never existed-he is annihilated. A. Another denominational church was born because it refused to return unto the First Century Pattern for establishing a congregation of the New Testament Church. B. This church also doesn't confess the True Being of God and the True Being of Christ in matters of their own creation and redemption of life because those persons make God to be three ranked Persons who would be called the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in being their Creator; whereas they make Christ to be a ranked Person who would be called the Son (Jesus) in being their Redeemer. 1). We don't possess the Divine Qualities of a ranked God who would be three ranked Persons that are called the Father, the Son (Christ) and the Holy Spirit in being our Creator, nor do we possess the Divine Traits of a one Person Christ would would be a ranked Person that is called the Son (Jesus) in being our Redeemer because God is not the being of three ranked Persons, nor is Christ the being of a ranked Person in reference to our own created and redemption of life. Rank means that the Father would be the first Person in power, rule and authority; the Son (Jesus) would be the second Person in power, rule and authority; whereas the Holy Spirit would be the third Person in power, rule and authority. 2). We possess the Divine Characteristics of God who is the being of three equal Persons that are called the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit in being our Creator, and we possess the Divine Traits of Christ who is the being of three equal Persons that are called the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in being our Redeemer because those three God-Persons, who are called the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit in being our Creator, equally made Themselves to work in the Name of Christ in being called the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit so that They could be our Redeemer. This means that God and Christ are the two Divine Names in which three Persons who equally are working in being our Creator and our Redeemer so that in that world which is to come we can become equal (having power, rule and authority) with Them. 3). We can't Scripturally make a ranked hierarchy (a centralized head) to rule in the New Testament Church because no one priest, elder or bishop has any more power, rule and authority than another priest, elder, or bishop in religious matters. This is why each congregation of the New Testament Church must be autonomous (self-ruled) because Christ (not a redeemed man) is the head (the ruler) of the Church.
THE PENTECOSTAL MOVEMENT (1899) This movement begin in Topeka, Kansas when a band of people joined together so that they could pray and fast for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. This group fasted and prayed for twenty-one days so that the Holy Spirit could be revealed to them in a miraculous way. They claimed that the Holy Spirit was poured out upon them in a miraculous way because they were able to speak with tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. This group believed that the Holy Spirit was working through them in the same way that the Holy Spirit worked in the Apostles on the day of Pentecost. Thus, their slogan became "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever". So in 1914, a conference was called at Hot Springs, Ark. During which time a General Council of the Assemblies of God was formed. However, at a later time this group was divided into other smaller groups because other churches were formed from this movement. I. Different denominational churches came into being because of the Pentecostal Movement because they did not return unto the Original Pattern for establishing a congregation of the New Testament Church. Therefore, that movement has a ranked hierarchy which governs their religious activities. II. That movement also doesn't acknowledge the True Being of God and the True Being of Christ in reference to their own creation and redemption of life because those persons make God to be three ranked Persons who would be called the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in being their Creator; whereas they make Christ to be a ranked Person who would be called the Son (Jesus) in being their Redeemer. 1). We don't possess the Divine Qualities of a ranked God who would be three ranked Persons that are called the Father, the Son (Christ) and the Holy Spirit in being our Creator, nor do we possess the Divine Traits of a one Person Christ would would be a ranked Person that is called the Son (Jesus) in being our Redeemer because God is not the being of three ranked Persons, nor is Christ the being of a ranked Person in reference to our own creation and redemption of life. Rank means that the Father would be the first Person in power, rule and authority; the Son (Jesus) would be the second Person in power, rule and authority; whereas the Holy Spirit would be the third Person in power, rule and authority. 2). We possess the Divine Characteristics of God who is the being of three equal Persons that are called the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit in being our Creator; whereas we possess the Divine Traits of Christ who is the being of three equal Persons that are called the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in being our Redeemer because those three God-Persons, who are called the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit in being our Creator, equally made Themselves to work in the Name of Christ in being called the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit so that They could be our Redeemer. This means that God and Christ are the two Divine Names in which three Persons who equally are working in being our Creator and our Redeemer so that in that world which is to come we can become equal (having power, rule and authority) with Them. 3). We can't Scripturally make a centralized head (a ranked hierarchy) to rule in the New Testament Church because no one priest, elder or bishop has any more power, rule and authority than another priest, elder, or bishop in religious matters. This is why each congregation of the New Testament Church must be autonomous (self-ruled) because Christ (not a redeemed man) is the head (the ruler) of the Church.
THE PENTECOSTAL CHURCH The Pentecostal church was born because of the Pentecostal Movement which begin in 1899. These are some of the doctrines which are taught by that church because they have a centralized head which rules their congregations. I. They believe that they are baptized in the Holy Spirit. II. Those people claim that the Holy Spirit enables them to heal incurable diseases and even to raise the dead. III. This church teaches that Jesus is the only person who is in the Godhead. Thus, they baptized only in the name of Jesus. A. Another denominational church was born because it refused to return unto the Apostolic Authority for establishing a congregation of the New Testament Church. B. This church also doesn't confess the True Being of God and the True Being of Christ in matters of their own creation and redemption of life because those persons make God to be only one Person who would be called the Father in being their Creator, and they also make that same Person to be called Christ in being the Son (Jesus) by His Own Incarnation in the flesh, but they also make that same Person to be called the Holy Spirit in being their Redeemer. 1). We do not possess the Divine Traits of a one Person God in matters of our own creation of life because God is the being of more than one Heavenly Person who is called the Father in being our Creator, nor do we possess the Divine Qualities of a one Person Christ in reference to our own redemption of life because Christ is the being of more than one Heavenly Person who is called the Son (Jesus) in being our Redeemer; whereas the Holy Spirit is an Heavenly Person who is called both God and Christ in being our Creator and our Redeemer. 2). We possess the Divine Characteristics of God who is the being of three equal Persons that are called the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit in matters of our own creation of life; whereas we possess the Divine Qualities of Christ who is the being of three equal Persons that are called the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in reference to our own redemption of life because those three God-Persons, who are called the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit in being our Creator, equally made Themselves to work in the Name of Christ in being called the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit so that They could be our Redeemer. This means that God and Christ are the two Divine Names in which three equal Persons who are working in being our Creator and our Redeemer so that in that world which is to come we can become equal (having power, rule and authority) with Them. 3). We can't Scripturally make a ranked hierarchy (a centralized head) to rule in the New Testament Church because no one priest, elder or bishop has any more power, rule and authority than another priest, elder, or bishop in religious matters. This is why each congregation of the New Testament Church must be autonomous (self-ruled) because Christ (not a redeemed man) is the head (the ruler) of the Church.
THE ASSEMBLIES OF GOD The Assemblies of God was born from the Pentecost Movement which began in 1899. These are some of the doctrines which are being taught by that church because they have a ranked hierarchy which rules their congregations. I. Sinless perfection, as a result of the second work of grace. II. The baptismal measure of the Holy Spirit. As a results of the baptismal measure of the Holy Spirit, those who get it, can and will talk in unknown tongues, and will be able to heal the sick. III. Jesus will judge the world "in righteousness, while reigning upon the earth, for a thousand years". A. Another denominational church was born because it refused to return unto the Divine Pattern for establishing a congregation of the New Testament Church. B. This church also doesn't sanction the True Being of God and the True Being of Christ in reference to their own creation and redemption of life because those persons make God to be three ranked Persons who would be called the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in being their Creator; whereas they make Christ to be a ranked Person who would be called the Son (Jesus) in being their Redeemer. 1). We don't possess the Divine Qualities of a ranked God who would be three ranked Persons that are called the Father, the Son (Christ) and the Holy Spirit in being our Creator, nor do we possess the Divine Traits of a one Person Christ would would be a ranked Person that is called the Son (Jesus) in being our Redeemer because God is not the being of three ranked Persons, nor is Christ the being of a ranked Person in matters of our own creation and redemption of life. Rank means that the Father would be the first Person in power, rule and authority; the Son (Jesus) would be the second Person in power, rule and authority; whereas the Holy Spirit would be the third Person in power, rule and authority. 2). We possess the Divine Characteristics of God who is the being of three equal Persons that are called the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit in being our Creator; whereas we possess the Divine Traits of Christ who is the being of three equal Persons that are called the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in being our Redeemer because those three God-Persons, who are called the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit in being our Creator, equally made Themselves to work in the Name of Christ in being called the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit so that They could be our Redeemer. This means that God and Christ are the two Divine Names in which three Persons who equally are working in being our Creator and our Redeemer so that in that world which is to come we can become equal (having power, rule and authority) with Them. 3). We can't Scripturally make a centralized head (a ranked hierarchy) to rule in the New Testament Church because no one priest, elder or bishop has any more power, rule and authority than another priest, elder, or bishop in religious matters. This is why each congregation of the New Testament Church must be autonomous (self-ruled) because Christ (not a redeemed man) is the head (the ruler) of the Church.
THE CHURCH OF GOD There are three different groups of people among this denominational church. They teach different doctrines concerning the Divine Nature of God and the Divine Nature of Christ, and they have a different plan of salvation for converting the lost. These are some of the doctrines which are taught in that church because they have a centralized head which rules their congregations. I. The Missouri Group teaches that the church of God is the scriptural name of the church. Sinless perfection is for the human family. Old law of clean and unclean flesh is still binding on us. That people should keep the old Jewish Sabbath day. II. The Indiana Group believe that people should live above sin. There is a difference concerning the kingdom because some say that the kingdom is here and that it is now working. Forgiveness of sins is on the basis of the atonement of Christ: and by repentance and faith on the part of the person who desires to be saved. Some practice baptism by immersion, the Lord's Supper and foot washing. III. The Tennessee Group believe that you may have the baptismal measure of the Holy Spirit, if you desire. After a person becomes sinless, he can then talk in unknown tongues, and heal the sick. The "Pastor" of the local church is the chief ruler. A. The church of God is just another denominational church because it did not return unto the Original Pattern for establishing a congregation of the New Testament Church. B. This church also refuses to confirm the True Being of God and the True Being of Christ in matters of their own creation and redemption of life because those persons make God to be three ranked Persons who would be called the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in being their Creator; whereas they make Christ to be a ranked Person who would be called the Son (Jesus) in being their Redeemer. 1). We don't possess the Divine Qualities of a ranked God who would be three ranked Persons that are called the Father, the Son (Christ) and the Holy Spirit in being our Creator, nor do we possess the Divine Traits of a one Person Christ would would be a ranked Person that is called the Son (Jesus) in being our Redeemer because God is not the being of three ranked Persons, nor is Christ the being of a ranked Person in matters of our own creation and redemption of life. Rank means that the Father would be the first Person in power, rule and authority; the Son (Jesus) would be the second Person in power, rule and authority; whereas the Holy Spirit would be the third Person in power, rule and authority. 2). We possess the Divine Characteristics of God who is the being of three equal Persons that are called the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit in being our Creator; whereas we possess the Divine Traits of Christ who is the being of three equal Persons that are called the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in being our Redeemer because those three God-Persons, who are called the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit in being our Creator, equally made Themselves to work in the Name of Christ in being called the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit so that They could be our Redeemer. This means that God and Christ are the two Divine Names in which three Persons who equally are working in being our Creator and our Redeemer so that in that world which is to come we can become equal (having power, rule and authority) with Them. 3). We can't Scripturally make a ranked hierarchy (a centralized head) to rule in the New Testament Church because no one priest, elder or bishop has any more power, rule and authority than another priest, elder, or bishop in religious matters. This is why each congregation of the New Testament Church must be autonomous (self-ruled) because Christ (not a redeemed man) is the head (the ruler) of the Church.
THE RESULTS OF DENOMINATIONALISM I. The denominational churches are divided in a religious way because of the conflicting doctrines which they are teaching. Those churches have human founders, and they believe in human statutes. Most of those churches are called by a human name instead of being called by a Divine Name. They have a human way of worshiping God, and they have human requirements so that one can become a member of their church because they have a ranked hierarchy which rules their congregations. II. Those churches also refuse to confess the True Being of God and the True Being of Christ in matters of their own creation and redemption of life because those persons make God to be three ranked Persons who would be called the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in being their Creator; whereas they make Christ to be a ranked Person who would be called the Son (Jesus) in being their Redeemer. A. We don't possess the Divine Qualities of a ranked God who would be three ranked Persons that are called the Father, the Son (Christ) and the Holy Spirit in being our Creator, nor do we possess the Divine Traits of a one Person Christ would would be a ranked Person that is called the Son (Jesus) in being our Redeemer because God is not the being of three ranked Persons, nor is Christ the being of a ranked Person in matters of our own creation and redemption of life. Rank means that the Father would be the first Person in power, rule and authority; the Son (Jesus) would be the second Person in power, rule and authority; whereas the Holy Spirit would be the third Person in power, rule and authority. B. We possess the Divine Characteristics of God who is the being of three equal Persons that are called the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit in being our Creator; whereas we possess the Divine Traits of Christ who is the being of three equal Persons that are called the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in being our Redeemer because those three God-Persons, who are called the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit in being our Creator, equally made Themselves to work in the Name of Christ in being called the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit so that They could be our Redeemer. This means that God and Christ are the two Divine Names in which three Persons who equally are working in being our Creator and our Redeemer so that in that world which is to come we can become equal (having power, rule and authority) with Them. C. We can't Scripturally make a centralized head (a ranked hierarchy) to rule in the New Testament Church because no one priest, elder or bishop has any more power, rule and authority than another priest, elder, or bishop in religious matters. This is why each congregation of the New Testament Church must be autonomous (self-ruled) because Christ (not a redeemed man) is the head (the ruler) of the Church.
THE RESTORATION MOVEMENT IN AMERICA The principles of the Restoration Movement was to restore the New Testament Church unto the Divine Pattern of the Church which existed in the First Century. This is the slogan which was coined in the early days of the Restoration, "Where the Bible speaks, we speak; where the Bible is silent, we are silent." They wanted to acknowledge Christ as having the supreme authority in religion, and that the New Testament would be the only rule of faith and practice. A proper distinction between the Old Testament and the New Testament were advocated. There would be an acknowledgement that the New Testament would be the only the pattern for the church. They wanted to acknowledge the autonomy of the local Church, and there would be the plea for all Christians to be unified. These are some of the men who advocated that movement. James O'Kelly (1794) a Methodist preacher in Mankintown, North Carolina, began to oppose the Episcopal form of government in the Methodist church. He insisted upon the autonomy of the local church as it is authorized in the New Testament. Dr. Abner Jones (1880) a prominent Baptist preacher of Vermont, broke away from the Baptist church in about 1800. He established congregations that worshipped after the New Testament pattern. They called themselves "Christians" and accepted the Bible as being their only rule of faith and practice. Barton W. Stone (1801) rejected the teachings of the Presbyterian church. He advocated that we should return to the New Testament order of things which was done in the First Century. Thomas Campbell (1807) rejected the doctrines of the Presbyterian church. He wrote a document which contained more than 30,000 words in which he advocated a return unto First Century Christianity. Alexander Campbell (1811) broke away from the Presbyterian church because he did not want to be governed by creeds which were written by men. He started an independent congregation which they called "Brush Run". This congregation consisted of about thirty members. Therefore, they advocated that religious men should return unto Apostolic Christianity. Now, all of these men did a great work in making some people aware of the fact that they should return unto First Century Christianity. However, we do not claim that those men are our religious leaders because Christ is our Leader. Therefore, when churches of Christ preach the same things that they were advocating, it is not because they taught it, but it is because the word of God teaches it.
THE CONCLUSION Each generation must earnestly contend for the faith (the whole gospel system) because there are many aspects of the great apostasy which concerns the Spiritual Blessings of New Testament Christianity. Jude said concerning the Great Apostasy, "Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation (the general blessings of New Testament Christianity), it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith (the whole gospel system) which was once delivered unto the saints. For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ." Jude 2-4 I. The congregations which exist today must be patterned after the New Testament Church that had its beginning in the First Century because the Divine Laws of God are still valid and binding upon us. II. The congregations which exist today should acknowledge that God is the name (the being) of three equal Persons who are called the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit in being our Creator because the one God of the Scriptures can be more than one Person providing that those Persons equally possess the same Personage, Powers, Nature and Attributes of the one and only God in matters of Their Own Individual Nature of life. III. The congregations which exist today should realize that the Father and the Son Relationship which exist between God and Christ is the being of a Father-head Figure and an Offspring Status Relationship instead of being two Persons because those three God-Persons, who are called the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit in being our Creator, equally made Themselves to work in the Name of Christ in being called the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit so that They could be our Redeemer. IV. The congregations which exist today should confess that Christ is the name (the being) of three equal Persons who are called the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in being our Redeemer because we as being an alien sinner must be baptized into Christ for the remission of our sins by being baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit so that we can become a New Testament Christian. V. God and Christ are the Two Divine Names in which three Persons who equally are working in matters of our own creation and redemption of life because we have been created and redeemed by three equal Persons who are called God and Christ in being our Creator and our Redeemer so that in that world which is to come we can become equal (having power, rule and authority) with Them. A. We will become equal (having power, rule and authority) with those three Persons who equally are called God and Christ in being our Creator and our Redeemer because in heaven we will possess Their Spiritual Personage of life which will be a Spiritual Body, and an Eternal Soul and Spirit in matters of Our Own Individual Nature of life. "And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is sown a nature body, it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body. Who (our Lord) shall change our vile body (our fleshly body), that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body (His Spiritual Body), according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself. And as we have borne the image of the earthy (the earthy man who possesses a physical body, and an Eternal Soul and Spirit), we shall also bear the image of the heavenly" (the Spiritual Person who has a Spiritual Body, and an Eternal Soul and Spirit). 1 Thessalonians 5:23, 1 Corinthians 15:44, Philippians 3:21,1 Corinthians 15:49 B. We will become equal (having power, rule and authority) with those three Persons who equally are called God and Christ in being our Creator and our Redeemer because in heaven we will possess Their Divine Powers of life in reference to Our Own Individual Being of Life. "If we suffer, we shall also reign (rule) with him (the Lord our God). If we deny him, he also will deny us. To him that overcometh (the forces of evil) will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. And to him will I give power over the nations. And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father. And they shall reign (rule) for ever and ever" (over the powers of Satan). 2 Timothy 2:12, Revelation 3:21, Revelation 2:26-27, Revelation 22:5 C. We will become equal (having power, rule and authority) with those three Persons who equally are called God and Christ in being our Creator and our Redeemer because in heaven we will possess Their Divine Nature of life in matters of Our Own Individual Nature of life. "It is written in your law, I said, Ye (created men) are gods. If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scriptures can not be broken. God has given unto us many exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. Him that overcometh (the powers of Satan) will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name. Of whom (God) the whole family in heaven and earth is named." John 10:34-35, 2 Peter 1:4, Revelation 3:12, Ephesians 3:15 D. We will become equal (having power, rule and authority) with those three Persons who equally are called God and Christ in being our Creator and our Redeemer because in heaven we will possess Their Divine Attributes of life in reference to Our Own Individual Being of life. "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. Be ye also merciful, as your Father also is merciful. He that overcometh (the powers of sin), the same shall be clothed in white raiment (having his Divine Attributes Perfected): and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angles. For there shall in no wise enter into it (the Heavenly City) any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life." Matthew 5:48, Luke 6:36, Revelation 3:5, Revelation 21:27 E. We will become equal (having power, rule and authority) with those three Persons who equally are called God and Christ in being our Creator and our Redeemer because in heaven we will possess Their Immortality of life in matters of Our Own Individual Nature of life. "Which in his times he shall shew who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords: Who only hath immortality (the Lord in all of His Power and Glory only has immortality, but the Lord has promised to give unto us those same Spiritual Blessings of Immortality), dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen nor can see: to whom be honour and power everlasting. Amen. To them (the Christians) who by patient continuance in well doing seek for glory and honour and immortality, eternal life." 1 Timothy 6:15-16, Romans 2:7
THE APPLICATION I. We can't Scripturally make a centralized head (a ranked hierarchy) to rule in the New Testament Church because we are all equal in matters of our own creation and redemption of life. This is why the clergy and the laity class of people can not Scripturally exist in the New Testament Church because no one redeemed person can Scripturally rule a congregation of the Lord's Church. Therefore, we should not call any redeemed person: Reverend or Father because those are Divine Titles which belong unto the Lord our God (not redeemed man). "Holy and reverend is his name. Call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven." Psalms 111:9, Matthew 23:9 II. We can't Scripturally make any created person to be any greater than we are in a created way, nor can we Scripturally make any created person to be any less than we are in a created way because we are equal in matters of our own creation of life. This is why no one race of people is any greater than another race of people because we are all equal in reference to our own creation of life. Therefore, we should not respect any one person above another person because God is no respecter of persons. "Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him. If ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors, For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilt of all." Acts 10:34-35, James 2:9-10 III. We can't Scripturally make any redeemed person to be any greater than we are in a redeemed way, nor can we Scripturally make any redeemed person to be any less than we are in a redeemed way because we are all equal in matters of our own redemption of life. This means that no one priest, elder, or bishop has any more power, rule and authority than another priest, elder or bishop because no one redeemed man can Scripturally rule a congregation of the Lord's Church. Each congregation of the New Testament Church is autonomous (self-ruled) because of the equality of our own creation and redemption of life. Therefore, Christ (not a redeemed man) is the head of the Church. "Christ is the head (the ruler) of the church; and he is saviour of the body: the Church." Ephesians 5:23 PLEASE E MAIL ME YOUR RESPONSE TO THIS ARTICLE. May the Lord continue to bless you and your loved ones. |
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